Have you ever witnessed any supernatural or unfamiliar thing like guosts or miracles?

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In person.
Yes, I have given that I am Deliverance Counselor and Investigator.

I have personally experienced my share of paranormal happenings, demonic attacks, demonic apparitions, in addition to all that my clients have experienced.

I have seen and experienced angels, including my Guardian Angel. In addition, I have also experienced a few of mystical experiences, including an incredibly intimate experience with God who communed with my spirit directly when I was in a bad way. No words, as in Romans 8:26, which describes this experience without words of any kind and has less than nothing to do with “tongues”.

But, these sorts of experiences are rare, certainly not on a daily basis, other than what clients tell me, it is just an ordinary day, like most days.
no, i have never “witnessed” any thing remotely approaching the “supernatural”
Yes. Not frequently, not regularly, but yes.

The first one, the biggest one, happened 17 years ago, this week, and I still try to live up to it. Other things have happened since— running into them is like a little unexpected treasure, but it’s not something you seek out, and it’s not something you ask for. But when they cross your path, you say thank you… although I’m so slow, sometimes it takes me a long time to realize it for what it was, and it takes me even longer to realize what I’m supposed to do as a result. 🙂
That’s pretty smart. I wish I hadn’t shared. Idk if mine was ‘supernatural’ but it definitely was unfamiliar.
I had sleep paralysis once, about 10 years ago. To this day, I refuse to sleep in the same room as a charging cellphone, lol… 🙂 I never decided if mine was real or not, but it certainly made an impact. 🙂
True, the body remains abominable and loathsome, and as the Zohar says, it is called “a serpent’s skin,” since the essential character of the animal soul has not been transformed to good, so that it might be absorbed into the realm of holiness.

Living on earth is truly a misery. The more a man desires spiritual life, the more bitter the present becomes to him, because he understands better and sees more clearly the defects, the corruption of human nature. To eat and drink, to watch and sleep, to rest, to labor, and to be bound by other human necessities is certainly a great misery and affliction to the devout man, who would gladly be released from them and be free from all sin. Truly, the inner man is greatly burdened in this world by the necessities of the body, and for this reason the Prophet prayed that he might be as free from them as possible, when he said: “From my necessities, O Lord, deliver me.”

Both have a sharp criticism of the human body. Thus, I believe that we need to make special note of this. In the World to Come, we are supposed to have glorified, spiritual bodies. The older I get, and the more I look to the riches of Heaven, the more I want to go today. Heaven already exists!!! All we have to do is to get there!
There is only ONE reason why I am still alive.

Here is one experience:
I went away to camp at 12 and during one of the first nights away, before campfire ghost stories were shared, experienced essentially sleep paralysis.

I was woken from a sound sleep. The tent flaps were pulled open from the outside and all I could see was a green intense light. I was afraid the green thing wanted to get to me, and I couldn’t move. I was experiencing sleep paralysis, and it seemed to be there for an hour. It might have been only minutes, but I couldn’t get away. I remember closing my eyes to see if it would disappear, it didn’t. I couldn’t seem to see if my tent mates were sleeping or seeing it too. I remember fearfully falling back asleep.

The next morning I asked my tent mates, and the one who slept on my side of the tent said she experienced it too. She was frightened and didn’t want to talk about it.

I don’t ever want to see another and it’s been decades ago. I did try to figure it out, one explanation was the ‘energy’ of prepubescents and teens is so high that it becomes a Poltergeist. Idk what it was, but I didn’t like it.
I think if the group was praying the rosary together instead of sharing ghost stories that fearful experience would not have happened.
I have seen ordinary bread and wine become the Body and Blood of our Lord, thanks be to God.
I think if the group was praying the rosary together instead of sharing ghost stories that fearful experience would not have happened.
This happened the second or third day. There could be any number of explanations for my experience. Stress from being away from home in a new environment could be one.

We hadn’t shared any ghost stories. Not around the campfire or at the mess tent.

This was also a Girl Scout Camp, with numerous kids from different denominations. There wouldn’t have been a rosary around the campfire for a 70 percent Protestant camp.
I didn’t live in an exclusively Catholic World. I’m in the US.

BTW, I agree it would have been nice had we said the rosary before bed. Having been raised Catholic, with Catholic Schooling I had no experience with the rosary. My mother didn’t say it, and no relatives practiced Catholicism that way. A whole bunch of CINOs and cultural Catholics with the exception of my grandmother and great aunts who were devout. My father’s family was Protestant.

I chose to live more devoutly as a young woman. I taught my kids their prayers and the rosary.

This past year I found a webpage dedicated to this particular summer camp, and there was a whole section devoted to ‘supernatural’ experiences reported by campers. Most I think were just nonsense, although several Orb sightings were reported over the years. What are orbs actually? I have no idea. I don’t think most self-described “Paranormal” investigators know either.

Out in the woods, away from city lights, who knows what can be seen. For years I thought it might have been Ball lightning.

I can tell you is this, it happened to both me and one of my tent mates said it happened to her also. We didn’t go looking for it. I wouldn’t have wanted to see a mountain lion or bear either.

I think the overwhelming majority of ‘things that go bump’ have natural explanations.

Sleep paralysis is a frightening experience, and I’ve not had it happen since. I hope to never again have it happen. Would not want my kids to experience it. I think it is due to stress and or environment. But, I’m not a neurologist or sleep expert.

I think well of the OP, who has come here asking all sorts of questions about the ‘beyond’ and decided it was worth mentioning. There are things that happen to people with no easy explanation, sometimes they are frightening like a bad dream and aren’t actually harmful. Some seem innocuous, but are harmful.

The rest of my camp experience was wonderful. Swimming, horseback riding, smores…I didn’t want to go home until it was up.
This happened the second or third day. There could be any number of explanations for my experience. Stress from being away from home in a new environment could be one.

We hadn’t shared any ghost stories. Not around the campfire or at the mess tent.

This was also a Girl Scout Camp, with numerous kids from different denominations. There wouldn’t have been a rosary around the campfire for a 70 percent Protestant camp.
I didn’t live in an exclusively Catholic World. I’m in the US.

BTW, I agree it would have been nice had we said the rosary before bed. Having been raised Catholic, with Catholic Schooling I had no experience with the rosary. My mother didn’t say it, and no relatives practiced Catholicism that way. A whole bunch of CINOs and cultural Catholics with the exception of my grandmother and great aunts who were devout. My father’s family was Protestant.

I chose to live more devoutly as a young woman. I taught my kids their prayers and the rosary.

This past year I found a webpage dedicated to this particular summer camp, and there was a whole section devoted to ‘supernatural’ experiences reported by campers. Most I think were just nonsense, although several Orb sightings were reported over the years. What are orbs actually? I have no idea. I don’t think most self-described “Paranormal” investigators know either.

Out in the woods, away from city lights, who knows what can be seen. For years I thought it might have been Ball lightning.

I can tell you is this, it happened to both me and one of my tent mates said it happened to her also. We didn’t go looking for it. I wouldn’t have wanted to see a mountain lion or bear either.

I think the overwhelming majority of ‘things that go bump’ have natural explanations.

Sleep paralysis is a frightening experience, and I’ve not had it happen since. I hope to never again have it happen. Would not want my kids to experience it. I think it is due to stress and or environment. But, I’m not a neurologist or sleep expert.

I think well of the OP, who has come here asking all sorts of questions about the ‘beyond’ and decided it was worth mentioning. There are things that happen to people with no easy explanation, sometimes they are frightening like a bad dream and aren’t actually harmful. Some seem innocuous, but *are *harmful.

The rest of my camp experience was wonderful. Swimming, horseback riding, smores…I didn’t want to go home until it was up.
Sorry that I misunderstood your first sentence in your other post. I thought you were saying that ghost stories had been shared.

Thank you for your (name removed by moderator)ut!


Yes, but only one time about 25 yrs ago.

It was in a hallway while I was in my bedroom, There are no windows in the hall/ hallway, I saw a grayish colored, sort of transparent globe floating around in the stairwell, it was about the size of a beach ball. I watched it for about 5 minutes until it went around the corner of the stairwell and it was gone. I knew it was something of mass as it did cast a shadow, but at the same time, I could sort of see thru it.
Yes, a couple of times. I also used to experience sleep paralysis at a time in my life when I was having a lot of stress and emotional issues. It was scary, I felt something sitting on my chest, choking me; other times I thought my husband was walking around. I tried to scream or talk, but I could not move. However, I knew about sleep paralysis and knew what it was, so I didn’t think it was supernatural.

I did witness what I considered a miraculous healing, although there was medical intervention. I found my husband on the floor one morning, completely paralyzed on his right side, and having difficulty talking. He had a major stroke. He had a blood clot in an artery in his brain that completely paralyzed the right side of his body. They gave him a clot-busting drug (TPA), but it did not work. There happened to be a priest in the ER who came and anointed him . So they intubated him and sedated and paralyzed him and took him to radiology where they inserted a catheter into his groin and up into his brain where the radiologist shot the TPA directly into the clot and it dissolved. The Dr. then spoke with me and told me that the artery was clear now, but my husband was without oxygen to the left side of his brain for almost 3 hours and the prognosis was very poor, and if he recovered, he would have severe deficits.

In the recovery room they took off the sedation and paralyzing drugs and we waited for him to start breathing on his own to see if he could be taken off the ventilator. After about 15 min or so he began to move his arms and fingers (both of them!) and breathing on his own. Then he began to move his legs. They took out the breathing tube and he began to talk, although his speech was garbled at first, but he followed commands with all of his extremities. They took him to the ICU where he continued this recovery and was taken to the rehab floor 2 days later. He went to rehab, but didn’t need much and was sent home 3 days later without the need for further therapy of any type–physical, occupational, or speech.

The radiologist who did this was astounded,as was the neurologist and staff. They had never had a patient recover like this from that therapy, they all were left with deficits. It was a Catholic hospital, and most everyone was calling it a _miracle". Now I realize that he did have medical intervention, but I am an RN with many years of critical care experience and neurointensive experience, and I know full well the severity of my husband’s stroke and was anticipating long-term care and severe deficits, even with treatment, but that man walked out of the hospital totally normal and 6 years later he still has no neurological problems. I attribute this remarkable recovery to his receiving the Sacrament of the Sick while in ER by my little Byzantine priest friend who just “happened” to be in the ER at 7:30 in the morning, and of course the medical intervention. It just so happened that at that time this hospital which is a designated stroke center, was one of only 2 hospitals in the state that had the equipment used, which also had the ability to extract a blood clot from the brain, and a DR. who was trained to use it. I consider the whole thing an actual miracle. It certainly was beyond the normal.
Yes. I once met what I believed to the the “ghost” of my great-great-grandfather. :eek:
One time I was feeling really bad as I felt I was being verbally attacked by family members. The issue involved some painful childhood issues. I prayed in that moment to be given relief from the pain and instantly felt relief. The suddenness of the relief was to me miraculous.

I have a family member who isn’t given to exaggeration and is very scientific who experienced something like a bright light in the woods which brought him instant peace. While experiencing this he had a sense that time stood still.

Another family member who is also not given to exaggeration experienced a light and calming presence in the middle of the night in his room. He was under a lot of stress at the time and found great comfort from this. He doesn’t tell many people. He thinks it was an angel and starts the story off as you may be surprised to find out I believe in angels because knowing him you would be.

In the recovery room they took off the sedation and paralyzing drugs and we waited for him to start breathing on his own to see if he could be taken off the ventilator. After about 15 min or so he began to move his arms and fingers (both of them!) and breathing on his own. Then he began to move his legs. They took out the breathing tube and he began to talk, although his speech was garbled at first, but he followed commands with all of his extremities. They took him to the ICU where he continued this recovery and was taken to the rehab floor 2 days later. He went to rehab, but didn’t need much and was sent home 3 days later without the need for further therapy of any type–physical, occupational, or speech.

The radiologist who did this was astounded,as was the neurologist and staff. They had never had a patient recover like this from that therapy, they all were left with deficits. It was a Catholic hospital, and most everyone was calling it a _miracle". Now I realize that he did have medical intervention, but I am an RN with many years of critical care experience and neurointensive experience, and I know full well the severity of my husband’s stroke and was anticipating long-term care and severe deficits, even with treatment, but that man walked out of the hospital totally normal and 6 years later he still has no neurological problems. I attribute this remarkable recovery to his receiving the Sacrament of the Sick while in ER by my little Byzantine priest friend who just “happened” to be in the ER at 7:30 in the morning, and of course the medical intervention. It just so happened that at that time this hospital which is a designated stroke center, was one of only 2 hospitals in the state that had the equipment used, which also had the ability to extract a blood clot from the brain, and a DR. who was trained to use it. I consider the whole thing an actual miracle. It certainly was beyond the normal.
I would call that miraculous. Modern medicine is a miracle and we live in wondrous times, but it does sound as if your husband had some extra Help from Heaven!
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