Harry Potter and The Vatican

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Does anyone know what the Pope has officially said regarding reading the Harry Potter books?
I love the church…but they cant even get up the nerve to come out and officially admit that the Pope thought that The Passion of the Christ was a good movie…dont hold your breath on any comments about Harry Potter.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone…Harry Potter and the Chamer of Secrets…Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban…Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix…
…“Harry Potter and the Vatican?”

Haha, wouldn’t that be an interesting title for the next book…the story of how Harry Potter finds the Catholic Church and realizes the evil of the witchcraft he practices…and joins a seminary! 😃
Happy ending? Haha, I’d say so.

But, really, there isn’t anything immoral about Harry Potter, is there?
Does anyone know what the Pope has officially said regarding reading the Harry Potter books?
Are you implying *that * the holy father has said something (official or un-) about them…!?

What’s not to like? It’s even available in Latin: Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone…Harry Potter and the Chamer of Secrets…Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban…Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix…
…“Harry Potter and the Vatican?”
For the Dan Brown cross-over market: Harry Potter and the Priory of Sion :eek:
Even though Harry Potter does contain witchcraft and wizardry, it’s not like it exsists, i mean, if anyone could wave a wand and say a few words and make things happen, well the world would be a simpler place. The witchcraft that does exsist has more to do with herbs, colours, nature and praying to a God or Goddess, not a childish image of wizards. I see no harm in letting children read those books as long as they are told that it isn’t real, and they are great for kids with difficulties reading!! My sister was in grade 8 with a reading level of a 3rd or 4th grader. She hated reading and refused to because she couldn’t. Then my older sister, who hated watchign her fail english assignments bought her the first Harry Potter and she LOVED it!!! She owns and reads all of them more than 2wice, and she now has top marks in high school english!! She’s even attempting to read Lord of the Rings (which i bought her out of encouragement). Those books can help children with literacy problems. i think that any book that can help children, the vatican shoudl have no problem with!!
Oh and I liked the comment about the Da Vinci Code!! Great!!

I own that book and if any of you have read it, if you look past the obvious bad points about it, it is a great book, the characters are well developed, the plot line in a page turner and so twisty!! I’ve read it 2wice and recommend it, of course if you do read it, don’t take it for more than what it really is…FICTION!!
My 10 year old son loves Harry Potter and has read all 5 books, and so have I. I see Harry as being a trustworthy, reliable character and his goodness always wins over evil! My mother-in-law, a Southern Baptist, is very upset that we allow him to read the books and watch the movies but we feel, since I have read all 5 and my husband has read 3, we have made an educated decision to allow him to read the Harry Potter series.
I saw a priest reading one of the Harry Potter books and I asked him what the Church had to say about it. He didn’t know-he hadn’t heard anything and he didn’t find anything wrong with it.
Also, I’m pretty sure that the Pope has more important things to do than to read and comment upon Harry Potter books, no offense.
True–Harry Potter is simple fiction, and the magic which exists in the books is not related to any real-world “magic”, but is something more like an alternate science (you have chemistry in the Muggle world, potions in the wizard world; electricity vs. “lumos”, etc.).

There’s really no reason for the Vatican to make a pronouncement. The US Bishops have comments on the movies (in their reviews), but at the bottom line, “not contrary to the Faith”.
It isn’t the Pope’s or the Church’s job to bee a book or movie critic. Why would they have an official” position? Harry Potter is a fiction book. It doesn’t claim to be real. As Catholics we don’t need the Church to make all of our decisions.
See the thread on “Harry Potter Confusion” and read my many posts objecting to the Harry Potter craze from a scriptural and Catholic doctrinal foundation.

I provide links to www.Scholastic.com publishers, which has made a fortune on the HP, and sees nothing wrong with little wannabe Harry Warlocks and Witches casting spells, and creating curses! Yiikes! Links to actual WICCA sites, will prove that the occult practice of witchcraft is alive and well in this advanced age of science and medicine. Links to ex-witches, now born-again Christians, who know the spiritual dangers of being involved in the occult. And a link to a missionary priest in Africa who acts as an exorcist to the pagan, devil worshipping, belief system of that culture. Magic is not fantasy and make believe in his perspective. Satan is real, alive and doing well to those who are living in darkness.

Did the Vatican rule on Harry? No. But the Vatican Exorcist is said to have warned Catholics about the dangers of exposing oneself to occult curiosities. This is not only forbidden in the Bible, but in the Catholic Catechism. His advice - stay away!

My advice, too, is to leave Harry Potter books on store shelves and open your child’s mind to the world of solid Catholic literature, most importantly, the lives of the saints. If you already bought into Rowlings “magick” tales, take out your Bibles and Catechism and teach your kids that Harry is practicing 9 out of the 10 forbidden occult arts mentioned in the Bible. The l0th is murdering infants to appease pagan gods. We are already practicing that in this country. It’s called legalized abortion! And the name of the “god” is CHOICE!
Harry is practicing 9 out of the 10 forbidden occult arts mentioned in the Bible. The l0th is murdering infants to appease pagan gods. We are already practicing that in this country. It’s called legalized abortion! And the name of the “god” is CHOICE!
Actually, it’s funny you should mention that. I have seen the movies and read the first two books. In the first movie, Harry and friends are making a potion with the mandrake plant, which in the movie looks exactly like a grotesque human fetus. They have to kill the thing (as I remember it) to make their potion. Did anyone not think about this while making the movie? It was extremely off-putting.

While I think that generally the HP books fall into the category of adventure and entertainment, unfortunately the media machine that has been built around it links the books in the bookstores and on the internet to actual occult books. There are some character deficiencies to HP–he constantly breaks the rules and never is punished. He’s so wonderful his teachers constantly are rewarding him even after he’s broken serious rules for frivolous reasons. But it is a fantasy and many books contain such elements.

Would I let my child read these books? Or see the movies? Maybe. I’d rather she didn’t, but I understand the curiosity that comes with the books being so popular. But not until her conscience is well-formed, she has been adequately prepared for the occult-influences in the book and with the proviso that we discuss the books as she goes along. She is 6 now. I wouldn’t let her even think of cracking one open til about 10 at least. However, the stories are getting darker and the characters more mature, so that may bring the whole thing to a full stop after all.
That’s interesting! A mandrake plant in the shape of a fetus? Would the author and movie producers also be suggesting fetus murder, too?

I won’t spend the $8 to see the movie, so I didn’t know this took place. Thanks for filling me in.

However, you will probably be hearing from Potter defenders saying that you are reading too much into this wonderful child’s fantasy tale. Or are you?
Now, I know this link below is from a schismatic group (SSPX) but this article does summarize the scene I am describing. I looked and looked for a still photo from the movie online but couldn’t find one. I don’t think it’s making too much of a deal of this to object to this revolting scene.


In a subplot of book two, one of the professors is waiting for the Mandrakes to mature, because they are necessary for producing a cure for the students who have been petrified by the basilisk. Historically, a mandrake is a plant that people believed would grow under the place where a man was hanged. Its root was said to have looked like a gnarled, shriveled up, dead infant, which was supposed to have made a shrieking noise when pulled out of the ground. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a Mandrake is a plant, the root of which is an actual baby. [This next part is a quote from the HP book.]
Instead of roots, a small, muddy, and extremely ugly baby popped out of the earth. The leaves were growing right out of his head. He had pale green, mottled skin, and was clearly bawling at the top of his lungs. Professor Sprout took a large plant pot from under the table and plunged the Mandrake into it, burying him in dark, damp compost. . .The Mandrakes didn’t like coming out of the earth, but they didn’t seem to want to go back into it either. They squirmed, kicked, flailed their sharp little fists, and gnashed their teeth; Harry spent ten whole minutes trying to squash a particularly fat one into a pot.22

Its screams are fatal to anyone who hears, so the students who are present have to wear earmuffs. Rowling then depicts the stages of the Mandrakes’ lives as though they are human beings. Later, when the mandrakes are “mature” enough for use, they are cut up into pieces and stewed

Even more disturbing is that these mandrake plants are referred to throughout the series, so it’s not just a one-time “gag.” (Gag me, is right.) Michael O’Brien, respected Catholic author, also wrote about this disturbing scene here:

For example, in one class the students are taught to cut up mandrake roots, which are living human babies, for use in a potion. At the least, this can cause a subconscious desensitization to abortion.

The rest of the article is pretty good too.
I know the scene, I’ve seen the movie several times (I have it on DVD). They look like a strange cross between a giant potatoe and a cabbage patch kid. In that scene they are re-planting the mandrakes to larger pots so they can mature and grow to their adult stage. I have no idea what the adult stage looks like according to … (cannot think of anyone to put here), but in the movie and the book they cannot use the madrakes until they have matured.
Be careful how you (Mis)appropriate isolated sections of the book!

The mandrake scene draws heavily from old folklore about the plants – nearly all the herbology scenes do! – which has already been noted in this thread. But, appearances do not change the fact that this is a PLANT, it GROWS IN THE GROUND and it has FOLIAGE growing above ground level.
You know, I really feel like we have a really BAD thing going here: people have itsy bitsy bits of information about something, they reach a snap judgment on it, then they try to find ways of justifying their prejudice, even if it means misrepresenting what actually goes on in the original. Some of you people are talking about what you’ve heard about HP and it bears so little resemblance to the books that I can’t imagine what in the world you’re talking about!

You know, a little bit of irony here: this is exactly how I used to talk about the Church: I had heard that they worshipped idols (saints and angels), were paranoid about sex, had abandoned the Bible… and I just assumed these things were true and I discussed them as if I knew what I was talking about… HA!!!. But they weren’t.

Be CAREFUL! if you don’t know what you’re talking about, then find out what is real before you promote your prejudice as fact.
How about Harry Potter and the Ring of Power? Anyone?

It is not the Pope’s custom to appraise cultural artifacts. He rarely gives comment on something, unless it is blatently anti-christian. Even then, the Holy Father has the uncanny ability to see that there is a glimmer of truth in even the most outrageous lie. He realizes the political and social value of his approval of something, and how some people will blow out of proportion even a slight comment such as “It is as it was.” These five words created quite a stir when Mel Gibson screened “The Passion of the Christ” to him. Can you imagine the uproar if His Holiness blurted out “I like Harry”. Some people woul accuse the Pope of being the antichrist for supporting books about sorcery, some would try to market the books claiming that they meet with papal approval. Therefore, JPII just refrains from comment on anything that has commercial value, as he knows that people will take his words and try to use them for financial or political gain.
I repeat again, Harry Potter is being taught “satanic” pratices. Here is a report on Satanism in Italy that should open your eyes:


Alarm in Italy as growth of Satanism creates “market” for consecrated hosts

ROME, Italy, Jul. 15, 2004 (CNA) - Fr. Aldo Buonaiuto, director of
an “emergency help line” that assists young people wanting to get out of satanic cults, expressed alarm this week at the growth of
Satanism, which has created a “market” for consecrated hosts in Italy.

In statements published in the Catholic magazine Famiglia Cristiana, Fr. Buonaiuto explained that “a proliferation of cults exists which practice black masses, with the profanation of consecrated hosts, rape and torture.”

“We know of cases of consensual vampirism, and also the assaulting of young people who have been drugged in the course of ritualistic orgies.”

According to Fr. Buonaiuto, “A true `market’ for consecrated hosts
exists. They sell for 80-500 euros, depending on the size of the
host, the prominence of the church from which they were stolen, and who consecrated them.”

“The highest price is placed on those that are consecrated in the
churches of Rome, above all those closest to the Vatican. They are stolen in two ways: from the tabernacle, but also at the time of Holy Communion,” he said.

“Some cults perform rituals with the consecrated hosts while under the influence of LSD or cocaine, led frequently by ex-priests who have offered themselves in the service of Satan,” he told Famiglia Cristiana.

According to Fr. Buonaiuto, the proliferation of these cults is very
much connected with “the loss of the sense of the sacred.” “Man
needs to fill himself with something, and today the market is full of superficial alternatives, among them, Satanism,” he concluded.

Catholic News Agency 2003
BBC News: Harry Potter gets Vatican’s blessing

The Church - and folks who know the pagan/New Age movement fairly well - disagrees that Harry Potter is a danger to children. Sure, we can read all of these subtle pagan nuances in to HP, but many have done the same thing with Catholicism.
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