Great little series on evolution

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Is there a way of posting a YouTube link so it’s viewable here without having to click through? 🤔
Nope. I don’t think this forum has any video-playing capabilities.
No it’s not creationism, it’s a series on intelligent design and evolution and the flaws in the latter theory. Thanks.
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No it’s not creationism, it’s a series on intelligent design and evolution and the flaws in the latter theory. Thanks.
My apologies. I didn’t know that you thought ID and creationism were different. My bad.
Come on Freddy, you’re generally pretty reasonable. There are massive differences between the concepts of Creationism as commonly understood, and Intelligent Design. Disagree with it if you want, but don’t falsely equivocate.
Could you list 10 significant differences for me? I seem to conflate the two all the time and it would be good to learn the most significant differences.
Could you list 10 significant differences for me? I seem to conflate the two all the time and it would be good to learn the most significant differences.
I don’t know if I can list ten, but the main substantive differences are the length and mechanism of either process.

Creationism posits that God spontaneously created the world as it is in a single act of creation. Intelligent Design posits that God built physical processes into the universe and set them in motion in such a way as to ultimately wind up forming the Earth. He then created life (single-celled organisms) through either an unknown natural process, or through a single act of creation, and guided life over time to eventually form humanity.

In either case, God is ultimately responsible for the existence of everything, but in Creationism stuff simply is what it is because that’s exactly how God created it. In ID, things are the way they are because God guided them over time through the process of evolution.

You don’t really need any more points than that to see that they are fundamentally different, and that one is compatible with what we’ve come to know about life on Earth, while the other is not.
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In ID, things are the way they are because God guided them over time through the process of evolution.
That sounds like what has been described as “theistic evolution”, and I have heard many people who describe themselves as ID proponents deny it vehemently. And many also vehemently deny the existence of evolution as a process at all, whether guided or not.
I have heard many people who describe themselves as ID proponents deny it vehemently
I’m not familiar with the concept of theistic evolution, what I described is how I have always understood ID. Sorry that I can’t speak on this distinction better, I was unaware of any sort of conflict of the definition.
So, Intelligent Design is now Theistic Evolution and Young Earth Creationism is just Creationism?..

At this point, there should be an ISO for the philosophy of Evolution 🤨

To me, we can clasify positions in levels:
  1. Young Earth Creationism (God created everything literally in 7 solar days).
  2. Old Earth Creationism (Natural history as understood in academy is true, but there was no Evolution, God created living beings in waves).
  3. Intelligent Design (a nebolous teleological support theory that varies between YEC, OEC and TE).
  4. Theistic Evolution (God directs innanimate matter through natural laws, directs the Big Bang, directs Earth Creation, and then ultimately directs abiogenesis this way, and then natural selection).*
  5. Materialistic/Nihilistic Evolution (the vision spoused by atheists, that the Universe complexity and emergent properties are somehow random and happened by chance in natural laws).
*Personally, I believe in this position, but the biggest problem for me is the morality of natural selection. Why would God make short lived animals suffer so much just to make the population evolve into humans? The biological evidence is clear, so we should seek a theological matching explanation
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I’m not familiar with the concept of theistic evolution
As I understand it, theistic evolution essentially proposes that evolution exists and acts as described, except that God set it up and is, for lack of a better term “fine tuning” it as needed to keep it on track. My understanding of ID (which could be off base) is that it was, at least originally, intended as a way to teach Creationism without calling it Creationism. They didn’t say “God did it” but that “intelligence is necessary”. And of course there are different flavors of creationism, mostly Young Earth (or Genesis is literal history and happened about 6000 years ago) and a relatively recent entry of Old Earth (Genesis is history, but the time scale is different from 6 24-hour days).
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I’m sure @buffalo will join in to explain ID…with multiple links :hugs:

ID theory seems to propose an intelligent designer that created architectural types and built in adaptations without actually allowing for speciation to occur. They also seem to avoid the timelines of either 6000 year creation or billions of years…they pretty much try to deny billions of years but often have to include some pretty long timelines. They claim they are two different theories…philosophical which posits a creator and the scientific which just mostly avoids saying anything about the designer…otherwise, it will be claimed it’s the philosophical ID.

ID spends most of its time nit picking weaknesses it sees in the theory of evolution rather that actually producing any science of its own.
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