Have you ever wondered what heaven will be like?

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I recently re read a 2016 interview with Pope Francis and an imagination came to me that heaven will be like Communism only for godly people without any agenda or guile or evil of any sort?

Eugenio Scalfari: So you yearn for a society where equality dominates. This, as you know, is the program of Marxist socialism and then of communism. Are you therefore thinking of a Marxist type of society?

Francis: It has been said many times and my response has always been that, if anything, it is the communists who think like Christians. Christ spoke of a society where the poor, the weak and the marginalized have the right to decide. Not demagogues, not Barabbas, but the people, the poor, whether they have faith in a transcendent God or not. It is they who must help to achieve equality and freedom.

Any thoughts?
if anything, it is the communists who think like Christians. Christ spoke of a society where the poor, the weak and the marginalized have the right to decide.
My response to the Pope’s statement would be:
“Theoretically only, perhaps,
but in reality, in action, and in policy, the communist countries fail to act upon the ideal of a society where the poor, the weak and the marginalized have the right to decide, and are treated with respect.
Does one even have to list the ways in which various significant communist countries disregard the Christian ideal, but actively persecute, imprison, sterilize, even kill minorities, and individuals, and anyone who happens to disagree on any level or belongs to ethnic groups and religious beliefs that the communists wish to crush.”

P.S. A pope’s personal opinion is not doctrine, and personality will affect anyone’s perceptions. Some people have a rosier outlook, while others have a more analytical viewpoint, or a mix thereof, but opinions are “opinions”, not dogma
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In my world of disordered thoughts, poorly controlled movements and pain, I know that God’s Kingdom is everything that this world is not. Except for love.
My response to the Pope’s statement would be:
“Theoretically only, perhaps,
but in reality, in action, and in policy, the communist countries fail to act upon the ideal of a society where the poor, the weak and the marginalized have the right to decide, and are treated with respect.
Does one even have to list the ways in which various significant communist countries disregard the Christian ideal, but actively persecute, imprison, sterilize, even kill minorities, and individuals, and anyone who happens to disagree on any level or belongs to ethnic groups and religious beliefs that the communists wish to crush.”

P.S. A pope’s personal opinion is not doctrine, and personality will affect anyone’s perceptions. Some people have a rosier outlook, while others have a more analytical viewpoint, or a mix thereof, but opinions are “opinions”, not dogma
You’re right. It is an ideal that could never work in this fallen world. But it occurred to me that the afterlife populated only by those who are selfless and pure having been cleansed by purgatory, might be a place where perfect equality might look like the theory of communism. A place where individualism is non existent and people cared about others more than themselves. Where giving is the receiving. It reminded me of the lovely Parable of the Spoons.
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