Guardian of British Distortion

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**Irresponsible coverage like The Guardian’s leaves Israel reviled in Great Britain; also, HR for Campus group in Israel for winter break.

** new, comprehensive poll of British opinion on foreign nations was just released by The Telegraph. The results: Israel is considered by Britons the #1 ‘least deserving of international respect,’ the ‘least beautiful country,’ the country Britons would ‘least like to take a holiday in,’ and would ‘least like to live in.’

How did this British animosity toward Israel come about, with Israel ranked worse than Egypt, India, China and 20 other countries?

Today’s (Jan. 5) UK media coverage of an incident in Gaza goes a long way toward explaining it. The Guardian announced a horrific IDF act of child killing: seven children on their way to pick strawberries were mistaken for Palestinian militants and killed by Israeli tank shells.… The tanks used anti-personnel shells, which throw out thousands of metal darts in a deadly cloud… The attack took place near Beit Lahiya, in northern Gaza, from where militants had been firing mortars at Israeli positions on the Gaza border…

The Guardian report 1) presents as established fact a ‘mistaken killing’ of innocent Palestinian children, 2) reverses the actual series of events ― IDF response named first, Palestinian mortars second, 3) describes the Israeli civilian target of the Palestinian mortar fire as an Israeli ‘position’ ― falsely implying a military target, and 4) calls the IDF response an ‘attack,’ while the Palestinian mortar fire (against civilians) receives no such derogatory description.

Here’s what actually happened, according to an altogether fair report from The New York Times:

The troubles began when Palestinians fired four mortar rounds in the morning, wounding an Israeli civilian in an industrial zone on the northern edge of the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military said. One shell nearly hit a school bus carrying children in northern Gaza, the military added.

Soon afterward, an Israeli tank fired on a group of Palestinians believed to have been responsible for firing the mortars from farmland on the outskirts of Beit Lahiya, the Israeli military said. Seven Palestinian youths working in a strawberry field, ages 11 to 17, were killed, according to relatives, witnesses and Palestinian officials at Kamal Adwan Hospital… Col. Avi Levy, a brigade commander in northern Gaza, told Israel radio that “we understand that the fire actually hit that cell [of Palestinian terrorists].” But he acknowledged the possibility of civilian casualties. “In the event that our fire hit civilians, then this is the place to protest against terrorists who fire mortars from the midst of civilians.”

Note that the Times account acknowledges 1) who started the violence ― Palestinians targeting Israeli civilians, 2) the IDF claim that its tanks actually struck the mortar-firing terrorists, and 3) the all-important issue of terrorists firing mortars from the midst of Palestinian civilians, thereby endangering innocents’ lives.

Now we understand the results of the UK public opinion poll. Years of reports such as today’s from the Guardian have left Britons with a highly distorted understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

HonestReporting asks: How much longer will an irresponsible UK media continue to deceive the British public by blaming Israel for all the region’s woes? Comments to the Guardian:

Thank God the Guardian and the BBC have the courage to stand up to Zionist bullying unlike the US news agencies.

The Guardian should be commended for this.
**The “New” Anti-Semitism

Already in 1988, the Holy See’s Commission for Justice and Peace, in its document, The Church and Racism, noted that “anti-Zionism – which is not of the same order (as anti-Semitism), since it questions the State of Israel and its policies – serves at times as a screen for anti-Semitism, feeding on it and leading to it.”[21] Old conspiracy theories and world domination fantasies are being given new life and are exploiting the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Cardinal William H. Keeler, Reflections on Anti-Semitism and the Church, June 6, 2004

[21]The Church and Racism, no. 15. Text and commentary can be found in *Anti-Semitism is a Sin *by Eugene Fisher and Leon Klenicki (New York: Anti-Defamation League, 1990).
Interesting article but, are you aware that the Gaurdian is owned and controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Lives in the States I believe.
And we know this attack against the Guardian is true because says so. And we know they are “honest” because… well, they’re “

Wecome to the age of the Orwellian.

Here is a little bit from “” that may help expalin their bias …uh, I mean “honest reporting.”
Israel is fighting an uphill battle and needs all the help it can get. Much has been achieved, yet there is much more yet to do. One person alone may not make a difference, but thousands united can…

Join and help Israel win the media war.

Read more about us:

New York Jewish Week
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
Jewish Bulletin of Northern California
In June 2002, major editorial changes occurred at CNN which greatly shifted public perception of the Arab-Israel conflict in general, and the role of Palestinian suicide bombers in particular. HonestReporting was cited in The New York Times (July 1, 2002) as playing a role in this shift, and the Jerusalem Post reported that " readers sent up to 6,000 e-mails a day to CNN executives, effectively paralyzing their internal e-mail system."
I see, if you believe that the news isn’t Zionist enough, just organize a pack to bully the agencies into reporting the news your way.
I believe Murdoch is Australian. Have no idea where he currently resides. However, who owns the paper and where he lives have nothing to do with the point of the orginal post, which was how biased reporting can affect public opinion. Some of the reporters for our local paper (owned by a chain, but not Murdoch’s), with the choice of a single word, can alter the meaning of an entire story. No matter what our personal prejudices are, we all deserve fair and honest reporting.
No matter what our personal prejudices are, we all deserve fair and honest reporting.
Does “helping Israel to win the media war” in any way equate fair and honest reporting in your opinion?
I have mixed feelings on the Israeli situation because there have been so many wrongs committed on both sides. Consider me undecided overall.

As to my original post, what part of it don’t you understand? All I’m saying is for the media to “tell it like it is”. Facts only, not opinions or written in such a way as to support the reporter’s own agenda.
All I’m saying is for the media to “tell it like it is”. Facts only, not opinions or written in such a way as to support the reporter’s own agenda.
Yes I agree. I would further state that it’s important that news not be ignored or supressed.

Telling the truth about some things and ignoring others is not ethical.

This is the media’s most common offense.
While a Free Press to inform the public is the ideal of the U.S. Constitution, what we have is a paid press that exists to make a profit. The content is directed to sales; not information.:rolleyes:
The purpose of newspapers is not to report news. The purpose of newspapers is to mold and shape public opinion.

Newspapers and other media are the vehicles that their wealthy owners use to manipulate “information” so that the general public will think the way the way the owners want the public to think.

Newpapers use all types of extras to attract readers. They have coupons, crossword puzzles, horoscopes, comics, sports pages. But the ultmate goal of the newspaper is to mold public opinion.
Chris Jacobsen:
The purpose of newspapers is not to report news. The purpose of newspapers is to mold and shape public opinion.

Newspapers and other media are the vehicles that their wealthy owners use to manipulate “information” so that the general public will think the way the way the owners want the public to think.

Newpapers use all types of extras to attract readers. They have coupons, crossword puzzles, horoscopes, comics, sports pages. But the ultmate goal of the newspaper is to mold public opinion.
Then why are they called NEWSpapers???
Rupert Murdoch does not own the Guardian, he owns the Times, the Sun, the Sunday Times and the News of the World and Fox News but not the Guardian.
The circulation of the Guardian is under 500 000 which is much much less than the pro Zionist Times, Sun, Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express and Financial Times. If British people evaluate Israel poorly it has less to do with a small liberal newspaper and much to do with Israels brutal, murderous and illegal occupation of Arab land.
The expansion of settlements in the West Bank through ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their ancestral farms and the creation of roads which only Jews are allowed to drive on probably doesnt endear the Israeli state to those of us who are consistently anti racist either. Consistent means recognising that both Jews and Arabs are equally beloved children of a loving God.
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