when I lived in Cleveland our congregation had a large number of African-American women, who really set the tone because they dressed so beautifully for Mass, hats and all. Coming in slacks or heaven forbid jeans felt absolutely slovenly under their benign influence. From that time on I have worn dresses to Mass, and hats, because I like hats and I don’t like veils. Veils look like i’m in mourning. Down here in the south most women my age (except the winter texans) wear suits or dresses to church, so do I. Nobody wears hats in church, the few times I tried it I was reprimanded (by people who have a right to reprimand me) so I stopped because of the interpretation the put on it (holier than thou etc.). I still wear hats everyday, but they are the kind you see on pictures of birdwatchers or safari hunters, as I am very sun sensitive.