My 10 year old daughter broke her arm on Wednesday, more I guess her shoulder. Because of the location of the fracture, it can’t be casted. She has a sling and ace bandage. It was also displaced, so the doctor had to tweak it back into place.
She is in considerable pain, and on top of that it is 100 degrees and our air conditioner went out. She is sweaty and itchy and it is driving her crazy with the itchy scratchy sling against her bare skin.
So I should be overcome with sympathy, right?
Not exactly. This is natural consequences at its finest, because she fell from a play structure in the park that she has been warned 100 times not to climb on. It is a tunnel slide that you are supposed to climb the structure to the top of the tunnel and slide down inside the tunnel. Of couse some kids try to climb up the outside of the tunnel and just about every Mom tells their kid not to.
So now it is starting to sink in what all she will miss this summer.
She missed the last 2 days of vacation bible school.
She will miss all kinds of swimming, the local pool, the creek, her friend’s house, a friend’s pond
She was supposed to test for her karate purple belt in 2 weeks, now it is on hold.
She was supposed to go to her first sleep away camp next month. Even if the doctor lets her go, it will be with so many restrictions that she will miss out on many of the very things she wanted to go for.
I’ve been housebound the last couple days, her sister has suddenly had her summer activites curtailed. Today we tried to go to a birthday party in the park and the kids were supposed to go swimming in the creek. Of course my 10 year old was sidelined, but the heat started making her nauseous, and she started itching under the sling and was generally miserable. So we had to leave. My younger daughter told her if it weren’t for her (older daughter) climbing on the slide, she (younger daughter) could still have been at the party.
I have to say I feel the same way. Of course I am taking care of her and seeing to her needs and trying to help her be comfortable as much as possible, but I find myself feeling resentful that the summer has taken a turn due to her disobedience.
I also feel like I want to make her pay some of the bills. We are fortunate that we have awesome insurance, with everything having a $5 co payment. But it will be the ambulance ride, the ER charges, the orthopedic charges, the radiologist charges, etc. So as these $5 bills start coming in, I feel like I want her to see what her antics cost. It’s not a fortune that we will make her pay the rest of her life, but just enough to be a little ouch out of her allowance.
But mostly, I don’t like this “I told you so” feeling that I’ve been carrying around, as well as the irritation I feel toward her. The poor kid is miserable and in pain, and is really suffering enough, both with the pain and in what she will miss out on this summer.
So I guess our whole family could use some prayers right now.
She is in considerable pain, and on top of that it is 100 degrees and our air conditioner went out. She is sweaty and itchy and it is driving her crazy with the itchy scratchy sling against her bare skin.
So I should be overcome with sympathy, right?
Not exactly. This is natural consequences at its finest, because she fell from a play structure in the park that she has been warned 100 times not to climb on. It is a tunnel slide that you are supposed to climb the structure to the top of the tunnel and slide down inside the tunnel. Of couse some kids try to climb up the outside of the tunnel and just about every Mom tells their kid not to.
So now it is starting to sink in what all she will miss this summer.
She missed the last 2 days of vacation bible school.
She will miss all kinds of swimming, the local pool, the creek, her friend’s house, a friend’s pond
She was supposed to test for her karate purple belt in 2 weeks, now it is on hold.
She was supposed to go to her first sleep away camp next month. Even if the doctor lets her go, it will be with so many restrictions that she will miss out on many of the very things she wanted to go for.
I’ve been housebound the last couple days, her sister has suddenly had her summer activites curtailed. Today we tried to go to a birthday party in the park and the kids were supposed to go swimming in the creek. Of course my 10 year old was sidelined, but the heat started making her nauseous, and she started itching under the sling and was generally miserable. So we had to leave. My younger daughter told her if it weren’t for her (older daughter) climbing on the slide, she (younger daughter) could still have been at the party.
I have to say I feel the same way. Of course I am taking care of her and seeing to her needs and trying to help her be comfortable as much as possible, but I find myself feeling resentful that the summer has taken a turn due to her disobedience.
I also feel like I want to make her pay some of the bills. We are fortunate that we have awesome insurance, with everything having a $5 co payment. But it will be the ambulance ride, the ER charges, the orthopedic charges, the radiologist charges, etc. So as these $5 bills start coming in, I feel like I want her to see what her antics cost. It’s not a fortune that we will make her pay the rest of her life, but just enough to be a little ouch out of her allowance.
But mostly, I don’t like this “I told you so” feeling that I’ve been carrying around, as well as the irritation I feel toward her. The poor kid is miserable and in pain, and is really suffering enough, both with the pain and in what she will miss out on this summer.
So I guess our whole family could use some prayers right now.