Have you ever witnessed a true miracle or seen an angel?

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this sort of came to mind when i was posting to a lady who was having problems with her daughter. there have been two times in my life that i have seen angels and once that i have witnessed a miracle, im just wondering how common these incidents occur? guess i should explain myself first. first time i saw an angel my mother was driving me and my sisters to school, at the time we lived in a small town outside of Atlanta, and it had snowed the night before and the roads were icy, my mom lost control of the car on a curve and went carrineing into the woods and my mom screamed because we were heading straight for a ravine and she couldnt stop the car, a sapling is what stopped my moms big boat of a car, a sapling. then a man and a women out of no where showed up deep in the woods and helped us out of the car, they took us to the hospital and went away we never saw them again, no one knew who they were, we believe they were angels. the second time i saw angels i was in a car accident of my own, i was driving and got t boned by a truck, i was knocked out and my car began to fill up with smoke, in my head i knew i was choking but i couldnt wake up, i heard a mans voice saying “Tara you have to wake up, wake up now wake up theyre gonna help you just wake up” i woke up and a man and a woman again were at my car the man reached in smiling calmly and talking to me knowing my name, he took off my seat belt, and pulled me through the window of my car, the woman talked to me and held my hand, and promised i would be ok, that God loved me and i was too young i had a lot left to do and i would be ok. i woke up and asked my mom about it she said that there was no one there, that when the ambulance got there i was sitting beside my car and that they assumed i got myself out and just passed out again from the shock and pain. i know it was my angels though in my heart i know it was. the miracle i witnessed happened actually to my mom. she had a major heart problem. one that she wasnt expected to live from, i left school and moved back home to be with her. weeks before her open heart surgery she prayed, we all did, she read the bible, went to church, and was blessed by a priest the day of her surgery, there were churches and people all over praying for her, the day of her surgery my family and i prayed, i dont like to be around a lot of people when im upset so i went to the chapel to be alone, i just prayed my Rosary over and over and over until my dad came and told me that the doctor was coming to talk to us. the doctor finally came out and the look on his face terrified me, i knew i had lost my mom, i knew it, i was angry and hurt and began to cry as he walked over to us for what seemed like eternity, he just said, i’ve never seen anything like it in all my life, he looked at us kids and said your mom is fine, shes better than fine, she has a perfect heart, no damage nothing our tests must have been wrong, something was wrong." though we all knew what had happened, my moms story was published in episcopalian newspapers everywhere, we all new what had happened. God had healed her, he let us keep our mom. PRAISE GOD FOR HIS GIFTS AND MERCIES! please share your own stories!:amen:
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful experience!
Thank-you for sharing your story.

Just one comment, not attacking or anything, please use paragraphs or at least a line breaks, makes it a little easier to read.
come on yall i know im not the only one to ever experiance something like this!!!
come on yall i know im not the only one to ever experiance something like this!!!
Yes, I have had a couple of experiences in my life, one when I was about 12 and another when I was a newly wed. Sorry though, I share these with very few. For some reason I’ve always considered these to be very private revalations. Neither were angels but were miraculous. Both had to do with Our Lady
Yes, I have had a couple of experiences in my life, one when I was about 12 and another when I was a newly wed. Sorry though, I share these with very few. For some reason I’ve always considered these to be very private revalations. Neither were angels but were miraculous. Both had to do with Our Lady
I understand you completely. My experiences are too personal to share, too. Not that I don’t want to, but I can never translate what happened to me in mere words. 🙂
I have seen many signs that I attribute to miracles from God, but most of them wouldn’t really make sense outside of the situations I experienced them in.
Dr. Colossus:
I have seen many signs that I attribute to miracles from God, but most of them wouldn’t really make sense outside of the situations I experienced them in.
My favorite quote is from Einstein: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Makes it easier to recognize the miracles. 🙂
No, I haven’t seen angels.

Yes, I’ve definitely felt their guiding presence on occasion.

Yes, I’ve seen a miracle (outside of the usual - the birth of children and just waking up in the morning).
Okay, I don’t know if I’d call it a miracle, but I felt God protecting me in a real way:

I was working swing shift when i was in my late teens. One night (I got off work at midnight), it was foggy and cold out and I hopped in my little 1979 Ford Fiesta (looked like a little Volkswagon Rabbit) to go home. The little car wasn’t a great car, but it was quite reliable…and cheap.

Anyway, I’m at a traffic light for what seemed like forever. The light finally turned green. I stepped on the gas and the car just jumped a couple times and died, and there I sat at the intersection. Just then a semi-tanker truck and trailer came barrelling through the intersection against a red light.

If my little car hadn’t died at that intersection, I am sure I would have. What really sticks out in my mind was how when my car died, I was just about to curse (I wasn’t particularly Christian back then)…then I saw the truck.

God has a plan, even when things don’t seem to be going our way. I try to remember that now.

I think I saw angels once while driving on the open hiway, but they didn’t look like angels. They looked like streaks of white light. They were maybe 20 over a 2 minute period. At that time I thought they were angels.

Then the morning after my mother died and man showed up at the front door and asked to paint the house numbers on the curb. He did. When he was through he came to the front door. I asked him where he came from and he said,“The East”, I asked where he was going to go and he said,“West”. I asked if he knew what had happened in this house last night. He said,“It happens to all families, everything will be alright”. He walked away. I spent about 10 seconds inside before I ran out the front door to pay him. He was gone. I got in the street, I could not see him. Maybe he was an angel - I don’t know for sure.
exporter thats really a neat story all of them are! i posted this thread because i think its important sometimes to be reminded we truly are not alone! and God will protect us as will his angels!
no, but I saw Santa Claus, he is the guy in the red plaid shirt with white hair and beard who rescued my daughter and I on the freeway between Raleigh and Durham (surely the country’s most complicated freeway network), just beyong the police-patrol zone, when we ran out of gas during a snowstorm. he took us to get gas, helped fill up and get us started, followed us back to the gas station and guided us on the maze of I-40 inner and outer belts to our destination. He refused payment but I left a $20 in his truck for his “grandchildren”
My Angel has saved me once also on the Thruway. I was driving at 6:00am and must have fallen asleep at the wheel. I heard a horn blare, woke up to see my car speeding at 80 mph into the backside of a semi. I did not slam my breaks - but swerved into the passing lane with inches to spare.

Since no other cars were around to sound their horns, and I was in the semi’s blind spot, I believe the horn was my angel waking me up.

They have an incredibly huge job and I am in daily awe.
When I was a kid, around the age of 9 or 10, we lived in this house on the corner in a small neighborhood. Next door to us lived the nicest old black lady I’ve ever known – I don’t think it was until I was older that I really knew that white people and black people didn’t always get along.

Anyway, she had this big dog called Samson. It was a German Shepherd-Malemute mix, and everyone was afraid of him. You could still be brave and cool even if you were afraid of him – kids would think you were dumb if you weren’t.

We had a dog too. I called him Spot. One day my mom took me and my two younger sisters on an errand and we left one of Spot’s leashes on the front porch. When we returned because my mom had forgotten something, it was gone!

I was winter, so I looked around and spied what looked like the trace of something being dragged in the snow. I thought that maybe it was the leash, so I would be a detective and see where it had gone. I failed to notice the other tracks in the snow

I followed the trail around to the side of the house and turned the corner to the back and froze in my tracks. There, not more than three feet in front of me, was Samson.

Sometimes Samson just barked at you, but he didn’t bark. He growled, and I could tell this was a mean growl. I was in trouble.

There was a window right there, and I could see my mom frantically looking through a filing cabinet, trying to find some missing document. I tried to get her attention, but she couldn’t hear me, and she was too preoccupied to look out the window. There I was, ten feet away from my mother, yet completely alone.

I started crying, having no recourse to help of any sort. Yet somehow, my mind thought of God. I weakly cried out, barely audible, “God, help me.”

Almost right away, I heard what sounded like a finger snap about twenty feet behind the dog, behind the corner of our backyard fence. Immediately, the dog turned around and ran in the direction of the sound.

I quickly followed suit, only in the opposite direction.

I am convinced to this day that there was an unseen angel over there who snapped his “fingers”. Maybe he was saying, “Come here, Samson!” And Samson went.
Dear friend

I used to work in an office and managed the Civil Litigation department at that branch of the law firm I worked at. I was going on my holidays and was showing around my replacement , you know, showing her how to open up, put heating on, what key goes where etc.

I hadn’t been working in this office long (month or so), and where the central heating was, the controls were just inside this cupboard door, I was always late for work, so just used to open the door , stand outside the cupboard, reach in and slap the heating on and dash around before other staff got there. To me it was a dark cupboard with no light as far as I knew, the buildings manager had never told me any different.

Anyhow I’m showing my replacement the heating and she couldn’t see for my head! So I stepped inside this ‘cupboard’ …I fell and fell and fell, it was pitch black, I heard my colleague scream. All I could feel was it was very cold and my hair flying up round my face, I remember thinking…I’m going to die, God help me. My arms and legs were just flying about trying to grab onto something. I felt something lift me, put my hands onto something and helped my feet onto what felt like steps. The strength of this ‘something’ amazed me and I didn’t resist it, I was very calm and clung onto something, once I realised my feet were on solid ground I scrambled around in the darkness and climbed ‘up’ something. All I could hear was my colleague screaming.I got to the top of this cupboard and the whole building of people where there looking at me. My colleague asked me if I was ok, I was shaken, but not a scratch on me, not a broken finger nail! Not a dirty mark on my suit. My colleague said all she saw, was me falling, my hair flying up and back behind me and then I disappeared into the darkness, She apologised, but said she just froze and screamed, she couldn’t think what to do.

One of the other colleagues standing there found a light and put it on, I had fell down a solid concrete staircase of a drop about 30 feet (apparently at the bottom was an old boiler in a cellar when the place was run on coal centraling heating in the past). What I had held onto was a width of a brick ledge on the wall. Everyone was amazed I had not been hurt or worse. I just kept laughing, I couldn’t believe what had happened, nor could I believe ‘who’ had helped me!

What the ‘something’ was that helped me, had to have been my Guardian Angel, I saw nothing, but I had felt the force of this ‘somethings’ touch and strength with which it moved me and placed me on the steps and hands on the ledge. I literally felt lifted up from falling and put to safety…totally amazing.

Everyone just kept going on about it even after I returned from my holiday, they are still amazed how I didn’t get injured, it was remarkable. All my boss could say was, don’t sue us …:rotfl: which I didn’t!

There is now a sign on that door that says, hazard do not enter! with some stick figure slipping…all those who work there laugh when they see that ( I had endless teasing over it from colleagues!!😃 ), no-one would be laughing had my Angel had not helped me…

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

My grandson was born breech with the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times. The doctors who performed a C-section on him where unaware of this.

It took over 2 minutes to get my very blue grandson breathing again.

Today, he is a healthy 7 year old 👍

So, to answer the question. YES, I witnessed a true miracle. 👍
May 1968

I am 5 months pregnant with a 4 year old and a 2 year old and a 3 month old kitten. We have been traveling cross country in a '57 chevy pulling a U-Haul. I am exhausted. The children are car sick. My husband has NO patience at all.
At a roadside stop we are eating breakfast when the children begin getting sick at the table. My husband yells at them. I take both children to the bathroom. I am crying.
Suddenly a woman appears beside me and says, “your children are ill.” She hands me a small vial of yellow liquid and tells me to give it to the children. I stand dumbstruck holding the vial as she just turns and walks out of the restroom.
I give my children the contents of the bottle. (it was a different time - I didn’t consider questioning the gesture) Within 30 minutes the children are feeling normal and are fine for rest of the trip, another 1000 plus miles.
I’ve always hesitated to tell of this incident because of people’s reaction to various parts of it. I KNOW that woman who appeared to me that day when I was at the end of my rope was an angel.
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