Graphic Homosexual Handbooks Given to School Children in Massachusetts on Tax Payer M

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Well, I think the antichrist has just identified himself even more clearly.

He goes by the name “Legion” which is short for: Rainbow Coalition, ACLU, Rainbow Sash coalition, etc. He is everywhere and into everything, especially those things that are the most sacred…sexuality and Holy Communion.

Get your armor on, friends and neighbors…we’re in for a bumpy battle!

But remember we have been promised a good ending and so let’s do what God prompts in this battle and watch what Legion is trying to build be buried under the heavy and vengeful hand of God.

Remember also this verse (sorry, don’t remember): VENGEANCE IS MINE, SAITH THE LORD.

And to that I just say, “AMEN”.

We should pray the Divine Mercy.
**Uh oh, someone is in trouble with God over this one. We should pray for whomever made these books and that ALL their evil be undone, as many will be led directly into grave sin.

from the CCC

**II. **Respect for the Dignity of Persons
Respect for the souls of others: scandal

2284 Scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. the person who gives scandal becomes his neighbor’s tempter. He damages virtue and integrity; he may even draw his brother into spiritual death. Scandal is a grave offense if by deed or omission another is deliberately led into a grave offense.

2285 Scandal takes on a particular gravity by reason of the authority of those who cause it or the weakness of those who are scandalized. It prompted our Lord to utter this curse: "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."85 Scandal is grave when given by those who by nature or office are obliged to teach and educate others. Jesus reproaches the scribes and Pharisees on this account: he likens them to wolves in sheep’s clothing.86

2286 Scandal can be provoked by laws or institutions, by fashion or opinion.
I implore all of you who see this to complain to any and ev everyon you can think of:nope: If this goes unnoticed and unchecked it will end up everywhere:( How many of you have children that know a child in public schools?How ould you feel if your child saw and read that?:mad: :bigyikes: :eek:
In case anyone had doubts about the truth of this story (which doesn’t appear to be happening here at CA, but did on another forum I post at), now GLSEN Boston admits it, although it is their “corrected” version. Previously they had denied it:
Recent allegations from the far right on the one-year anniversary of same sex marriage about the 2005 GLSEN Boston Conference-a correction

Boston, MA (May 18, 2005)

GLSEN Boston takes its conference and all the work it does on creating respect for all in schools very seriously. We know it leads to safer schools and safer students.

The Boston Chapter of the Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network, GLSEN Boston, wants to assure everyone that for the last several years GLSEN Boston maintained and enforced a comprehensive policy that no sexually explicit materials will be available at the conference. We assign monitors to every workshop to assure that all policies are strictly enforced. Our standards are very high, and we work hard to ensure that the material made available to students is appropriate.

While we have worked tirelessly to reduce anti-LGBT name-calling, bulllying and harassment, we learned this morning (May 18. 2005) from the Fenway Community Health Center that a small number of copies of the HIV prevention pamphlet were available on their vendor table. This is new information that contradicts what we knew yesterday.

What happened at our conference was a complete breach of protocol. We were not aware that the material was there. The Fenway Community Health Center has apologized for this breach and has instituted additional training to ensure it never happens again.

I can assure that at GLSEN Boston we will re-double our efforts to make sure that not only our material, but the material brought in by other organizations is age appropriate. Again, we are deeply sorry. We regret the fear it has resurrected.
And notice how they call it a “small number” - what does that mean? And they call it the “HIV Prevention Pamphlet”. That disgusting, obscene book? What a whitewash.
And what was with the high school allowing this sort of thing on school grounds? Are they crazy?
:mad: They were Not sorry they were sorry about the outrage, the double talk does nothing when that vile material gets into the hand of a child:tsktsk: :mad:
How ould you feel if your child saw and read that?:mad: :bigyikes: :eek:
This is where I have good news. I am blessed with a particularly open relationship with my children from ages 8 to 18, who are much more worldly wise than I sometimes wish they were. They have actually educated me on some of the more sordid activities that go on in the Catholic schools, and asked advice in dealing with their friends on tough issues, as well as relationship advice.

If they found that trash, they would bring it straight to me and ask what can be done about it. These children have been sufficiently conditioned that if I die today all but the youngest two have had enough formation that I can trust them in their own pursuits.

As parents I think the desire to keep our children away from witnessing this slime is idealistic. Going with them on a tour of this stuff has given me a chance to address the issues directly rather than have them form their own opinions unaided. Here’s where I’ll probably catch heck; I don’t even mind too much when they watch shows on TV with gay themes, because we like to pick them apart and analyze them. Of course, at some point it is no longer academic and they need to turn it to another channel or off.

It started with teaching them to say out loud, “Dad, they want my money” any time an enticing commercial came on the TV. They may be influenced by the TV more than I’d like to think, but they also have built up a lot of mental resistance to brainwashing.

Allegedly the booklet was handed out at a high school. My guess is that this is true, but it was distributed by an unauthorized person as the school, Brookline High School, has said that an “investigation is underway.”
I tried to find an independent article confirming this story and was unable. Does anyone have a llink to one?
Yeah, its beyond awful. Here’s what we can expect from a mostly leftist state that allows gay marriage. This is what people who adopt an attitude of “It doesnt effect me” don’t realize…

IF gay marriage is legalized in any given state- it will have to be taught as legitimate in the public schools, and the state will endeavor to provide material to the schoolkids to preach tolerance/acceptance and even CONVERSION to that “now legit” lifestyle.

Actually- I don’t know which is worse, this overtly offensive filth in the “Little Black Book”… or the covertly insidious gay conversion message of the childrens book “King and King” and the sequel “King and King and Family”

Have a look, and remember- this is being found in school libraries even in states that haven’t allowed gay marriage.

(Check them out on,TopRight,7,-26_PE32_SCMZZZZZZZ.jpg

Here’s the Publishers Weekly Review of “King and King”

**Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
When a grouchy queen tells her layabout son that it’s time for him to marry, he sighs, “Very well, Mother… I must say, though, I’ve never cared much for princesses.” His young page winks. Several unsatisfactory bachelorettes visit the castle before “Princess Madeleine and her brother, Prince Lee” appear in the doorway. The hero is smitten at once. “What a wonderful prince!” he and Prince Lee both exclaim, as a shower of tiny Valentine hearts flutters between them. First-time co-authors and artists de Hann and Nijland matter-of-factly conclude with the royal wedding of “King and King,” the page boy’s blushing romance with the leftover princess and the assurance that “everyone lives happily ever after.” Unfortunately, the multimedia collages are cluttered with clashing colors, amorphous paper shapes, scribbles of ink and bleary brushstrokes; the characters’ features are indistinct and sometimes ugly. Despite its gleeful disruption of the boy-meets-girl formula, this alterna-tale is not the fairest of them all. For a visually appealing and more nuanced treatment of diversity in general, Kitty Crowther’s recent Jack and Jim is a better choice. Ages 6-up.

And here’s the School Library Journal review of “King and King and Family”,TopRight,7,-26_PE32_SCMZZZZZZZ.jpg

**Editorial Reviews
From School Library Journal
PreSchool-Grade 2–In this follow-up to King & King (Tricycle, 2002), King Lee and King Bertie have just married and embark on a honeymoon. As they fly off to jungle country, the two men soon discover that their cat has stowed away in their suitcase. The travelers happily tramp through the wilderness and paddle down a river, observing the wildlife as they go. Before long, they have a strange feeling that something is following them. Upon returning home, they discover another stowaway in their suitcase–this time it’s a young girl from the jungle, whom they joyfully adopt and everyone lives happily ever after. The mixed-media collage illustrations are colorful with lots to look at on each page–perhaps too much, as some of the spreads are a bit cluttered. Bertie’s travel diary is reproduced on the book’s centerfold, hinting at the surprise ending. The text is brief and fun, and the relationships are treated matter-of-factly. However, children may wonder why the men do not try to find the little girl’s family, or check to see if anyone is searching for her. All in all, this story about a nontraditional family is a bit heavy-handed.–Judith Constantinides, formerly at East Baton Rouge Parish Main Library, LA
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Book Description
Join newlyweds King Lee and King Bertie on their journey into the noisy jungle. The kings are greeted by wild animal families, but the royal travelers suspect that something more significant awaits them in the trees. King & King soon discover that there’s no adventure more wonderful than starting a family of their own.
Tuesday, May 18, 2005


HUNTINGTON, CT – SBM reported to you a VERY disturbing story of homosexual pornographic materials made available to students in Brookline, Massachusetts at a recent GLSEN Conference, April 30, 2005.

GLSEN, the hosting organization, denied all claims, as well as the school and several other organizations involved.

The Fenway Community Health Center in Boston has admitted to the distribution of the pornographic homosexual literature – and has apologized.

SBM worked hand in hand with several major individuals and organizations to bring the truth to light about “The Little Black Book.” Apologies have been issued by most of the organizations and can be read on SBM’s website:

Special thanks to EVERYONE involved: Brian Camenker, Article 8, The American Family Association, Ed Vitagliano, Dr. Warren Throckmorton, Sally Turner and the many others behind the scenes. We must pray that this type of literature NEVER gets into the hands of America’s youth again.
Here’s the statement from the Brookline Superintendent himself:
So the book was never designed for teens, and was handed out by mistake.

Still, they let those perverts near the children and that is why the mistake happened. And these idiots wonder why there is a problem with violence against gays. Maybe if they would quit molesting children (and perverts handing out their trash is molesting) there would not be the problem. If I caught this human garbage handing out this porn to my child, I would not be able to control my temper.

I am curious to see what will happen first, a tsunami in Boston, and earthquake leveling San Francisco or God just blasting them both with fire and brimstone.
I saw those King and King books before, when I was looking for something on Amazon… horrible

And that … … that filthy, filthy booklet! Argh! I can’t stand it… I can’t even put it into words it’s so sickening.

BTW, my wonderful state is passing a bill, or something, that’ll give homosexuals that live together, benifits. It’ll also forbid discriminating againsts ‘sexual oriantation’

You know what? I’m going to go and say, rob a bank. Then, I’m going to complain that, when I’m caught, they are discriminating against my choice to steal, my age, my gender, and my rights to do as a please in this free country.

Or better, I’ll start a religion where you steal. Then I’ll use my ‘freedom to practice religion’ and thieve.

(Those are jokes, BTW. Not to be taken literally… Satire)
Please tell me this is a joke. I can’t believe they would pass this out in public school. Play a rap CD with that language, you would get suspended, but a book about homosexuals is okay?
Please tell me this is a joke. I can’t believe they would pass this out in public school. Play a rap CD with that language, you would get suspended, but a book about homosexuals is okay?
No joke.

It was a conference held at a high school on the weekend. It was not during school hours, but the school allowed it to happen on school property and children were invited (and got in for a discounted price! Nope, no gay agenda here!). According to the Superintendent’s letter, “Headmaster Bob Weintraub was very clear about his expectations that all workshops held and materials available would be appropriate for high school aged students.” Yeah, right.
I am so glad Brookline School was “pleased to host the event” in which a bunch of homosexual propagandists “accidentally” passed out a book intended for the over 18 crowd. Horse hockey!

Did any of you read that disgusting piece of trash? It was written at about a 6th grade level and definitely had this “aren’t we cute” attitude with some of the slang. This was not written for adult men, it was written for boys. That it is in the guise of 'preventing AIDS" ignores the reality that it ENCOURAGES the very behavior that spreads a deadly disease. No inhibitions, do what you want, don’t feel guilty, you have a RIGHT to sexual pleasure…PUH- LEASE!

These people are EVIL.

Lisa N
I went to the school’s main sight and they were talking about how they prepare the children to live in the modern diverse society. I wonder if they are aware that the diverse society they are advocating will last for all eternity and will include pain and torment.
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