Have you set your hearts on the greater gifts?

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** "You , then, are the body of Christ.
Every one of you is a member of it.
Furthermore, God has set up in the church
first apostles
second prophets,
third teachers,
then miracle workers,
administrators, and
those who speak in tongues.

Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? do all work miracles? or have the gift of healing?
Do all speak in tongues? all have the gift of interpretation of tongues?

Set yout hearts on the greater gifts

There are in the end three things that last; faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love."

Seek eagerly after love
Set yout hearts on the spiritual gifts.**

1Cor. 12: 27-31 13: 13 14: 1

I would like to hear form my Catholic Brothers & Sisters what gifts you are seeking and finding that are useful in your life for Building up the Body of Christ.


gusano said:
** "You , then, are the body of Christ.
Every one of you is a member of it.
Furthermore, God has set up in the church
first apostles
second prophets,
third teachers,
then miracle workers,
administrators, and
those who speak in tongues.

Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? do all work miracles? or have the gift of healing?
Do all speak in tongues? all have the gift of interpretation of tongues?

Set yout hearts on the greater gifts

There are in the end three things that last; faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love."

Seek eagerly after love
Set yout hearts on the spiritual gifts.**

1Cor. 12: 27-31 13: 13 14: 1

I would like to hear form my Catholic Brothers & Sisters what gifts you are seeking and finding that are useful in your life for Building up the Body of Christ.



If your thread is about how we build up the Body of Christ then you should take out speaking tongues from your list because St Paul made it very clear speaking tongues does not do that.
1 Cor 14:4 “Whoever speaks in a tongue builds himself up, but whoever prohesies builds up the church.”
gusano said:
** "You , then, are the body of Christ.
Every one of you is a member of it.
Furthermore, God has set up in the church
first apostles
second prophets,
third teachers,
then miracle workers,
administrators, and
those who speak in tongues.

Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? do all work miracles? or have the gift of healing?
Do all speak in tongues? all have the gift of interpretation of tongues?

Set yout hearts on the greater gifts

There are in the end three things that last; faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love."

Seek eagerly after love
Set yout hearts on the spiritual gifts.**

1Cor. 12: 27-31 13: 13 14: 1

I would like to hear form my Catholic Brothers & Sisters what gifts you are seeking and finding that are useful in your life for Building up the Body of Christ.



I am 50 years old and have heard people speaking in tongues exactly once. It seemed to make them quite happy.
For myself, I’m still seeking the gift of faith.
I ask God to help me love more each and each day and to let my love become like His love.
If your thread is about how we build up the Body of Christ then you should take out speaking tongues from your list because St Paul made it very clear speaking tongues does not do that.
1 Cor 14:4 "Whoever speaks in a tongue builds himself up, but whoever prohesies builds up the church."
Does’t it make sense , if we are commanded to build up the body of Christ… the first place to start is US ?

and if ONE is built up, isn’t ONE a member of the Body of christ ?

Can I (being one) , build up the Body of Christ if I myself am not built up ?

and if “TONGUES” turns you off, are there any other Gifts that seem attractive to you ?

May The Love of Christ reign in our hearts

I am 50 years old and have heard people speaking in tongues exactly once. It seemed to make them quite happy.
For myself, I’m still seeking the gift of faith.
Hi Kate,
50 years is not very old.
Supposing God has 35-40 more years deposited in you…
For what purpose would you want to live those next 40 years ?

On what would you want to spend your time and energy ?
If you had the courage and the clarity of vision … what do you dream of, or Hope for ?


Hi Kate,
50 years is not very old.
Supposing God has 35-40 more years deposited in you…
For what purpose would you want to live those next 40 years ?

On what would you want to spend your time and energy ?
If you had the courage and the clarity of vision … what do you dream of, or Hope for ?


The same as always. Wouldn’t change much. I chose my vocation 30 years ago. Husband and family. Final perseverance.
Thanks for asking.
I speak of ways you do not, and that is what I call speaking in tongues. Give to God what is Gods, and give to Ceaser what is Ceasers. Do not divide my land and I will cast the money changer as well as Satan into the lake of fire. That is a language and a tongue no one seems to understand.

And I build myself up with my actions which speak much louder than my words. I have been given the greatest gifts you can get and that I say at the top of my lungs, just as Jesus did.
I speak of ways you do not, and that is what I call speaking in tongues. Give to God what is Gods, and give to Ceaser what is Ceasers. Do not divide my land and I will cast the money changer as well as Satan into the lake of fire. That is a language and a tongue no one seems to understand.

And I build myself up with my actions which speak much louder than my words. I have been given the greatest gifts you can get and that I say at the** top of my lungs,** just as Jesus did.
Hi Jake,
If you adjusted your message to our level of understanding, maybe it would be understood.
If that is what God wants us to understand…

by “top of my lungs” do you mean shouting ? or
screaming with all your might ?

By the way… is your message intended to be a “prophesy” ?


My message was intended the same way the sayings of Jesus were intended. Its as if no one understands that this planet is not for sale. Drawing lines on the map is the most inefficient and dangerous operating system you could endorse, and yet it is the way of this world. Satan has his system writen on the foreheads of everyone, and many of them, think they are with Christ. Wow, no wonder you need the Messiah, every one is going the wrong way even those hiding behind religion.

How many people will be out of work when feeding off religion and Jesus, is no longer necessary. And how many money changers and sales jobs will dissapear after you give the world back to the creator and his assistent. Maybe then we will have enough manpower to clean up and manage this planet as intended.

Now do you understand the tongues the bible is referring to? If you start on the wrong path you will never get to the destination you seek. Its time to start over from the beginning with todays technology and a proper guide and simple system.
My message was intended the same way the sayings of Jesus were intended. Its as if no one understands that this planet is not for sale. Drawing lines on the map is the most inefficient and dangerous operating system you could endorse, and yet it is the way of this world. Satan has his system writen on the foreheads of everyone, and many of them, think they are with Christ. Wow, no wonder you need the Messiah, every one is going the wrong way even those hiding behind religion.

How many people will be out of work when feeding off religion and Jesus, is no longer necessary. And how many money changers and sales jobs will dissapear after you give the world back to the creator and his assistent. Maybe then we will have enough manpower to clean up and manage this planet as intended.

Now do you understand the tongues the bible is referring to? If you start on the wrong path you will never get to the destination you seek. Its time to start over from the beginning with todays technology and a proper guide and simple system.
Are you explaining that you are talking in tongues now, Jake?
My message was intended the same way the sayings of Jesus were intended. Its as if no one understands that this planet is not for sale. Drawing lines on the map is the most inefficient and dangerous operating system you could endorse, and yet it is the way of this world. Satan has his system writen on the foreheads of everyone, and many of them, think they are with Christ. Wow, no wonder you need the Messiah, every one is going the wrong way even those hiding behind religion.

How many people will be out of work when feeding off religion and Jesus, is no longer necessary. And how many money changers and sales jobs will dissapear after you give the world back to** the creator and his assistent.** Maybe then we will have enough manpower to clean up and manage this planet as intended.

Now do you understand the tongues the bible is referring to?** If you start on the wrong path you will never get to the destination you seek.** Its time to start over from the beginning with todays technology and a proper guide and simple system.
Hi Jake,
  1. Who, in your opinion, is the creator and his assistant ?
  2. How do you know what path you are on and
    what destination you seek ?
  3. also, I am still waiting for your answer to what “top of your lungs” means
The same as always. Wouldn’t change much. I chose my vocation 30 years ago. Husband and family. Final perseverance.
Thanks for asking.
Hi Kate,
I think Mothers have the most important job in the world.
and all others who work are No. 2 …including the President, even though I vote for him.

There are 28 Gifts of the Holy Spirit available for the Body of Christ so we can enjoy the Journey along The Exodus.
and there are (9) or more FRUITS available as well.

You already know that. 🙂

God Bless,

If your thread is about how we build up the Body of Christ then you should take out speaking tongues from your list because St Paul made it very clear speaking tongues does not do that.
1 Cor 14:4 “Whoever speaks in a tongue builds himself up, but whoever prohesies builds up the church.”
The poster cannot take it out because it is scripture.
The poster did not say a single word about tongues he asked about the greater gift.
You are the first one to bring up tongues.

As a Charismatic Catholic for over 35 years, your response from me is simply …Yawn.
I speak in the manner in which I write, which to many is mysterious and difficult to understand. It is the same manner in which Jesus spoke which is why his words are also difficult to interprete. Everyone who knows me, and no one know me well, would say that I am very different bordering on mysterious and strange. I am also the most gifted person and successful leader in all of time, I built myself up, as a demonstration that would unify all churches. I am great at nearly everything, and my six siblings are also at the top of the earthly performance list.

I know that the creator sees what I see, and he has assisted me in performing the miracles and prophecies that Jesus and the Messiah are said to do.

The path that I am on, has generated all the documents and witnesses you could ask for, that proves I am the Messiah, Son of God or by whatever name the religious books call the chosen one.

I have done so many things to get your attention and yet all are following the ways the bible discourages, and listening to those who lead this world towards its destruction. You cannot be any louder or more alarming than I have been.
Does’t it make sense , if we are commanded to build up the body of Christ… the first place to start is US ?

and if ONE is built up, isn’t ONE a member of the Body of christ ?

Can I (being one) , build up the Body of Christ if I myself am not built up ?

and if “TONGUES” turns you off, are there any other Gifts that seem attractive to you ?

May The Love of Christ reign in our hearts

Sorry but I don’t agree with you. I agree with St Paul.
The poster cannot take it out because it is scripture.
The poster did not say a single word about tongues he asked about the greater gift.
You are the first one to bring up tongues.

As a Charismatic Catholic for over 35 years, your response from me is simply …Yawn.
You are wrong. You should re-read the original post. He did mention tongues.
For your benefit I’ll copy here what he said.

**Do all speak in tongues? all have the gift of interpretation of tongues? **
Sorry but I don’t agree with you. I agree with St Paul.
Well, I am happy to hear that !
Then you MUST agree with St. Paul when he says ;
"I should like it if all of you spoke in tonguse, …" 1 Cor. 14: 5

why focus on ONE GIFT you dislike ?
Why don’t you tell me about ONE GIFT you DO like ?
How does it work for you…?
what do you like about it…?

I would like to hear from you concerning that .


I speak in the manner in which I write, which to many is mysterious and difficult to understand. It is the same manner in which Jesus spoke which is why his words are also difficult to interprete.

Everyone who knows me, and no one know me well, would say that I am very different bordering on mysterious and strange.

** I am also the most gifted person and successful leader in all of time,
I built myself up, as a demonstration that would unify all churches.
I am great at nearly everything, and my six siblings are also at the top of the earthly performance list.

I know that the creator sees what I see, and he has assisted me in performing the miracles and prophecies that Jesus and the Messiah are said to do.

The path that I am on, has generated all the documents and witnesses you could ask for,

that proves I am the Messiah, Son of God or by whatever name the religious books call the chosen one.**

I have done so many things to get your attention and yet all are following the ways the bible discourages, and listening to those who lead this world towards its destruction. You cannot be any louder or more alarming than I have been.
Good Luck to you,Jake99,
are you writing your own bible (documents) about yourself ?

**“He who exalts himself will be humbled…”

“Because they have not opened their hearts to love the Truth in order to be saved.
Therefore God is sending upon them a perverse spirit which leads them to give credence to falsehood,
so that all who have not believed the Truth but have delighted in evildoing
will be condemned.”** 2 Thess. 2: 10-12

I only deal with the truth and facts which is why I have been given the best gift, that of servatude to God the father. It is his will and grace that has worked through me that I exalt, not mine. I am the messenger and the demonstrator that has shown and documented the truth and the way. For that I have nothing to fear but from the unbelievers who would mock, beat and kill me and have done exactly as was done to Jesus. But I did not die and have come back seven years since my war with Satan and the Anti Christ in ten U.S. court rooms on both sides of Y2K.
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