Has anyone heard of "Sacred Space"?

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🙂 I stumbled over this site when I was reading a blogging of a Protestant convert. The convert, seemingly, was praying at this site and it piqued my curiosity.

Whoa, the site was a bomb! It’s a beautiful way to pray. When I first logged on the site, there was about 7 million plus visitors. Now, it has surpassed the 10 million mark!

Come and see it for yourself.
Oppps, I forgot to give you the link. Here it is:


Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, now and forever. Amen.
Oppps, I forgot to give you the link. Here it is:


Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, now and forever. Amen.
A check of the Catholic Culture Review on Websites advises Caution. All that glitters is not gold. The site looks good but has much that is not loyal to the Catholic Faith.
Catholic Culture Site Review.:
Resources Poor

Descriptions: This web site, produced by the Irish Jesuits, exists to provide visitors with a step-by-step prayer session of about ten minutes, centred on a different passage of scripture every day.

Strengths: None Reported

Weakness: Bad Links (Fidelity)

Further Information in Support of Example:
“Bad Links”


Readings and Sites for the Spiritual Journey (promotes Teilhard de Chardin)

Awaken to Prayer (promotes centering prayer and has bad links i.e. Theology

The Tablet

American Catholic Online.

Contemplative Prayer for Everyone (promotes enneagram)

Contemplative Outreach of Northern California

Collaborative Ministry

Hi, Marie,

I do not know of the Catholic Culture Site Review. Can you give me the link? Who is behind this review?

Hi, Marie,

I do not know of the Catholic Culture Site Review. Can you give me the link? Who is behind this review?

Trinity has been a vital resource for the Catholic Faith for quite sometime. They do website reviews for many Catholic websites and adhere strictly to fidelity to the Church’s teachings. There are many websites on the net which call themselves Catholic but are not loyal in reality and not good for learning the truth of the Catholic Church’s teachings. I use them regularly to check out websites. Great resource. When in doubt…check the website in question out there.

Catholic Culture Website Reviews
Trinity Communications":
Trinity Communications
Trinity Communications is a non-profit corporation devoted to advancing the Catholic Faith through publishing and educational services.

Currently, its chief project is Catholic Culture, a web site which provides full coverage of Church traditions throughout the liturgical year, hundreds of reviews of Catholic web sites, and a library of Catholic documents.

Incorporated in 1985, Trinity published books and tapes in the late 1980s and moved into electronic communications in the early 1990s. It developed the Catholic Resource Network, which merged with the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) and became EWTN’s web site in 1996.

Trinity also partnered for four years with the Knights of Columbus to develop a major web presence for the Supreme Council and its life insurance division.

Trinity also provides the Internet infrastructure for Catholic World News, Catholic Information Center and other select Catholic organizations.
Whoa, the site was a bomb! It’s a beautiful way to pray. When I first logged on the site, there was about 7 million plus visitors. Now, it has surpassed the 10 million mark!

Come and see it for yourself.
Hi Donaday!

You have found the Jesuits “Sacred space” and you have fallen in love with that site at the first meeting, I suppose.

So did I when I first stumbled over it nearly two years ago. I think the best way to use a prayerplace like this is not every day, but when you need something extra in your relation with God!

Remember that the best place to go and pray are in front of the tabernacle in your church!

My best wishes for your time when you use the Jesuits “Sacred Space” for prayer!

I want to show you another place to pray together with people all over the world. The first prayer starts this way: “Lord, you said that when two or three would gather together in your name, then you would be present with them”.

It is a pdf-file:



Gratias Grace:
Hi Donaday!

You have found the Jesuits “Sacred space” and you have fallen in love with that site at the first meeting, I suppose.

So did I when I first stumbled over it nearly two years ago. I think the best way to use a prayerplace like this is not every day, but when you need something extra in your relation with God!

Remember that the best place to go and pray are in front of the tabernacle in your church!

My best wishes for your time when you use the Jesuits “Sacred Space” for prayer!

I want to show you another place to pray together with people all over the world. The first prayer starts this way: “Lord, you said that when two or three would gather together in your name, then you would be present with them”.

It is a pdf-file:



Yes, I did fall in love with it the first time I saw it. I studied in a Jesuit university and taught in a Jesuit school for sometime and somehow, the site provided the connection.

Yes, I also do adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, every Thursday. Our parish has a perpetual adoration and we parishioners signed up for it. If I could only have the time, I’d do it more often, or if it were possible, everyday!

I do pray at the site, Sacred Space, almost daily. This is a good way to start my day at work. I am able to read the Gospel for the day and besides, the conversation part is beautiful.

Frankly, I don’t understand why this site is rated “YELLOW”. I don’t see anything wrong about it.

Thanks for the link.

Bless you too.
Frankly, I don’t understand why this site is rated “YELLOW”. I don’t see anything wrong about it.

Thanks for the link.

Bless you too.
I don’t think they mean there is anything wrong with the website itself. They refer Caution to the sites they Link with. Ennegram’s etc. Those are to be used with caution is my understanding. The links are not all orthodox. I think the sites quite wonderful and I too enjoy it. Some of the links however stink. 😉

Sorry if I confused you.
I think since we are unike persons, everyone of us has to find our own way of praying. I like to start the day with some written prayers and often use the “100 prayers” link.

Sacred Space as I love, and of witch I have recomanded to others, I use on days when I don’t feel well. There I feel comforted and helped. (I suppose this was a good recomondation who talks for it self)

Everyone I have recommanded Sacred Space to has in some way ore other fallen in love with it.

(Hope there are few spelling mistakes in the text.English is not my first language and I can’t find my wordbook).

God Bless!

I don’t think they mean there is anything wrong with the website itself. They refer Caution to the sites they Link with. Ennegram’s etc. Those are to be used with caution is my understanding. The links are not all orthodox. I think the sites quite wonderful and I too enjoy it. Some of the links however stink. 😉

Sorry if I confused you.
Not at all, Marie. I checked the Trinity website and when I realized it is not something under the auspices of Rome, then I really did not bother. It is an indepedent consulting company. It doesn’t need to have ‘Nihil Obstat’ or ‘Imprimatur’, so to speak.

I’d rather go with the Gospel’s advise: “By its fruits, you shall know…”

Gratias Grace:
I think since we are unike persons, everyone of us has to find our own way of praying. I like to start the day with some written prayers and often use the “100 prayers” link.

Sacred Space as I love, and of witch I have recomanded to others, I use on days when I don’t feel well. There I feel comforted and helped. (I suppose this was a good recomondation who talks for it self)

Everyone I have recommanded Sacred Space to has in some way ore other fallen in love with it.

(Hope there are few spelling mistakes in the text.English is not my first language and I can’t find my wordbook).

Hello GG,

The spelling doesn’t matter. What is important is the meat of the message.

Just like the appearance of the person is not really that important. It is his or her heart that really matters.

God Bless!

I’ve been going to Sacred Space for over a year and Love it. They have a link to “Hear Our Prayer” where you can submit prayers and pray for others. I found alot of other sites where you can submit prayers, this one is international.😃
Carrie Andrews:
I’ve been going to Sacred Space for over a year and Love it. They have a link to “Hear Our Prayer” where you can submit prayers and pray for others. I found alot of other sites where you can submit prayers, this one is international.😃
Hi, Carrie,

So you got to it ahead of me. I started ‘praying’ with the Jesuits since November, when there were about 7 million or so visitors. Now, it’s way above 10 million. Pretty amazing, don’t you think?
Yes, it is amazing! I’m a big fan of the Jesuits, I think they are attacked alot and that is always a good sign they are close to God. I’m also a BIG fan of Ireland, where Sacred Space is from. My sister, Jane, sent me the site and as soon as I checked it out I sent it on to just about everyone on my mail list. I Love going to Sacred Space and I thinks sites like this(even if they let some bad links in) lend a holyness to the internet to counter all the nasty stuff out there!

“We have to believe in free will, we have no choice.”-Isaac B. Singer
Carrie Andrews:
Yes, it is amazing! I’m a big fan of the Jesuits, I think they are attacked alot and that is always a good sign they are close to God. I’m also a BIG fan of Ireland, where Sacred Space is from. My sister, Jane, sent me the site and as soon as I checked it out I sent it on to just about everyone on my mail list. I Love going to Sacred Space and I thinks sites like this(even if they let some bad links in) lend a holyness to the internet to counter all the nasty stuff out there!

“We have to believe in free will, we have no choice.”-Isaac B. Singer
Thank you for your response.

Let’s continue praying together, for prayer is the most powerful weapon we can possess in this raging spiritual battle.

God bless.
Thank you for your response.

Let’s continue praying together, for prayer is the most powerful weapon we can possess in this raging spiritual battle.

God bless.
About praying with Jesuits:

I don’t know so much about Jesuits. As a former lutheran I learned that Ignatius Loyola was a dangerous man which had said something like this:“The aim matters, not the methods”. Our teacher held Ignatius up for us as a bad example on dishonesty.

Well, for former Lutherans Ignatius Loyola sure was “a dangerous man” (the counterrevolution). LOL!

I want to reccommand another good Jesuit web. It gives opportunity for an online-retreat for more thaen 30 weeks. One can start at any moment, but if one starts in september, the retreat follows the Church-year.


God Bless!

Gratias Grace:
About praying with Jesuits:

I don’t know so much about Jesuits. As a former lutheran I learned that Ignatius Loyola was a dangerous man which had said something like this:“The aim matters, not the methods”. Our teacher held Ignatius up for us as a bad example on dishonesty.

Well, for former Lutherans Ignatius Loyola sure was “a dangerous man” (the counterrevolution). LOL!

I want to reccommand another good Jesuit web. It gives opportunity for an online-retreat for more thaen 30 weeks. One can start at any moment, but if one starts in september, the retreat follows the Church-year.


God Bless!

Hi, GG,

Your post made me smile. How could the Lutherans think of that? I should tell you that much of my Catholic faith is strenghtened by the Jesuits. The first thing I noticed was their sense of justice. Others might not agree but that’s really what made me see my faith in a new light.

As to the website, thank you. I only know of a short retreat that they have online at Sacred Space but not this one.

God bless.
Hi, GG,

Your post made me smile. How could the Lutherans think of that? I should tell you that much of my Catholic faith is strenghtened by the Jesuits. The first thing I noticed was their sense of justice. Others might not agree but that’s really what made me see my faith in a new light.

As to the website, thank you. I only know of a short retreat that they have online at Sacred Space but not this one.

God bless.
Because of the Jesuit-oath: **"------- (The Superior speaks:

My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope. You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace; to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, … "**

It is not concidered honest to be “a spy”!

Link to the oath:


Some says that this oath still is in use. Do you know anything about if that is true?

About Ignatius Loyola, the little I know about him, I think that the way he organized the counter-reformation, has been a help for the Catholic Church (stopped the protestants spreading at that time).

To me, an ordinary catholic, it’s OK to make use of Sacred Space (when I feel I need it). I also hope, once, to make use of the online retreat that the Jesuits at Creighton University offer.

My wish is to stay close to God. I experience that it is not always easy to do that in this seculare world. The websites I refer to offer good opportunities to reflect on my relationship with God.


Donadei, sorry about that the link I used to show the Jesuit-oath was so fundamentalistic and anticatholic. I recogniced that after given you the link.

I could not remember were I had seen the Jesuit-oath, so I tried ‘googles’. The oath is the same on whatever link ‘googles’ gave, but it was a bit irritating to find out that the link I presented were extremely anti-catholic.

I just want to point out that St. Ignatius Loyola is a Saint of the Catholic church. Just a friendly reminder.
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