Guadalupe Radio and EWTN falsely accused of racism

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I don’t have a problem with any of that!

What I have a problem with is the #FreeGloriaPurvis mob declaring any Catholic that sees GR’s action and statement differently than they do a “racist”.
The accusation is that EWTN has been lackluster in their defense of Gloria, making them complicit. An argument I think is stupid.
I listened to the two segments provided.

They were painful to listen to, and I can well imagine people complaining.

The people on the show need to get it together.
Everyone has an opinion. Few opinions are shared by all.

As Catholics, we are supposed to be charitable even if we are not of the same opinion as what is being said.
People on the show forgot that, and made it dissolve into an on air argument.

Get it together guys.
Mark Shea honestly needs to get some help. Watching his steady decline over the last decade or so has been one of the most unfortunate stories in the catholic blogosphere. Not even because I disagree with him most of the time, but he very clearly has some personal issues he never worked out and takes out his anger on other people.
How is he any different than Patrick Coffin? They may have wildly different views but both use a tremendous amount of snark and are passionate about their ideas. Coffin never refers to The Crux without calling it “The Crotch,” for example. Would you say that Patrick Coffin has had a “steady decline over the last decade” that’s “been one of the most unfortunate stories in the catholic blogosphere”? Would you say that Coffin “very clearly has some personal issues he never worked out and takes out his anger on other people”?
Snark is one thing…but using a rather loose and hyperbolic inference to declare an entire organization “vile racist” and then calling anyone that even questions him “racist”…that’s not snark. That is all out slander.

It’s been awhile since I’ve listened to Patrick, but if I heard or read similar from him, I’d say the same thing.
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Mark Shea honestly needs to get some help. Watching his steady decline over the last decade or so has been one of the most unfortunate stories in the catholic blogosphere. Not even because I disagree with him most of the time, but he very clearly has some personal issues he never worked out and takes out his anger on other people.
How is he any different than Patrick Coffin? They may have wildly different views but both use a tremendous amount of snark and are passionate about their ideas. Coffin never refers to The Crux without calling it “The Crotch,” for example. Would you say that Patrick Coffin has had a “steady decline over the last decade” that’s “been one of the most unfortunate stories in the catholic blogosphere”? Would you say that Coffin “very clearly has some personal issues he never worked out and takes out his anger on other people”?
Patrick Coffin (in addition to being an apologist) is also a comedian. He loves to make jokes.

Being snarky is not the same as being a racist (which Patrick is not).
It appears that Gloria Purvis supports the defunding of police departments, unless I’m missing something. That’s just not going to sit well with many Catholics…including this Catholic!
No, it doesn’t set well with many.
But they are supposed to be professional on the air and not break down into arguing with each other.
Is there anything in their action and statement that was directed solely at Gloria? I say no. What say you?
Sounds like GRN didn’t like the hosts disagreeing with each other so much, and based on the clips provided, Gloria Purvis is the one with the dissenting views. While she is African American, so is Burke Sivers, I think.

To me, radio is boring when everyone agrees all the time, so having at least one person with a different perspective balances out the discussion and at least offers food for thought. Sounds like GRN wants total uniformity of opinion by the Catholic hosts.

If GRN doesn’t like differing opinions among Catholics, they had better not come to CAF. The discussions here, especially related to politics and social justice topics, are often very heated.
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They all have been doing that show long enough to know when they are on live. They simply have differing opinions, like us. I didn’t share Gloria’s opinion and agreed more with the other two, but that’s just how I see it.
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They all have been doing that show long enough to know when they are on live.
I would agree to their professional experience.
They should know when they are on the air.

But I believe their emotions on the topic got the better of them.
They were interrupting each other, talking over each other, and raising voices. It sounded a lot like one of those live interviews you see on fox or cnn.
Listening to those clips left a sour taste in my mouth. Gloria kept comparing defunding the police to defunding planned parenthood.

Is she implying that police officer’s main mission is to kill citizens? Because that is the main objective of planned parenthood, to kill unborn children.
Listening to those clips left a sour taste in my mouth. Gloria kept comparing defunding the police to defunding planned parenthood.
Yes, and her co-hosts told her that it was a rather poor comparison, but she didn’t seem to want to hear it. I couldn’t listen to that show. She seems to have a very strong anti-police bias.
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It sounded a lot like one of those live interviews you see on fox or cnn.
Yes, it did remind me of that, too. I am used to watching ‘The Five’ On Fox sometimes. Gloria’s views remind me of those of Juan Williams, with whom I often disagree.

But without him, ‘The Five’ would be just an echo chamber with everyone having the same opinion on every issue. Some people may like that, but I personally don’t find it very intellectually challenging or stimulating when everyone is in lock step on everything.

Note: I used to listen to Morning Glory on the way to work, but I don’t ever since I retired. I sleep in now. 😀
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I used to listen to the show all the time, but a few months ago I heard an interview she gave on Catholic Answers that made me uneasy, and I stopped tuning in as often as I used to. After hearing those clips I don’t think I will start listening again.
See…I didn’t get that implication at all. It sounded more like she was trying to explain the concept of defunding comparing the movements to defund both groups, not comparing the actual missions of the groups.

(This is gonna be a very rough breakdown.)
The idea of defunding the police relates to the desires to defund PP insomuch as defunding is not meant to completely remove all healthcare for women, just remove funding of abortions and channel that money towards better health care alternatives which don’t include abortions. The idea of defunding the police does not completely remove policing but channels some of that money towards other groups, such as social workers, etc, who may be used to address certain calls instead of sending police out to everything. Or perhaps towards better programs to help better struggling communities. Again, that was my very basic interpretation of what Gloria was saying, but it was a bit of a mess as they did keep interrupting her.

Are there extremists calling for the complete removal of police altogether? I have no doubt, but I don’t think that’s what she was going for. Nor do I think she was saying that the mission of police departments is to kill. Again, just my two cents from a different perspective.
No, I do not think Guadalupe Radio Network was being racist, they explicitly said over and over again that the team had a spirit of contention, not just Gloria Purvis, so the idea that the show has been suspended because of Gloria Purvis alone is in and of itself is absurd.

I hate how everything today is just racist this and racist that and everybody and everything is racist.

Racism is terrible no doubt, but police brutality (which isn’t exclusive to black people as BLM and the media would have you believe) and defunding the police is constantly in the media and news outlets today whereas other news that we should also be outraged over isn’t even talked about because it doesn’t have something to do with police brutality or black lives matter, to be clear all lives matter.

For example take a look at the following story:

A black man executes a five-year-old white child in front of his two sisters out in front of their house playing and it hardly makes the news…

…had the race roles been reversed and it had been a white man that killed a black child we would be hearing about this story in every media outlet, as we should for weeks if not months…

we should be hearing about it in every media outlet regardless of race because this is a terrible incident, and here we are, and there is very little news coverage on this and that’s a terrible shame.
Nor do I think she was saying that the mission of police departments is to kill.
She alludes to the idea that police are aloud to get away with murder in the second soundbite, which is a skewed view of the issue to say the least, I would say it is downright absurd…

…as is the (poor) attempt to compare defunding planned parenthood to defunding the police, which is exactly what she was doing.

As was noted on air, planned parenthood is intrinsically evil whereas the police are not some intrinsically evil group, at best it was a horribly researched/thought through analogy and at worst she sees the police as some group of racist murderers (which I seriously doubt that she does)…

…honestly I think this was some half baked theory that she came across and read about and then decided she agreed wholeheartedly with, not doing her due diligence in her research.
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