Guardian angels?

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I’m sort of ignorant about guardian angels. Why does the Church teach that each one of us have them?

Has anyone ever been acutely aware of the presence of their guardian angel? Any stories about situations where you know that he protected you? Do you know his name (and how)?

Any suggestions on how I can develop a devotion to (and learn more about) *my *guardian angel?
I’m sort of ignorant about guardian angels. Why does the Church teach that each one of us have them?
See that you love these little ones, for I tell you that in Heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father. Matt 18:10
That’s the Bible verse that points to the existance of guardian angels.
has anyone ever been acutely aware of the presence of their guardian angel? Any stories about situations where you know that he protected you?
I have had situations when I knew that something was protecting me. I suspect it was my guardian angel but I do not know for certain.
Do you know his name (and how)?
I don’t know his real name, but when I was a child my mom gave nick-names to my family’s guardian angels. I still refer to him by that name.
Any suggestions on how I can develop a devotion to (and learn more about) *my *guardian angel?
There is this child’s prayer that I still pray daily:
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
God’s love for me has sent you here.
Ever this night (day) be at my side
To light, to guard, rule and guide.

I don’t know how you can learn more about him. I’m leery about revelations of this kind because contact with the spirits can sometimes allow evil to portray itself as good and mislead. (So if a spirit ever tells you to do something that is against the Church or God’s commands, don’t listen.) But I have heard of people who claim to have met their guardian angels. I’m just hoping to meet mine in heaven after I die and thank him.
Dear friend

My Guardian Angel is a friend God has gifted to me to help me in life, by way of guiding my conscience and protecting me.

I treat my Guardian with kindness and love and with respect. I ask Him for many things and keep him busy.

I ask him to help me and protect me. I talk to him often but should probably talk to him more.

Here’s just a few things I ask of my Guardian Angel :

I ask my Guardian Angel to go to Church when I am unable to get there and I also ask my Angel to go before the Blessed Sacrament and pray for intentions and sometimes myself there.

I ask my Guardian Angel to go to Heaven and ask Him to kiss the feet of my Lord Jesus because I cannot. I sent my Guardian Angel to the bedside of Pope John Paul II when he was dying to comfort him and protect him.

I also ask my daughter’s Guardian Angel to take good care of her and guide and protect her.

That’s just a sample of the things I ask my Guardian Angel to do, there are a good few more things but I won’t go on and on.

My daughter and I pray the Guardian Angel Prayer but it is slightly different to the previous posters…

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard to rule and guide.

I love my Guardian Angel and certainly would not be without him.

A Priest I love very much once said on the feast of Guardian Angels in His sermon…‘never do anything that would make your Guardian Angel blush!’ that has stuck in my mind always!🙂 I am careful not to make my Guardian dear, blush.

I think after looking at your thread I will pay much more attention to my Guardian Angel

Thank you very much for reminding me of my dear Guardian

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Springbreeze, those were lovely suggestions of prayer requests for your guardian angel!
My daughter and I pray the Guardian Angel Prayer but it is slightly different to the previous posters…

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard to rule and guide.
I grew up with the version you posted, but I never understood what “to whom God’s love commits me here” meant. If you or anyone could clarify what that means, I’d appreciate it. I found the slightly different version in a children’s prayer book and decided to use it since I understood it.
Dear friend

To whom God’s Love commits me here

I too struggled with this line, but I did a bit of research and thinking and if we replace commits with entrusts this line makes sense, That we are entrusted by God to the Guardian Angel.

so I’ll rewrite it for a minute:

To my Guardian Angel I am entrusted by God’s Love.

or even better:

To whom (Guardian Angel) God’s love entrusts me here.

I prefer ‘commits’ because it speaks of commitment to my soul and my personal Guardian Angel. God has committed to me because of His love an Angel for my guidance and protection.

That’s how I see that line, but if anyone else knows more I would love to hear about it.

Hope that helps a little bit.

I like the version you posted as well. I may teach it to my daughter because it will be easier for her to understand. Thank you very much for posting it up.🙂

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Thank you Springbreeze. And I love your user name–it sounds so refreshing!
A quote from St Josemaria Escriva.
Jesus says “no” to the devil, the prince of darkness. And immediately all is light. “Then the devil left him alone; and thereupon angels came and ministered to him.” Jesus has stood up to the test. And it was a real test, because, as St Ambrose comments: “He did not act as God, using his power. If he had, what use would his example have been? No. As a man he uses those aids which he shared with us.”

The devil, with twisted intention, quoted the old testament: God will send his angels to protect the just man wherever he goes. But Jesus refuses to tempt his Father; he restores true meaning to this passage from the Bible. And, as a reward for his fidelity, when the time comes, ministers of God the Father appear and wait upon him.

It’s worth thinking about the method Satan uses with our Lord Jesus Christ: he argues with texts from the sacred books, twisting and distorting their meaning in a blasphemous way. Jesus doesn’t let himself be deceived: the Word made flesh knows well the divine word, written for the salvation of men — not their confusion and downfall. So, we can conclude that anyone who is united to Jesus Christ through Love will never be deceived by manipulation of the holy Scripture, for he knows that it is typical of the devil to try to confuse the christian conscience, juggling with the very words of eternal wisdom, trying to turn light into darkness.

Let us look for a moment at this appearance of angels in Jesus’ life, for it will help us to better understand their role — their angelic mission — in all human life. Christian tradition describes the guardian angels as powerful friends, placed by God alongside each one of us, to accompany us on our way. And that is why he invites us to make friends with them and get them to help us.

In suggesting that we meditate on these passages of the life of Christ, the Church reminds us that during Lent, when we recognize our sins, our wretchedness and our need for purification, there is also room for joy. Lent is a time for both bravery and joy; we have to fill ourselves with courage, for the grace of God will not fail us. God will be at our side and will send his angels to be our travelling companions, our prudent advisers along the way, our cooperators in all that we take on. The angels “will hold you up with their hands lest you should chance to trip on a stone,” as the psalm says.

We must learn to speak to the angels. Turn to them now, tell your guardian angel that these spiritual waters of Lent will not flow off your soul but will go deep, because you are sorry. Ask them to take up to the Lord your good will, which, by the grace of God, has grown out of your wretchedness like a lily grown on a dunghill. Holy angels, our guardians: “defend us in battle so that we do not perish at the final judgment.”
gardenswithkids said:
There is this child’s prayer that I still pray daily:
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
God’s love for me has sent you here.
Ever this night (day) be at my side
To light, to guard, rule and guide.

I too use a different line from the 2nd one:

To whom God’s love entrusts thee here.

I figured God’s love sends the angel to be present with me as I struggle with my daily life.
I pray the GA prayer thus.
Angel of Mary my guardian dear
To whom her love commits you here.
Ever this day be at my side
to light and guard, to rule and guide.
I pray this prayer for most people I encounter throughout the day. If time permits etc.
I have had many instances of being protected by my guardian angel, or maybe my daughter’s, or both. Most often it’s been car accidents. Believe me, when you look back at something that almost happened and you can’t figure out how you managed to avoid the situation, you know it was your guardian angel. Be sure to thank them!

I have just discovered my guardian angel. Kinda sily that it has taken me so long, I have been in way to many situatiosn where I should have been killed or seriously maimed, but he has saved me, car accidents, being shot at, several large brawls, and so forth.

I have been struggling with lust and nothign would seam to help, untill I started talkign to Ted. That’s what I call him. Ted has been awsome. If I am at Wal-Mart or anywhere adn happen tot notice a cute young thing in a halter top or such, I jsut say, “Come on Ted, help me out here.” And BAM! No more lust. Ive been working with him for over a week now, and my life has been so much easier. Ted rocks.

I call him Ted because he won’t tell me his name. And it’s a lot easier to talk to someone when you know there name, and he doesn’t seam to mind.
I too use a different line from the 2nd one:

To whom God’s love entrusts thee here.
That means something different than “to whom God’s love commits me here.”

I thought the “to whom God’s love commits me here” means that it is by God’s love and will alone that we are born into this earthly life, as taught in the Cathechism. God made us because he loves us and our purpose in life is to try to return that love as best we can. It’s one of the reasons why suicide is such a grave sin, because it is rejection of Gopd’s will that we be on this earth. The line is a rmeninder that we are on this planet because of God’s love, whether we like it or not.

By writing the line to “to whom God’s love entrusts thee here,” is still a valid prayer but it represents a different thought; that the angel is here because of God’s love and entrusted to protect us. This is true too, of course, but it lacks the reminder that we are committed to life on this planet (kind of like a prison sentence) out of God’s love, and that we do our time here right we get to see Him in person one day.
During the 20 or so years I was away form the church I had a number of coincidences, lucky escapes from trouble, brushes with death, etc. I never thought much about them until I sobered up a few years ago. Yep, I convinced I definitely had a guardian angel over my shoulder the night I hit the oak post & rail fence and the board took a big chunk out of the passenger side headrest on it’s way out through the hatchback glass. 3 more feet to the right and my head would’ve been shoved out the back glass. There are a few other incidents like this that still make the hair on my neck stand up. Somebody wants me here on Earth a little longer for a reason. Everyday that reason is revealed to me a little more as I try to turn my will over to my Higher Power.

Thanks St Michael. 👍

I like to send my guardian angel to speak to the guardian angels of those to whom I must speak in a difficult situation, to prepare the way and soften up the other person. My angel is also an expert at finding suitable parking spaces. I also ask for his help to receive Communion as well as possible.

Anyone who doesnt believe in angels is a heretic. I heard that angels are mentioned 57 times in the Bible.

My Gaurdian Angel is “Ignatias”. He loves sports and he is patient too. God gave him that job to do and he does it. Am I worth having an angel to work with me?
I found out recently that my guardian angel’s name is Adam. :dancing: I tend to keep him busy, especially since I’m entering the “climb weird mountains but don’t fall off” part of my studies.

I like to have him go where he’s needed if I’m all ‘snug as a bug in a rug’, though.
3 months ago, my mother died. It was in the last moments of her life that I was most acutely aware that angels were in her room surrounding us. The calm, the peace and the serenity and the comfort I felt was as strong as my spouse’s arms around my shoulders.

A close friend of mine, had an actual meeting with hers. At her dtr’s birth, she was seriously ill, and a tall man came into her life and told her all would be well. And he had the greatest comforting smile and demeanor about her. He was dressed in medical garb but did not work there, because she inquired afterward. 21 years later, her dtr. flipped her SUV over in an automobile accident. All four occupants of the vehicle were safe because of their seatbelts. Where the accident occured, homes were far from view, but mysteriously a stranger appeared, with no vehicle in sight to assure her that all would be well. When her vehicle was uprighted by the tow vehicles, clearly inscribed on the scraped and dented hood were the letters…J…E…S…U and a partial S. She has pictures to prove it. When her parents arrived on the scene approximately 45min.after the accident…the dtr. described the man who was there at the scene moments after it occured but in the commotion was not seen later. My friend gasped…recalling it as the very same description of the man who visited her in the hospital 21 years before. She had never shared her story with her dtr. until that day. Angels are all around us! Thank God they are!
At times, after a prayer session on the hill, I can feel like someone is behind me. I turn around, and, of course, there’s no one there. But it feels as if one of my good friends is walking beside me. Guardian Angel?
I’m not sure who my guardian angel is but I really feel I have one. There have been many times where I felt I was being protected. For example:
recently I was driving in my car with my baby girl. I was praying at the time, when suddenly a big truck 2 cars ahead of me lost a couple of mattresses out of it’s haistly latched doors. The car in front of me veered off into the ditch to avoid hitting the mattresses. In the lane of oncomming traffic the car headed the opposite direction of me ran into the stack of mattresses, dumping the car onto it’s side. The car behind that ran into the car in front of it. The truck behind that ran off the side of the road hitting a light pole. I was able to skid to a halt avoiding the mattresses. The car behind me, not being able to stop veered slightly to the side hitting the car that ran into the mattresses head on, placing those inside in critical condition.
I couldn’t believe I was surrounded by overturned cars, mattresses and injured people. I was unharmed. The bedsheet, caught in the wind fluttered down over the top of my car. I certainly felt protected that day.
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