Having doubts-help!

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Ever since my “reversion” as I like to refer to it to the Catholic faith, I haven’t felt anything but peace and contentment that I was doing the right thing. Now all of a sudden I’m finding myself having doubts about certain things. I don’t know why they’ve suddenly came about, perhaps now that I am to be joining a parish and seeking the sacraments fully I am realizing the enormity of religion in and of itself. I mean, being Catholic is not something you can take lightly. It is truly a way of life. And this is great, but how do you know that it is right? I feel as though my faith is waning and I don’t know why. Lately I’ve been feeling just…uncomfortable about saying a prayer to a saint or Mary. Like I’m not focusing on what I really should be. It’s wonderful that Our Lady can intercess for us…but why is it necessary? Or a saint for that matter, who I imagine is far less perfect than Mary. Or the medals and the statues and whatnot. They are 'graven images" aren’t they? ( I am wearing a Miraculous Medal around my neck right now, so please don’t take offense…I’m just curious.) It is entirely possible that I don’t know what I’m talking about and I need someone to set me straight, which, by all means, please do. I’ve never felt his way about the church before. Distant, perhaps, but never that it was wrong. If anyone has any advice, comments, stuff I should read, whatever - it is more than welcome. Thanks :o
I have a feeling it is natural to have doubts from time to time. While I am new to the faith (RCIA) I have had a roller coaster ride. The mass and RCIA are highlights of my week. I can’t wait till I can take the Euchrist! My sponser told me that I will still have high points and low points. I was raised a Protestant so I to look at some of the rituals etc. through tainted eyes from time to time. I focus more on my relationship with God and Jesus. I have been building upon it. Pray daily, I will pray for you also!

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First of all, as new converts, you are learning a LOT! I am a cradle Catholic and I have to admit I still struggle with these issues.

I was seperated from the Church for awhile…I never sought out any other religion…I was just a lost sheep. Jesus brought me back.

I’m having to learn my faith also as there were so many things I always took for granted from when I was a child. I remember always having prayer cards…I remember being forced to pray the rosary. But then again, during the terror of a severe storm I remember sitting between the livingroom and hallway praying the rosary despite the ridicule of my older brother, sure that Our Lady would save us through her “immersession”.

Catholicism isn’t just a religion…it’s a culture and a way of life. It pervades everything…I now represent things I laughed at or that made me uncomfortable as a teenager so please understand that your own doubts are not different than those of professed Catholics.

Also realize that Satan targets those who are on the path to holiness… Now, that is not saying that if you come from other faiths you were not on that path; far from it! Catechesis requires a lot of study and thought and focus; therefore, because you are engaged in this, Satan is sending you doubts. He is torturing you with his little demons. When you have these doubts pray! Sometimes the Holy Spirit will send you specific Bible verses, songs, or prayers.

I highly recommend the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I can’t provide a link, but if you have questions I can provide the prayers here in the forum. This is my favorite devotion.

I really hope this helps and I will pray for you!

Welcome Home!
To start, the others are right on mark prayer is first and foremost. Secondly, it’s no secret that Satan is after us.
You say that you just recently started having these questions when you decided to join a parish. Satan knows that it’s not enough to “know” that the Catholic faith is the true faith. You have to live that faith. Now that you’ve decided to do that he’s going to try and stop you. However, don’t worry Satan doesn’t have anything on our Lord. Turn to Him and he will embrace you. Remember faith, hope, and love.
About your apologetical questions: you can get much more detailed answers from other threads or other resources from CA, but some brief answers.
Graven images: Are they graven images? Yes, but who says you can’t have them? Look at Ex. 20 again. It says not to make graven images AND bow down and worship them. Are you worshipping them? If so, stop. The Church has never taught that. Plus, in Ex. 25:18 God gives the directions for making the Ark of the Covenant. He says to put two golden cheribum on top. Isn’t that a graven image?
As far as praying to the saints: Do you have too? Of course not, but why deprive yourself of all the potential grace there in, and who says not too?
Lean on Christ he’ll take care of you.
Just as an addtion, in Revelation, there is a passage referring to the incense being the prayers of or to the saints. This demonstrates that the saints, of course, are with God, as the body of Christ, joined with him. It also refers to the prayers being numerous, therefore the saints have the ability to recieve multiple prayers consistent with the will of God. They have gone before us and they can join in with us in seeking out our intentions.
that is something we never touch on in RCIA and maybe we should, that the devil will attack those preparing for sacraments, and will attack after they join the church in a more intense way. Satan uses the tactic that works best with each person–the intellect for the person who questions and studies, the emotions, the family, the career–whatever makes the person most vulnerable. It is a kind of “buyer’s remorse” that can strike anyone who has made a definitive decision and action and is psychologically normal. but beyond that, the devil is at work. that is the reason for the period of Mystagogy after Easter, which ideally should last a full year not to require more classes, but to offer ongoing support for the neophyte for exactly these kinds of situations. Call someone on your RCIA team, your sponsor, the pastoral advisor and share this, it is your right to ask for this support.
Hey everyone, great answers on this subject.
Because you are a “revert” to the faith, I wonder whether or not you are in RCIA. Even if you have been confirmed, I highly reccomend going to get involved with them at your local parish. There is a lot of basic stuff that you go over, and opportunities for questions that can be answered for you right away. It is an incredible resource that I that you should give a shot. I would also suggest scheduling a meeting with your local pastor. And if nothing else, try to call a Catholic Answers staff apologist that you can sit on the phone and dialogue with. I think forums and email are great, but a direct line of communication always helps a lot. Just remember, when you start having doubts or questions: it is a GREAT opportunity to learn more about our Catholic faith! Just give it the benefit of the doubt, and put both feet in to learn about it!
God Bless,

Also realize that Satan targets those who are on the path to holiness… Now, that is not saying that if you come from other faiths you were not on that path; far from it! Catechesis requires a lot of study and thought and focus; therefore, because you are engaged in this, Satan is sending you doubts. He is torturing you with his little demons. When you have these doubts pray! Sometimes the Holy Spirit will send you specific Bible verses, songs, or prayers.

I highly recommend the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I can’t provide a link, but if you have questions I can provide the prayers here in the forum. This is my favorite devotion.

I really hope this helps and I will pray for you!

Welcome Home!
I agree wholeheartedly with JC Phoenix. Here’s a link to how to pray the chaplet of Divine Mercy. If you don’t have rosary beads on you, no worries. Maybe that’s why God gave us all 10 fingers… to count on! :o

How to Pray the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy
(On ordinary rosary beads)


I like to watch, listen, and pray along with the recitation/singing of the Divine Mercy chaplet on EWTN.


You can watch it at any time from:


P.S. I’m a cradle Roman Catholic… and even still, Satan or one of his little demons will try to attack me and my faith… even at Mass, sometimes. Not to worry… Jesus will NOT let you down!
Ever since my “reversion” as I like to refer to it to the Catholic faith, I haven’t felt anything but peace and contentment that I was doing the right thing. Now all of a sudden I’m finding myself having doubts about certain things. I don’t know why they’ve suddenly came about, perhaps now that I am to be joining a parish and seeking the sacraments fully I am realizing the enormity of religion in and of itself. I mean, being Catholic is not something you can take lightly. It is truly a way of life. And this is great, but how do you know that it is right? I feel as though my faith is waning and I don’t know why. Lately I’ve been feeling just…uncomfortable about saying a prayer to a saint or Mary. Like I’m not focusing on what I really should be. It’s wonderful that Our Lady can intercess for us…but why is it necessary? Or a saint for that matter, who I imagine is far less perfect than Mary. Or the medals and the statues and whatnot. They are 'graven images" aren’t they? ( I am wearing a Miraculous Medal around my neck right now, so please don’t take offense…I’m just curious.) It is entirely possible that I don’t know what I’m talking about and I need someone to set me straight, which, by all means, please do. I’ve never felt his way about the church before. Distant, perhaps, but never that it was wrong. If anyone has any advice, comments, stuff I should read, whatever - it is more than welcome. Thanks :o
Dear Celia,
I’m a “revert” too by about 3 years after 34 years away. I hear what you’re saying…Y’know, for all the years that I was outta the church and tried top live as a Prot or Evangelical, there were just so many unanswered questions that they never really deal with. I mean, now that I’m home, that passage in Hebrews 21:1 about the great cloud of witnesses just makes a lot more sense now. When I read about the position of the Queen Mother (“Giberah”) in the kingdom of Israel, it all began to make sense, because Mary is truly the queen mother of the kingdom of God simply because she bore Jesus in her womb. Sure it’s more involved than that, but I don’t care…I know the truth when I hear it from the Holy Spirit because my very soul responds to Him.

Complicated…yeah. Serious…indeed. But beautiful; like the facets of a huge diamond, and wondrous as I study and discover more and more about this faith that God graced me with at birth.

Consider the Eucharist. To me, if all else about Catholicism were to be proved false, that would still make me a Catholic, because it’s real, it’s scriptural, and it blows me away every time I go to that altar to receive Him again. How wonderful to have that intimate relationship with my Lord and my God! That’s why when the priest raises that host and that cup at the consecration I focus my eyes on my risen Lord and recite the words of St.Thomas. “My Lord and my God”.

Try not to freak when the doubts come. We all have 'em because the enemy cannot stand for us to be unassailed now that we are “hooked up” with the real, live, New Testament Christianity. We are greater threat to his evil kingdom than ever before, so count yourself as one in the front lines of the spiritual battle…because it’s a spiritual reality. Y’know, a very wise non-catholic friend once pointed out to me that the enemy never attacks a useless target, so, when you come under attack with doubt, temptation, or whatever, just remember that even though we are pretty lamely human sometimes, God in his wisdom and powerful mercy has chosen us to be the instruments of grace for others…to be the fishers of men…who desperately need the good news of the Gospel, and that He doesn’t chose us without giving us the graces we’ll need to do what He wants of us. All we gotta do is cooperate with Him. He really does it all…he just uses us because like with me and you right now, we can realate to each other’s weaknesses and difficulties.

I hope all that helps you. Know that you are remembered in all my prayers.
Pax vobiscum,
Ever since my “reversion” as I like to refer to it to the Catholic faith, I haven’t felt anything but peace and contentment that I was doing the right thing. Now all of a sudden I’m finding myself having doubts about certain things. I don’t know why they’ve suddenly came about, perhaps now that I am to be joining a parish and seeking the sacraments fully I am realizing the enormity of religion in and of itself. I mean, being Catholic is not something you can take lightly. It is truly a way of life. And this is great, but how do you know that it is right? I feel as though my faith is waning and I don’t know why. Lately I’ve been feeling just…uncomfortable about saying a prayer to a saint or Mary. Like I’m not focusing on what I really should be. It’s wonderful that Our Lady can intercess for us…but why is it necessary? Or a saint for that matter, who I imagine is far less perfect than Mary. Or the medals and the statues and whatnot. They are 'graven images" aren’t they? ( I am wearing a Miraculous Medal around my neck right now, so please don’t take offense…I’m just curious.) It is entirely possible that I don’t know what I’m talking about and I need someone to set me straight, which, by all means, please do. I’ve never felt his way about the church before. Distant, perhaps, but never that it was wrong. If anyone has any advice, comments, stuff I should read, whatever - it is more than welcome. Thanks :o
Dear Celia,
I’m a “revert” too by about 3 years after 34 years away. I hear what you’re saying…Y’know, for all the years that I was outta the church and tried to live as a Prot or Evangelical, there were just so many unanswered questions that they never really deal with. I mean, now that I’m home, that passage in Hebrews 12:1 about the great cloud of witnesses just makes a lot more sense now. When I read about the position of the Queen Mother (“Giberah”) in the kingdom of Israel, it all began to make sense, because Mary is truly the queen mother of the kingdom of God simply because she bore Jesus in her womb. Sure it’s more involved than that, but I don’t care…I know the truth when I hear it from the Holy Spirit because my very soul responds to Him.

Complicated…yeah. Serious…indeed. But beautiful; like the facets of a huge diamond, and wondrous as I study and discover more and more about this faith that God graced me with at birth.

Consider the Eucharist. To me, if all else about Catholicism were to be proved false, (which it won’t!) that would still make me a Catholic, because it’s real, it’s scriptural, and it blows me away every time I go to that altar to receive Him again. How wonderful to have that intimate relationship with my Lord and my God! That’s why when the priest raises that host and that cup at the consecration I focus my eyes on my risen Lord and recite the words of St.Thomas. “My Lord and my God”.

Try not to freak when the doubts come. We all have 'em because the enemy cannot stand for us to be unassailed now that we are “hooked up” with the real, live, New Testament Christianity. We are a greater threat to his evil kingdom than ever before, so count yourself as one in the front lines of the spiritual battle…because it’s a spiritual reality. Y’know, a very wise non-catholic friend once pointed out to me that the enemy never attacks a useless target, so, when you come under attack with doubt, temptation, or whatever, just remember that even though we are pretty lamely human sometimes, God in his wisdom and powerful mercy has chosen us to be the instruments of grace for others…to be the fishers of men…who desperately need the good news of the Gospel, and that He doesn’t chose us without giving us the graces we’ll need to do what He wants of us. All we gotta do is cooperate with Him. He really does it all…he just uses us because like with me and you right now, we can relate to each other’s weaknesses and difficulties.

I hope all that helps you. Know that you are remembered in all my prayers.
Pax vobiscum,
Ever since my “reversion” as I like to refer to it to the Catholic faith, I haven’t felt anything but peace and contentment that I was doing the right thing. Now all of a sudden I’m finding myself having doubts about certain things. I don’t know why they’ve suddenly came about, perhaps now that I am to be joining a parish and seeking the sacraments fully I am realizing the enormity of religion in and of itself. I mean, being Catholic is not something you can take lightly. It is truly a way of life. And this is great, but how do you know that it is right? I feel as though my faith is waning and I don’t know why. Lately I’ve been feeling just…uncomfortable about saying a prayer to a saint or Mary. Like I’m not focusing on what I really should be. It’s wonderful that Our Lady can intercess for us…but why is it necessary? Or a saint for that matter, who I imagine is far less perfect than Mary. Or the medals and the statues and whatnot. They are 'graven images" aren’t they? ( I am wearing a Miraculous Medal around my neck right now, so please don’t take offense…I’m just curious.) It is entirely possible that I don’t know what I’m talking about and I need someone to set me straight, which, by all means, please do. I’ve never felt his way about the church before. Distant, perhaps, but never that it was wrong. If anyone has any advice, comments, stuff I should read, whatever - it is more than welcome. Thanks :o
Dear Celia,
I think maybeyou are losing the sense that Our Father willed us to be in His image. This has a profound meaning in that He is a ‘person’ like you and me. Our personage is a likeness of His! We will know Him because we will be like Him! Not that we never were but we will be again like He made us to be. The creator of the universe is a person! That means we interact with Him in the way all persons do. This means that life in Him, with Him in heaven, is a life in a community of persons who are in various ways and degrees in communion with Him. If thought about in the way God ordered reality the structure of heaven is human bonds. The Father’s bond with His Son and the Son’s human bond with man is what establishes this community. In this way the bonds between persons is the foundation that unites divine persons with human persons. The bond that unites the humanity of God as taken on by Christ to man is the maternal bond that formed it in the first place. That is the bond God had with Mary. Then the bonds that formed between Christ and those who lived with Him and touched Him and He touched as well. This dynamic between persons is the foundation of heaven on earth and the foundation of union in heaven as well. God needs no intermediary to approach us but if we recognize the unfathonable dignity of His person we will need to approach Him through those who already enjoy the bonds between persons that we wish to have with Him.

Trust in God and your doubts will be remembered as an invitation to a deeper understanding of His Mystery.

Please know that fear is nothing more than the abandonement of reason.

I can’t address your fears surrounding holy objects at this time but if you think I can help I most certainly will.

Ever since my “reversion” as I like to refer to it to the Catholic faith, I haven’t felt anything but peace and contentment that I was doing the right thing. Now all of a sudden I’m finding myself having doubts about certain things. I don’t know why they’ve suddenly came about, perhaps now that I am to be joining a parish and seeking the sacraments fully I am realizing the enormity of religion in and of itself. I mean, being Catholic is not something you can take lightly. It is truly a way of life. And this is great, but how do you know that it is right? I feel as though my faith is waning and I don’t know why. Lately I’ve been feeling just…uncomfortable about saying a prayer to a saint or Mary. Like I’m not focusing on what I really should be. It’s wonderful that Our Lady can intercess for us…but why is it necessary? Or a saint for that matter, who I imagine is far less perfect than Mary. Or the medals and the statues and whatnot. They are 'graven images" aren’t they? ( I am wearing a Miraculous Medal around my neck right now, so please don’t take offense…I’m just curious.) It is entirely possible that I don’t know what I’m talking about and I need someone to set me straight, which, by all means, please do. I’ve never felt his way about the church before. Distant, perhaps, but never that it was wrong. If anyone has any advice, comments, stuff I should read, whatever - it is more than welcome. Thanks :o
Thanks, guys. 🙂 Just so you have some background, I’m not in RCIA or anything. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic schools but after high school I sorta drifted away and did a lot of stuff I’m not supposed to…lots of partying and things like that. Well, ever since I bacame engaged and was married I’d felt this tug on my heart to go back to attending church. I started attending a Lutheran church, which is my mom’s faith. (my dad is catholic) Everyone was very nice and welcoming, really just wonderful people, but I was never comfortable there…I felt like something was missing…like this wasn’t “real” church. So…drifted from there too. In October my best friend’s sister was killed in a car accident. She was a friend of mine as well. She was 23. The shock of that just sort of pulled me back into religion…I was so confused and felt I had nowhere else to go. I still don’t understand, sometimes, why this had to happen…why God would take someone so young, so full of life, so giving to everyone…her boyfriend was going to propose to her when they finished school. I suppose I’m rambling and I’m getting off the topic at hand, I’m sorry. But it’s times like this that I really wonder if I’m doing the right thing with Catholicism. Sometimes when I’m subtley (sp?) trying to “convert” my husband he’ll ask me a question that I can’t answer and I feel so defeated, like, what am I doing here? I want to base my life on this religion and I don’t even really understand it. I’m not sure why all of a sudden these doubts and feelings have come into play. Perhaps the enemy really is at work here. The past couple nights when I lay in bed getting prepared to say a rosary these doubts are all I think about. This morning I did, however, pray that Divine Mercy Chaplet and I did feel a certain measure of peace and comfort. So, I think I will try that on a regular basis and I thank you for posting that. I’m sorry that I’m all rambly today.:rolleyes: Thanks for listening and I appreciate everyone’s comments and prayers.

A Kahuna is a shaman but Kahuna is also a Person who is raised to have no Doubts.
Be not afraid.

Take heart, there will be times of great peace and other times of not so much peace. It’s a good thing to have faith when there is peace, if you don’t feel peace and you keep the faith, thats even better. If you can go inbetween the two and faith does not waiver, better even yet. After all it is the Truth we are after.

As for the saints, remember it is the communion of saints. It is not simply just a collection, but a community. God’s desire to have more of his lambs in heaven are their desire too. The prayers of a rightous person are worth very much, so how much more are theirs who are in a place where the least is far greater than John the Baptist while on this earth. But if their intercession is worth anything, it is because it is given by Jesus, and they will always point you back to Him. They can profit you much, cause when they point back, they can just show you something new.

As for not being able to answer questions. Take comfort. You will not even beable to fathom everything about everything of the faith. There are many parts of the body, and not each one needs to know everything that is going on. And how often God draws straight with crooked lines. As a child you did not understand why your parents made every rule that they did, but as you frew older somethings made more sence. It is more important to grow a deep faith and show others what it can do.
Hi Celia,
I’m also a revert so to speak…I’m a cradel Catholic that drifted from my Catholic faith after High School during a life changing event…and many years later had a tug to come home.
I did have doubts too…I’m in RCIA just b/c I want to brush up on all that I had forgotten. It’s been a great expierence b/c most of the students are protastant and it’s wonderful to hear why they fell in love with the Catholic faith.
One of the most inspirational books that really gave me so much encouragment and faith was:
“The Lambs Supper” the Mass as Heaven on Earth, by Scott Hahn.

good luck and hang in there!
Many Blessing!
I have been Catholic 49 years. When I was converted I was “walking on air” for a while, like a kid in a candy store.
Then I started to feel like you, doubt, unworthiness and some inbelief ( especially about actually being forgiven after Confession)

An old Monsenior told me that was normal for a new Catholic. The devil had found me and was angry I became a Catholic so was putting seeds of doubt in my mind. Say the St. Michaels prayer, daily.
St Michael’s Prayer

Saint Michael defend us in Battle. Be our safegaurd against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do though, oh prince of heavenly hosts, by the power of God, Cast down satan, and all his evil spirits who wonder now through out the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
I seem to have periods with this too. I don’t know if it is doubt in the sense of the truth of the Church, but it seems that as soon as I have my priitual life more or less on track for me, incorporating all the practices I feel it needs, that sometimes I am overcome with great sorrow; literally brought to tears thinking what is the point of all this, when so many things in my life are not going too well.

Oddly enough, I try to make at least a breief stations fo teh cross around 3PM each day, and it seems that that time period is the when I am most likely to be hit by a bit of depression. If I can start to pray through the tears, I feel better and they often (but not always) leave me. I only today realized the coincidence of the timing.

I don’t mean to sound childish. More often than not, I am rational and calm. Everyone has their ups and downs and no one’s life is perfect; everything ahppens according to God’s plan for what is best for our souls. Normally, and calmly I usually am able to accept that. It is what I believe.

But every once an a while I am overwhelmed by such great despair, and I don’t understand form where it comes or why it is there. It’s not precipitated by any external change in my life or environment. It’s just an overwhelming feeling of being unwanted by God. And it seems to strike out of blue, when spiritually, my life has been mostly balanced for a while.
Dear serendipity,
You know what? I think the enemy knows that you are ther to do honor to God and that it’s a source of consolation and peace to you so he hits you then. A friend once told me that the devil never attacks anyone whose already helping him along and never goes after a target of no value. So…I suspect that you (despite your humble circumstances) must be doing something of value to the kingdom of God…or interceding for someone that needs it and is under attack themselves. It’s a spiritual warfare dear friend, and that’s spiritual reality that can’t be denied.

Remember a few things:
As the readings last sunday said, “The Lord is my light and my salvation. Of whom shall I be afraid?”

Romans 8: 31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who is against us? 32 He that spared not even his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how hath he not also, with him, given us all things? 33 Who shall accuse against the elect of God? God that justifieth. 34 Who is he that shall condemn? Christ Jesus that died, yea that is risen also again; who is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. 35 Who then shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation? or distress? or famine? or nakedness? or danger? or persecution? or the sword?

36 (As it is written: For thy sake we are put to death all the day long. We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.) 37 But in all these things we overcome, because of him that hath loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor might, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

St. Paul pretty much says it all don’t ya think? And Lord knows he had it a lot harder than we do today.

I get knocked around a bit too but this is how I handle it, and it gives me the strength to carry on. You can rest assured that I will remember you in my prayers. You are not alone. There are angels around you even now.
Pax vobiscum,
I have’nt read all the posts. But I would just like to offer a few things.
Prayer to Saints- When we pray to our Lady or Angels or Saints. Then we honour Him who made these masterpieces. We honour their creator. And their prayers are most pleasing and powerful before His throne. Praying to them is not idolatry. We don’t worship them as we do God. They are our intercessors in Heaven. They want to help us. We only have to ask them and they will. The Church is comprised of 3 parts-
The Church Triumphant- the Saints in Heaven.
The Church Suffering- The souls in purgatory.
The Church Militant- Us.
The Angels are not part of the Church. But they help us a great deal.
We down here are still to make it to Heaven. That’s why we pray to the Angels and those in Heaven so much. We need help.
Those in purgatory can help us too. But they can’t help themselves. So we should remember them in our prayers.
As has been said we are the communion of Saints. Everyone has a role within the Church. And we help eachother. Once the last day has come it will all change. There will only be the Church in Heaven. And unfortunately the many who will be cast into hell.
That is why you are probably having doubts. The devil hates Christians and I am told is working extremely hard at the moment in the world. But according to the Pope the world is on the verge of an era of freedom frrom evil. See link below for article-
Our prayers are most pleasing to God at such times. So persevere. Pray to our Lady. She is omnipotent by virtue of her all powerful prayer. Her prayers are always carried out. That’s why we pray to her so much. If she so much as sighs God will do it.
Try praying to your guardian Angel too. Ask him to drive away these enemies that are planting the seeds of doubt in your mind. A great aspiration to pray from the Gospels when they do this is,
" Lord I believe, help my unbelief." Try it. I will keep you in my prayers. I hope you get through your trials unharmed.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon14.gif
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