Have you ever been the only one at Mass?

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i’m good sir

a lot of posters here have been worried about you

stop misbehaving; SIR
Have them see me in my office at 0500. We need to discuss discipline. 😎
Maybe a weekday Mass or a special Mass?

There were about ten of us this morning I think.

If you were, would you be obligated to do all of the readings?

(Obviously the priest is there).
I have been the only one at a weekday Divine Liturgy. It is awkward because the entire liturgy is sung/chanted and I alone was responsible for singing all the people’s parts. I don’t sing , but seeing I did. The priest chanted the epistle. 😊
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I have not, but I’ve been one of 3. It was actually really cool. The knowledge that the Great Sacrifice of the Mass can be celebrated when only a few are gathered just shows me how truly awesome and intimately present our Great Lord Jesus is. <3
In the Anglican tradition, a priest needs 2 congregants to begin Mass.
I wasn’t the only one, but I was sitting up front with no one in front of me. As a newbie, I had to constantly turn to see if I was supposed to sitting, standing, or kneeling. Never do that again!
As a newbie, I had to constantly turn to see if I was supposed to sitting, standing, or kneeling. Never do that again!
Good observation. Also, the people behind you might have been looking at you for clues on what to do.

Like the blind leading the blind.
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