Do you believe the ecumenical movement and interrligious dialogue have ultimately watered-down traditional Catholic Teaching? Basically, have we sacrificed some Truth for the sake of unity and “world peace”?
Whoa!! The current Holy Father has gone out of
his way to engage the Orthodox, hoping that, once
again, the Church can “breathe with both lungs.”
I don’t see this as breaking with tradition, I see
this as an effort to fulfill the prayer of Jesus:
“That they all may be one, Heavenly Father, as
you and I are one.”
Am I misunderstanding what you are saying,
What Iota has the Orthodox compromised or given?Whoa!! The current Holy Father has gone out of his way ** (aka compromised) **to engage the Orthodox, hoping that, once again, the Church can “breathe with both lungs.”
I don’t see this as breaking with tradition, I see
this as an effort to fulfill the prayer of Jesus:
“That they all may be one, Heavenly Father, as
you and I are one.”
Am I misunderstanding what you are saying,
Do you believe the ecumenical movement and interrligious dialogue have ultimately watered-down traditional Catholic Teaching? Basically, have we sacrificed some Truth for the sake of unity and “world peace”?
You are right when you say that “the faith has not changed”, nor can it change. But, what has happened is that Catholics are being taught something other than the Catholic faith, and are being told that it is the same faith, that has undergone a change - “an updating”. Instead of being honest and saying “we are teaching you a new faith”. They simply say: “the faith has changed: we no longer believe what we used to believe, etc.”. An older Priest once told me: “everything has changed since Vatican II”. How right he was. Everything has changed since Vatican II. As Bella Dodd predicted, the Church is now unrecognizable. If you are not familiar with Bella Dodd, she was a former high ranking communist who was converted by Bishop Fulton Sheen. After her conversion, she revealed the plans of the communists, one of which was to “change the Church from within”. In 1963, when she gave the talk I have on tape, she said that communist agents had infultrated the Seminaries (over 1000 of them). She then said that “within 10 years the goals of the communists would come to pass and the church would undergo a change that would make it unrecognizeable”. She was right.i dont like the choices available… but of the ones there, i had to choose the 1st one… though after having thoroughly thought about it, i would have to answer to No (the 1st No). The Faith has not changed. What ‘ecumenism’ has done, i think, is made the faithful – priest, religious, and lay – timid in defending, living, promoting the Catholic Faith – the COMPLETE FAITH…
We have become a social justice-people, rather than a Eucharistic-people, in many respects…
since our fundamental baptismal call is evangelism, to preach the truth of the gospel to all, any and all outreach to separated Christians who are lacking the fullness of the faith, to the unchurched, and to non-Christians is a good thing, and by no means demands or implies that Catholic teaching must be watered down. It must be taught and expressed, however in terms understandable to the culture and age with which you are dealing.Do you believe the ecumenical movement and interrligious dialogue have ultimately watered-down traditional Catholic Teaching? Basically, have we sacrificed some Truth for the sake of unity and “world peace”?
Well, Exporter, I’m not Catholic, but I went to the Easter Vigil at my local Catholic Church Cathedral last night (interesting scene, with confirmations, chrisms, laying on of hands, and everything else). I have the program of the vigil (quite nicely done, I must say!), where it states, in big, bold Latin: Qui pro nobis pependit in ligno.Some of you say the Church hasn’t changed. Today I went to the 8:00 AM Mass. For the FIRST time I heard these words in the Gospel. “HE WAS HUNG ON A TREE”.
He was hung on a tree, not nailed to a cross! What has happened? Where does this “Hung On A Tree” come from? It was a Deacon who read that Gospel, the Priest didn’t speak English well at all. “Hung on a Tree”!
Some of you say the Church hasn’t changed. Today I went to the 8:00 AM Mass. For the FIRST time I heard these words in the Gospel. “HE WAS HUNG ON A TREE”.
He was hung on a tree, not nailed to a cross! What has happened? Where does this “Hung On A Tree” come from? It was a Deacon who read that Gospel, the Priest didn’t speak English well at all. “Hung on a Tree”!