Group Links 'Chemical Ali' to Massacres

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BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Recently gathered information links one of Saddam Hussein’s most notorious former generals to the massacres of Shiites in southern Iraq and could result in new charges against the man who allegedly ordered the use of poisonous gas against Kurds in the north, a human rights group said Thursday.

Gen. Ali Hassan al-Majid, known as “Chemical Ali,” was involved in the massacre of at least 34 Shiite Muslim men in the southern city of Basra in 1999, New York-based Human Rights Watch said in a new report.

“Al-Majid’s role in the genocide against the Kurds is well-known, but it appears his hands are dirty in Basra in 1999 as well,” Joe Stork, director of the group’s Middle East and North Africa division, said in a statement.

Investigators interviewed victims, family members and eyewitnesses, and also examined documents and evidence from mass graves, the group said.

Human Rights Watch obtained a handwritten list that named 120 young men executed from March to May 1999 for taking part in protests over the assassination of Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr, a senior Shiite cleric.

The remains of 34 men were found in a mass grave in May 2003, and family members have identified 29 of them.

Among the documents found by the group is an apparent execution list, which names 120 men who were executed by the “order of the Commander of the Southern Sector,” a post held by al-Majid at the time.

Al-Majid earned his nickname for allegedly ordering the use of poisonous gas against minority Kurds in northern Iraq, a crime with which he has been charged by an Iraqi court. Iraqi officials have not set a trial date yet.

In the same statement, Human Rights Watch expressed concern that authorities were not respecting al-Majid’s civil rights in a year of interrogations during which he had no access to a defense attorney. “The alleged crimes are so serious, it’s very important to get these trials right,” Stork said. “The Iraqi Special Tribunal must be independent of political pressure and adhere to international standards.”
Official: ‘Chemical Ali’ to Be Tried First: ‘Chemical Ali’ to Be First Saddam Aide to Face Trial Next Week, Government Official Says

Associated Press

BAGHDAD, Iraq Dec 15, 2004 — The ex-Iraqi general known as “Chemical Ali,” who is accused of using chemical weapons attacks to kill thousands of Kurds, will be the first detained former Saddam Hussein regime figure to stand trial next week, a government official said Wednesday.

Ali Hasan al-Majid is accused of ordering the 1988 Halabja chemical weapons attacks against Kurds, the 1990 invasion of Kuwait and suppressing a 1991 Shiite uprising in southern Iraq.

He is among 12 regime members, including Saddam who was arrested a year ago Monday, waiting to face trial. But the former Iraqi president will not be among those to appear in court next week, The Associated Press has learned.

“The whole group will be tried and the first to be tried is Ali Hassan al-Majid,” the official said on condition of anonymity, adding that Saddam will also face trial but did not specify when.

Al-Majid was No. 2 on the deck of 55 most wanted former Iraqi leaders. He was captured Aug. 21, 2003 and arraigned July 1 in Baghdad.

On Tuesday, Iraq’s interim Prime Minister Allawi announced Iraq will bring top figures of Saddam’s ousted regime to court next week for the first time since they appeared before a judge five months ago, and formal indictments could be issued next month. The Western official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the hearings would be preliminary and that al-Majid would be among the first to appear.
Saddam’s Repression - ‘Chemical Ali’ Implicated In Basra Killings
08:17 AM EDT | 4:17 PM Iraq | Posted By Dan Spencer
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The Associated Press reports that Gen. Ali Hassan al-Majid, known as “Chemical Ali,” was involved in the massacre of at least 34 Shiite men in the southern city of Basra in 1999:
Human Rights Watch obtained a handwritten list that named 120 young men who were executed from March to May 1999 for taking part in protests over the assassination of Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr, a senior Shiite cleric.

The remains of 34 men were found in a mass grave in May 2003, and family members have identified 29 of them.

Among the documents the group found is an apparent execution list, which names 120 men who were executed by the “order of the Commander of the Southern Sector,” a post held by al-Majid at the time.
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