I have to sneak my mass by watching it on the internet does that make me a bad Catholic or does that stop me from being Catholic? The reason I do this is to hide it from my father who is very against the Catholic faith and has told me that Catholics are of the devil and has taken my rosary and Catholic Bible away from me. Thank God that I found a friend who gave me another Catholic Bible which I hide and a rosary which also I hide but keep it on me at all times. So does this make me a bad Catholic or does this not make me a Catholic at all. See I was baptized Catholic as an infant but have never been able to get confirmed because of my father who I currently live with. Please help me understand this issue and what I should do and also if I am Catholic or not? I am afraid to go back up to my dad and tell him again that I am Catholic because he might kick me out and then well I wont have any place to go. Help me please