Right on! As my wife is fond of saying, “imagine what it would be like if we didn’t have any kids. Boooorrrrrrrring.”They don’t seem to know the fun they are missing
Right on! As my wife is fond of saying, “imagine what it would be like if we didn’t have any kids. Boooorrrrrrrring.”They don’t seem to know the fun they are missing
:bible1: “Blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of uprightness, the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.”
There is also a prejudice against thoughts that oppose the Culture of Pleasure and the Culture of Death. In our society this prejudice is accepted as well.Sure have. I think the only prejudice left is anti-catholicm. Funny isn’t it, people are criticized for the slightest hint of bias on matters of race nationality, sexual orientation, even religeon. However, these protections do not afford to Catholics, right wing religeous “fanatics,” or anyone of middle eastern heritage.
The two groups most hated in our secular society today are Catholics (witness the rabid reporting on the scandals. It was over the top, thoughn no one expects the press to keep something like that quiet. There was NO balance and it was NOT pedophilia – as has been pointed out in other threads.) and the police (witness the rabid reporting of ANY police shooting, no matter how justified.)There is also a prejudice against thoughts that oppose the Culture of Pleasure and the Culture of Death. In our society this prejudice is accepted as well.