I think if the group was praying the rosary together instead of sharing ghost stories that fearful experience would not have happened.
This happened the second or third day. There could be any number of explanations for my experience. Stress from being away from home in a new environment could be one.
We hadn’t shared any ghost stories. Not around the campfire or at the mess tent.
This was also a Girl Scout Camp, with numerous kids from different denominations. There wouldn’t have been a rosary around the campfire for a 70 percent Protestant camp.
I didn’t live in an exclusively Catholic World. I’m in the US.
BTW, I agree it would have been nice had we said the rosary before bed. Having been raised Catholic, with Catholic Schooling I had no experience with the rosary. My mother didn’t say it, and no relatives practiced Catholicism that way. A whole bunch of CINOs and cultural Catholics with the exception of my grandmother and great aunts who were devout. My father’s family was Protestant.
I chose to live more devoutly as a young woman. I taught my kids their prayers and the rosary.
This past year I found a webpage dedicated to this particular summer camp, and there was a whole section devoted to ‘supernatural’ experiences reported by campers. Most I think were just nonsense, although several Orb sightings were reported over the years. What are orbs actually? I have no idea. I don’t think most self-described “Paranormal” investigators know either.
Out in the woods, away from city lights, who knows what can be seen. For years I thought it might have been Ball lightning.
I can tell you is this, it happened to both me and one of my tent mates said it happened to her also. We didn’t go looking for it. I wouldn’t have wanted to see a mountain lion or bear either.
I think the overwhelming majority of ‘things that go bump’ have natural explanations.
Sleep paralysis is a frightening experience, and I’ve not had it happen since. I hope to never again have it happen. Would not want my kids to experience it. I think it is due to stress and or environment. But, I’m not a neurologist or sleep expert.
I think well of the OP, who has come here asking all sorts of questions about the ‘beyond’ and decided it was worth mentioning. There are things that happen to people with no easy explanation, sometimes they are frightening like a bad dream and aren’t actually harmful. Some seem innocuous, but are harmful.
The rest of my camp experience was wonderful. Swimming, horseback riding, smores…I didn’t want to go home until it was up.