Guardian angels?

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I’ve been thinking more about my guardian angel ever since the pilgrimage I went on. Every day we’d pray the guardian angel prayer some of you have posted.

A lot of days I’ll just talk to my guardian angel when I’m in the car, so that I don’t get into an accident. The other day I was talking to him, and I said, you know, you can tell me your name so I don’t have to call you only “guardian angel.” Instantly a name popped into my head. So it may sound funny, but I talk to my guardian angel by name (or at least the name I THINK he might have). 🙂
After feeling the presence of my guardian angel at Mass and a resurgence of hope after, I realised that my guardian angel, no matter how much I sin or commit horrible horrible misdeeds, my angel is always there to help when I call.

A few days later, Az popped into my head. I refer to it as Azariah, because I know that he helps when I’m in need of hope.

Sometimes, I imagine Az as a tough guy with dark spiky hair, awesome leather jacket and gloves… He’s a true rebel to the Devil, and he inspires me :cool:.
I call him Ted because he won’t tell me his name. And it’s a lot easier to talk to someone when you know there name, and he doesn’t seam to mind.
Incidentally, Ted is short for Theodore, which means “gift of God.”
When you think of it, that’s a pretty good name for an angel.
I refer to my guardian angel as Anne…my grandmother’s name and the patron saint of Brittany, which is my name…plus there are so many other things about St. Anne that I can relate to. Anyway, I trust that Anne (or whatever my guardian angel’s name really it) is exactly what the prayer describes…she loves me, guides me, protects me…I can count on her to be with me, and I am so greatful that God gave me a friend like her:)
This discussion has at times strayed into the forum of unapproved private revelations, which are a banned topic under forum Content Rule 6.

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Springbreeze, those were lovely suggestions of prayer requests for your guardian angel!

I grew up with the version you posted, but I never understood what “to whom God’s love commits me here” meant. If you or anyone could clarify what that means, I’d appreciate it. I found the slightly different version in a children’s prayer book and decided to use it since I understood it.
I always thought it meant that because God loved me, he committed the angel to me here on Earth.
At time when I struggle in life I feel a presence that brings me strength and peace. I believe that is my guardian angel protecting me when I am vulnerable.

I still pray daily:

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
God’s love for me has sent you here.
Ever this night (day) be at my side
To light, to guard, rule and guide.

I add

Stand before me and lead my way
Behind me to catch me if I stumble and to protect me from harm
walk to my left and to my right
hold my hand, be my friend and my guide
Let me be a good example of God’s love
Whisper in my ear and make me His instrument.
I don’t want to get in trouble withe the forum leader, but I would suggest going to Adoration and reading scripture for a while and asking your guardin angel to tell you his name.

I believe mine is named Timothy, which is funny because that’s what my mom was going to name me if I had been a boy. But I have to walk to work and sometimes, I imagine a tall, blond man walking beside me with white wings and a huge quiver or arrows and a bow on his back to fire at any evil spirits that may come my way! Weather or not that’s an acurete discription, I cannot say, but it makes me feel better when I am walking 🙂

Also, aren’t all angels male in appearance and stature?
I hope that what I am about to relate does not violate any posting rules.
The word ANGEL itself means mesenger of God.
I have been taught that our conscience, that still small voice that we are sometimes aware of, is the voice of our Guardian Angels.
We can never know the name of our Guardian Angels, for to know his/her name would give us authority over them and thus limit their ability to guide us. Remember how as a little child we really knew we were in trouble when mom used all of our names as she exercised her authority over us.
The names we know our angels by are indicative of their mission in our lives.
I belong to a prayer group that has had many mystical events, (investigated by the local bishop), occur. One night as we knealt to pray the Rosary, I closed my eyes and saw the silhouette of a young man. After prayer a message came through the visionary, It said,“I am Ezekiel. I am the guardian angel of Jack. I have four wings.” Subsequently, after attending at another groups’ prayer meeting, I received a call from a person who had been there who asked me if I knew of any creature with four wings? When I questioned them as to why they would ask, the response was, “So you know who the being was I saw standing behind you?” Later our prayer group visionary was instructed by Our Blessed Mother to pray for the names of our guardian angels and the second name of Philemon was also given for me.
Ezekiel is one of the longer books of the Bible and describes a prophet called to pray the dead bones of God’s people back into an army of God. This describes the people I speak with and pray for to call them back to the practice of their faith in the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church. I have no real understanding of the symbolism or meaning of the four wings, although this description of the angels that surround God is found in the book of Ezekiel. I have been told that some other angels have 6 wings.
Philemon, perhaps the shortest ‘book’ in the Bible, is a letter to Philemon, a slave owner whom St. Paul had converted, asking that he accept as a freeman his former slave, Onesimus, who had run away and subsequently also had been converted by Paul. I have been told that this represents the mission of reconciling for others the “seeming” conflicts found in the God’s teaching. Such as reconciling His Justice and His Mercy so that people can see that there is no conflict there.
I have read messages ascribed to Jesus, that I believe to be true, that say that angels that ministered to Him in His suffering were not there because He was God, but are also available to us. We are to constantly ask our angels to do things for us. I do ask them to help avoid trouble with impatient people for instance if I have been delayed.
I could share more stories of my experiences but shall only do so if approved by the administrator of this thread.
It’s interesting to see how people “view” their Guardian Angels. The Biblical descriptions of angels is altogether different than most of the images one encounters of angels. The Bible describes angels as large, powerful, human-like spirits, beautiful and awe-inspiring and always in a masculine manner often portrayed as warriors. Yet the world and more to the point, the prince of this world, has so cluttered art and media imagery with false images of feminine, soft, faery-like creatures, it’s no wonder people are confused. It didn’t help that Renaissance painters really missed the mark so badly 500 years ago, and it’s only gotten worse. As my bishop likes to say, “Angels ain’t cute, naked babies with wings!!”

My Grandson when he was about six years old started having, among other experiences, encounters with angels. One day when we were passing a cement statue of an angel I asked him,“Ryan, is that what the angels you see look like?” He looked at the statue and said,“Yes.” and then more hesitantly,“Oh Poppa, I don’t know if I really see angels are not. They kinda look like that statue, but they don’t. The angels I see all have bodies of light.”
I said,"Don’t worry Ryan, I am sure you see angels.
Amother time I took a mother to see her nine year old daughter that she had not seen in 3 years. As soon as I saw the daughter, I heard interiorly,“She has seen angels.” I thought to myself,“Yeah, right. No one in her family believes in God or prays. She hasn’t seen angels that is just your thought. Don’t start anything, just let the mother and daughter have their day.”
Later the mother asked me to take her daughter into McDonalds. Right next to the entranceway was a picture of cherubic angels with the word ‘welcome’ written across it. I rolled my eyes Heavenward and thought to myself, and who ever else might be listening,“Yes, yes, I know. I see it. Okay, okay, I’ll ask.”
As if that were not enough the girl went straight to the sign and tracing the letters read aloud,“w…e…l…c…o…m…e.”
“Do you know about angels?”, I asked.
“Only that they are dead and that they are up in heaven or the sky or someplace.”
“Sure she knows about angels. Yeah. I am just going to leave it alone.”
As we placed our order, I heard interiorly,“She has heard angels sing.”
“Yeah. Right. No way. I am not saying anything.”
Later that day, the daughter and I were once again alone when I was prompted to ask her again, so I said,“Today when I asked you about angels, you know more than what you told me don’t you?”
She looked at me shyly and said,“Why do you ask?”
I laughed and said,“That’s okay, you don’t have to tell me, but I know you have seen angels haven’t you?”
“When do you see them?”, I asked, wondering whether it was in dreams or awake.
“In my bedroom,” she said.
“In your bedroom?”
“Yes, in my mirror.”
“What do they do?”
“They just look at me.”
“Do they ever talk?”
“Yes. One spoke to me last night. He had a soft voice like yours. He told me not to worry, that my mother had changed and she would not be going back to jail anymore.”
I thought to myself,“That’s enough. Don’t get her upset.”
We walked in silence.
she said,“Is there a place called Hell?”
“Yes”, I said.
We again walked in silence.
“Why did you ask about Hell?”, I finally asked.
Her lips started to tremble and she said,“I know bad people go to Hell and I know bad people go to jail and my mommy has gone to jail and I am afraid she is going to go to Hell.”
“Don’t worry,” I said. “Remember what the angel told you about your mother changing and that she was not going to go back to jail. The only people that go to Hell are those that won’t let God help them and I am sure your Mother will let God help her.”
Again we walked in silence.
“Have you heard angels sing,” I asked.
“When”, I asked, wondering whether it was in dreams or awake.
“When they play that instrument with all the strings. You know the…”
“The harp”, I suggested.
“Yes”, she said in awe,“That thing is worth lots and lots of money! You should see how careful the angel is with it!”
I started to laugh saying,“I don’t think God measures things in terms of money.” Then the laugh died on my lips as I considered how careful an angel was with an inanimate object like a harp because it belonged to God, and how much I must offend Him by not being more gentle with His people.
Later I had the daughter relate to her mother the stories she had told me. The mother replied,“Honey, don’t let anyone tell you what to believe. If you want to believe in God, you go right ahead, but as for mommy, well I am not sure that there is a God and if there is He sure does mean things.”
“Oh no mommy, you have got it wrong. God can’t do mean things. Only people can!”
I was impressed by the fact that she had used the word can’t and not the word won’t.
Thank you to all who participated.

This thread is now closed.

Any who would like further information on the subject of the church’s teachings on guardian angels might be interested in these Ask An Apologist resources:

Can an angel be a saint?

Does an unborn child who dies become an angel?

Can men become angels?

Is there an archangel named Uriel?

Can we know our guardian angel’s name?

[Did Jesus have a guardian angel?](Did Jesus have a guardian angel?)

How do I help my child’s spiritual life?

Guardian angels

Guardian Angels (II)

Guardian Angels (III)

Angels impregnating women? Say it ain’t so…

When did God create angels?
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