Not for certain you wouldn’t. Didn’t you know that the vast majority of “Christians” in Iraq are in fact Chaldean Catholics. They are fully part of the church, just not Latin rite. My mother grew up going to Catholic school with large numbers of these folks whose families had immigrated to Michigan in the 1st 1/2 of the 20th century.I’m Catholic, I’d say because I was brought up under a Italian roof, and we went to church etc, But if I was brought up in Iraq I’d be Muslim.
You could have been born in India and been Catholic although from one of the two rites that I believe were supposed to have been started by St. Thomas. (We have a parish of each of these Indian Catholic rites in the Dallas area.) You could have been born in southern Nigeria and been Catholic as the Muslims are concentrated further north in that country. My parish has a visiting parochial vicar from Nigeria right now and the one prior to him came from there also. You could have been born to a family of Catholics even in communist China were the church that is in full communion with the Vatican is underground and persecuted. You could have been born into a Catholic family in any one of many countries in Central America or South America and been of one of the various races and ethnicities represented there also.
Our one race as Catholics is definitely the “human race” as we are probably the most diverse church on the planet for race and ethnicity. I see it in my parish every week where we have people from every inhabited continent and every “race.”