Hanoi Hannah

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Any of this sound familier?:

<<How are you, GI joe? It seems to me that most of you are poorly
informed about the going of the war, to say nothing about a correct
explanation of your presence over here. Nothing is more confused than
to be ordered into a war to die or to be maimed for life without the
faintest idea of whats going on.>> (Hanoi Hannah, 16 June 1967)

<<American GIs dont fight this unjust immoral and illegal war of
Johnsons. Get out of Vietnam now and alive. This is the voice of
Vietnam Broadcasting from Hanoi, capitol of the Democratic republic of
Vietnam. Our program for American GIs can be heard at 1630 hours.
Now heres Connie Francis singing I almost lost my mind.>> (Hanoi
Hannah, 12 August 1967)

<<Now for the War News. American casualties in Vietnam. Army
Corporal Larry J. Samples, Canada, Alabama… Staff Sergeant Charles
R. Miller, Tucson, Arizona…
Sergeant Frank G. Hererra, Coolidge, Arizona… >>(Hanoi Hannah,
September 15, 1967)

<<Now for our talk. A Vietnam Black GI who refuses to be a victim of
racism is billy smith. It seems on the morning of march fifteenth a
fragmentation grenade went off in an officers barracks in bien hoa
Army Base killing two gung ho lieutenants and wounding a third. Smith
was illegally searched, arrested and put in Long Binh Jail and brought
home for trial. The evidence that clearly showed him guilty of all
charges and specifications was this: being black, poor and against the
war and the army and refusing to be a victim of racism. >> (Hanoi
Hannah, 30 March 1968)

All these were propaganda broadcasts. I wonder if Michael Moore was an intern? Just change a few names, dates etc. and you have exactly what the pro-terrorist protesters are saying.
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