Happy Feast of St Blaise!

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Just thought I’d wish everyone a happy St. Blaise day!

Did anyone have their throat blessed today after Mass? My Priest blessed the throats of the whole congregation today after Mass. It’s great to see that this old tradition is still going.
I added to another board (Spirituality) the following
I was pleasantly surprised this morning that our parish was offering the blessing of throats during Mass. I had anticipated it taking too long to be included in the Sunday liturgy – and am sure some thought it was as we were pulling out of the parking spaces while the next group of Mass goers were pulling in! Made me happy, though . . .
pastor was heads up, did it both before and after Mass, so lines were shorter, also blessed candles, read bishop’s letter on Penance and Lent, recognized scouts for scout Sunday, recognized first communicants and posed for picture with them after Mass and blessed their religious articles, and made time for announcements from various parish groups on Lenten activities, there were stands outside to sign up for blood drive, capital campaign pledge, and pick up family info packets, buy scout spaghetti dinner tickets, and pick up Advent-Christmas projects. joint was jumping today. glad we got this all over with before the Rite of Sending for Election next week.
Just thought I’d wish everyone a happy St. Blaise day!

Did anyone have their throat blessed today after Mass? My Priest blessed the throats of the whole congregation today after Mass. It’s great to see that this old tradition is still going.
At the parish I was going to attend this morning they most likely blessed throats after Mass. They do it every year. And I can think of another parish where I know they did it this morning as well.

I didn’t end up going because I seem to have come down with the flu. And I find it ironic that I will miss having my throat blessed on a day when I have a really bad sore throat. 😃

I didn’t end up going because I seem to have come down with the flu. And I find it ironic that I will miss having my throat blessed on a day when I have a really bad sore throat. 😃
Same here!!! I got ready for Mass and everything, but just couldn’t get out the door. I slept for hours last night and am still exhausted and my throat hurts!! I should’ve sucked it up and gone to Mass, the blessing would’ve helped. :o
Same here!!! I got ready for Mass and everything, but just couldn’t get out the door. I slept for hours last night and am still exhausted and my throat hurts!! I should’ve sucked it up and gone to Mass, the blessing would’ve helped. :o
Not on your nelly! If you’d gone you probaby would’ve made others sick as well, not to mention sapping your energy and taking that much longer to get well yourself 😦 :mad: Please, people, don’t go out when you’re sick if you can possibly help it.

I keep some holy water in a bottle at home, if I’m ill it can help to bless myself or just the affected portion. Would do just as well as candles, I’m sure.

As for St Blaise, I have a fondness for him, being Croatian (St Blaise is patron of a town on the Croatian coast called Dubrovnik), but unfortunately, although some Churches here do the blessing of the candles on Candlemas, I don’t know of any that have done the blessing of the throats. Maybe because it’s the middle of stinkin’ hot summer here.

Sveti Blazh, moli te za nas :byzsoc: :getholy:
Not on your nelly! If you’d gone you probaby would’ve made others sick as well, not to mention sapping your energy and taking that much longer to get well yourself 😦 :mad: Please, people, don’t go out when you’re sick if you can possibly help it.
I know, I usually don’t. We have a lot of retirees in our parish, and the idea of getting one of them sick makes me really uncomfortable. I have trouble drawing that line, though, KWIM? If I’ve got a mild cold, I’ll go, but then think maybe I shouldn’t have. Today it was a no-brainer, but there are other days where it’s not so cut and dried.
Not on your nelly! If you’d gone you probaby would’ve made others sick as well, not to mention sapping your energy and taking that much longer to get well yourself 😦 :mad: Please, people, don’t go out when you’re sick if you can possibly help it.
My original plan for this weekend was to go to Mass at one parish last night for the Vigil and another parish this morning. Last night it was clear that I was not going to make it. This morning I felt a little better and actually got up and started to get ready. But, then I thought about the fact that I might make others sick so I didn’t go.

And I have spent the past couple of hours debating whether or not I should go to Mass this evening. But, again ,even though I think I could handle it I don’t want to get anyone else sick.

Just before the final blessing, Father announced that it was the feast of St. Blaise and throats would be blessed immediately following Mass. It looked to me as though nearly everyone stayed after the resessional hymn to receive the traditional blessing.

Just thought I’d wish everyone a happy St. Blaise day!

Did anyone have their throat blessed today after Mass? My Priest blessed the throats of the whole congregation today after Mass. It’s great to see that this old tradition is still going.
Happy St. Blaise day to you too. 🙂 In our parish we had our throats blessed today (Monday 4th) as yesterday was Sunday!!
Don’t know why they decided on that:confused: .
Our priest blessed our throats all of the people, one blessing. I would have preferred individually but he read to us from his little book, where it says “pastoral decision” whether to do individually or as a whole.

At our small parish there is only one Sunday Mass with maybe 50 to 60 people attending.
Did anyone have their throat blessed today after Mass?
Yes, Fr Joseph McGuinness and two other priests helped, along with our semi-retired Monsignor, who is taking it a bit easier after 28 years service.
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