Happiness from a Catholic point of view

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New member
For me, there is nothing more than I would want, than to praise God, spend company with Him and one day see the Beatific vision.

For it is in suffering, in joy, that God seems closer.

What makes you happy? What is happiness for you?
Having a personal relationship with Jesus that He wants us to have…through the Sacraments He instituted for us, especially the Eucharist (I will be with you always) and His teachings (if you love me you will obey my commandments).
The incredible new life I have with my husband and children since we’ve converted to Catholicism.
Happiness is a side effect.

It is a side effect of a fulfilling life, being at peace with yourself and being in harmony with and trusting in God’s will.

Happiness in and of itself should not be a goal.
For my soul to one day reach union with God, which is the ultimate destiny. Hope for eternal life.
Happiness is knowing I’m in a state of grace and can receive Holy Communion and that my soul in that state is pleasing to God.
Honestly, I don’t know.

Thinking about the state of the world and how it is, I don’t believe he is. I trust that he is patient, compassionate and merciful, but I don’t know if he is happy.
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