Have you heard of the incorrupt?

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I’ve seen the pictures of the incorrupt in Joan Cruz’s book. I also saw, in person, the (mostly) incorrupt body of St Anna Taigi at San Crisogono in Rome.
that’s interesting. you haven’t seen the body and blood at luciano, italy, have you? i’ve been wanting to see it ever since i read about it.
no unfortunately I didn’t get the chance to go to Lanciano while I was studying abroad in Italy. I did see alot of other neat relics, though, like St Francis Xavier’s arm, St Agnes’ skull, said skull of St Catherine, St Francis of Assisi’s cassock, St Francesca’s skeleton, and many more. Italians are really into relics!
wow. sounds like quite a trip. i’d love to go. in fact, i’d love to LIVE in italy. sounds great to have such a deeply catholic culture…
🙂 No Jeff you didn’t, there isn’t anything about that there! Ask an apologist, see what they say. I have no idea at all what the church says about it. One thing that has crossed my mind is that I find something macabre about it, that these saints have no privacy in death, their bodies are openly displayed etc. It must be in keeping with Church authority to display their bodies or it wouldn’t happen. But other than that I don’t know what the church teaches God bless you jeff and all xx
it’s an awesome country but unfortunately it is now a deeply secular culture. Practicing Catholics are few and far between in Italy and mostly are elderly too. Catholicism is going to die in Italy unless things drastically change soon 😦
I also think it’s interesting that incorrupt bodies are almost entirely a mediterranean phenomena - almost everyone is french, italian, or spanish.
Father Nelson Baker’s body was exhumed and moved intop the Basilica nearby. A vial of bodily fluids was still fresh.

The Blood of Father Baker

Father Nelson Baker
If there is truly something miraculous (supernatural) about the incorrupt bodies of these Saints, why hasn’t the fact made more of a mainstream impact? :confused:
A) i believe completely that this is a legitimate supernatural, miraculous phenomena.

B) i have been asking myself the same question you just asked since i found out about it. only without the ‘if this is…’ part.

why don’t we hear about this? it’s incredible! it seems to me that it would increase faith in Christianity in general, and also possibly increase the numbers of converts to RCC. a friend of mine became catholic recently, and part of his reason for doing so was the incorruptibles!
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