Marriage was a necessary change in my life that was nervewracking at first, but helped to facilitate my happiness along with several other life changes that would likely not have happened, or not have happened as smoothly, had I not been married.
One should not depend on marriage, or another person, to “make one happy”. Happiness comes from within. Part of happiness is the inner peace, which comes in part from knowing you are making a good choice in life that is right for you and appears to be what God wants (as far as we can tell).
My relationship with my husband, married or unmarried, has always made me happier. That is why the relationship continued. If it made me unhappier I would have ended it long ago before it got to the point of marriage.
P.S. I realize this is probably the “wrong” answer and I’m supposed to say something like “Oh yeah my husband totally made me the happiest girl in the world!” Or else people think I don’t love my husband. People are silly sometimes.