
I agree.Catholic-Orthodox unity will not be achieved in our lifetimes. If it happens, it will be two or three hundred years in the future, at least.
I agree.Orthodoxy will never accept reunification with the Catholic Church based upon the way the Papacy now runs things.
I have no idea what you are talking about!The Catholic Church´s hierarchy would look upon the petty bickering of Orthodox bishops and canonical territories as unfathomable.
Are you saying that in the Western church there is no petty bickering?
Or that the Western petty bickering is more fathomable to the Western mind?
Please keep in mind that the Eastern churches adhere firmly to the one-bishop, one city Canons wherever possible. The only canonical mess is in North America where we Catholics have the same problem: there are at least three Catholic bishops of overlapping jurisdiction in Parma Ohio. These problems can be resolved, it does no good to exaggerate them for effect.
What about the ancient See of Antioch? There are five Patriarchs of Antioch today, three of which are Catholic.
The fracturing of the church of Saint Thomas in southern India was directly the result of Catholic meddling and mishandling, where once there was one unified church there are now five, three of which are Catholic.
Everyone has long memories. But you are correct about the Slavic world, where they live they actually walk the ground where those things happened. They swim the rivers and farm the fields where great tragedies took place. History is not a merely intellectual exercise for them as it can be for North Americans.It will take a real spirit of forgiveness and desire to do the Lord’s work to repair the split made by men in the Church created by Jesus Christ. Much of Orthodoxy - and Catholicism - is in the Slavic world, and they have long memories.
The church can be pulled together again, but it will require a great deal more flexibility than we have thus far beeen willing to admit. So I agree that it could take hundreds of years, if ever.
In the meantime the church resembles Humpty Dumpty’s egg.