Has ecumenism resulted in religious indifferentism?

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IMO, the touchy, feely, kumbaya ecumenical movement has eroded the momumental mystery and beauty of our faith. The Catholic Church is THE Church, THE one and only Church expressly left by Christ himself. Let the seperated brethern be lead back to Her as God Himself sees fit - nothing we do or say in the interest of feel-good, watered down, let’s all be friends, theology will make one iota of difference. If someone is meant to “come home”, that person will be lead there.
I KNOW how our faith is presented has been diluted by the “we’re all going to heaven by different paths” bunch. I’ve heard it my own parish. There is a distinct element that wants all non-Catholics to see The Church as “not that much different from you” type of faith. I even had a mormon (!) tell me that once!
Also, IMO, the ecumenical movement has definetly lead to indifference within the Church. If everyone is the same as everyone else, what’s the big deal about being a Catholic? - and yes, that’s the way many feel. So they fall away, drift off to the pot-luck supper church down the street, go Sunday church shopping, etc.
I, myself, am a convert to The Church, lead to Her by Christ because I was searching for THE ONLY Church. We must BE THE ONLY Church or become so indistingishable from the rest of Christendom that the seekers out there pass right on by us, not recognizing who we really are. And then, for that, we are answerable to Christ.
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