He and his wife have always been pro-choice; recently, they were forced to make the Choice

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The other disgusting thing about the article is that they make prolifers seem like we are ignoramous when it comes to abortion. Like everyone is having “recreational” abortions while they spread their legs and talk on a cell phone.

Not only are they glorifying abortions, they make prolifers seem like total idiots that have no clue how the abortion process works.
What or who is our Hitler?
Good question. PP is too easy a target. They aren’t the whole problem. I believe there is a Satan. Scripture and Tradition are clear on that. Given that he was the greatest of angels, we can assume he is smart. Maybe he learned something from WWII.
Hitler’s power made him mad and thus made him beatable by the Allies (imagine if he HADN’T broke his treaty with Stalin).
Instead of one man leading a movement to dehumanize a particular group of people this time, maybe the devil is using a loose association of them? Same end result, harder to organize a defense.
What came back to me this morning as I was driving to work is his comment about how his daughters will be so happy to meet the brave people who brought them into the world when they are older.

Does he honestly think for a second that his daughters will be happy to hear that they actually have two brothers who were murdered by these people? How is he going to sell that one to them? I would be furious to knoow that my parents actively chose to murder the two boys next to me in my mother’s womb - innocent witnesses to murders they had no way to stop.

Oh God help us - the whole thing just makes me sick.

Good question. PP is too easy a target. They aren’t the whole problem. I believe there is a Satan. Scripture and Tradition are clear on that. Given that he was the greatest of angels, we can assume he is smart. Maybe he learned something from WWII.
Hitler’s power made him mad and thus made him beatable by the Allies (imagine if he HADN’T broke his treaty with Stalin).
Instead of one man leading a movement to dehumanize a particular group of people this time, maybe the devil is using a loose association of them? Same end result, harder to organize a defense.
That is a good reply to a good question. I honestly feel that we have just had an entire generation that is aging now, but in their youths ate the forbidden fruit, thinking they could do what felt good and live in a consequence-free world. As they had to face the consequences of their actions, they did the next logical thing - they rationalized ways around their problems. It’s not a baby we just acted in creating, it is a fetus; a glob of cells. What defines personhood anyway? People are self aware; fetuses are not. And so on. It is pure evil. If you look from the time of slavery to the culture leading up to the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, rationalizations of behavior were everywhere. Africans were sub-human savages; Jews were considered as not human either; made it easier to do what they did. And our Baby Boom generation has done the same thing.

The author of that article is still just blowing my mind with his attitude, aborting babies b/c he felt it was almost somehow the noble thing to do. It reminds me of Judge Smails from “Caddyshack” - “Danny, I’ve sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn’t want to do it. I felt I…owed it to them.”
Are the people in the article people we should emulate and follow? They definitetly seem to think they are.
“We had already undergone two in-vitro fertilization procedures before this last time, when we put back five embryos, despairing that any would take. Beforehand, the fertility specialist asked us if we were OK with “reduction” — also known as selective abortion — in the event that too many took hold. ***
We said yes, not really appreciating what that meant.”***
Doctor: “Are you willing to place yourself into a position where you may very well be asked, and tempted, to murder your own children?”

Husband: “Uh, yeah, I guess so, I really don’t know what you mean by that, and it certainly does not sound like anything important enough for me to even think about.”

The primary responsiblity of a husband is for the well being of his family. To, with pre-meditation, kill one’s own children…

And we supposedly live in a civilized society.


I literally did lose my lunch when I read this! How sick! I lost a twin 17 years ago and the thought of actually planning the death of one child so another can survive was very real… I said no. How could you decide? How could it be that easy? Yeah, I think we will keep the girls…so let’s ditch the boys??? How does that work??? Last week I lost a very wanted single child, it broke my heart. I was 11+ weeks along. Do you know the size the baby is at 15 weeks? 4 inches… know how much blood is pumped through their little hearts at 15 weeks? 25 quarts a day! Dear Lord I wish they could be charged with a double homicide!!!
BlestOne, Not only did he decide that the boys would die, he wrote about it in such a cold, detached clinical way. Just think about that, this person is going to be raising two children, That thought alone is enough to make one feel nauseous.
Disgusting. And to think that they actually think they did nothing wrong. :mad:
Was it really the parents who wrote this? Curious as if it is, the way it was written could quite possibly indicate a borderline personality disorder.

But upon reading it, I was leaning more to the conclusion that a journalist used a few kew quotes to build his/her own fantastic paper.

Another thing that occurred to me is this is simply a couple using their own situation to support their own agenda. Similar to active homosexuals that choose to “put themselves” inboy scouts so as to get media attention, or a very high profile pro-abortion woman who publicizes her abortion.
While I find this article morally revolting, I’m not shocked. It’s nothing new, these people are the modern pagans. Spartans throwing handicapped babies off a cliff. Of course they lack the courage of their convictions to actually do that, so they hire a hitman, er ah I mean “doctor,” to do it for them. The healthy dose of eugenic propaganda is nothing but the same tripe the Nazis passed around in Germany during the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. Wouldn’t want any of those inferiors breeding now would we?

Really all it comes down to is social atheism. In the atheist world view people aren’t any different form animals. As such the same eugenic philosophy applied to dog or cattle breeding applies to humans as well. Go visit (if you have the stomach for it, I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone) a site like stormfront and you’ll actually see people use that argument.
While I find this article morally revolting, I’m not shocked. It’s nothing new, these people are the modern pagans. Spartans throwing handicapped babies off a cliff. Of course they lack the courage of their convictions to actually do that, so they hire a hitman, er ah I mean “doctor,” to do it for them. The healthy dose of eugenic propaganda is nothing but the same tripe the Nazis passed around in Germany during the 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. Wouldn’t want any of those inferiors breeding now would we?

Really all it comes down to is social atheism. In the atheist world view people aren’t any different form animals. As such the same eugenic philosophy applied to dog or cattle breeding applies to humans as well. Go visit (if you have the stomach for it, I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone) a site like stormfront and you’ll actually see people use that argument.
True, that.

These are heathens, not Christians. Heathens are lost in the universe of despair: no God, no heaven, no meaning to anything. Nature is just one big wheel that just keeps turning forever, churning out more useless lives for the endless nausea of existence.
So this shouldn’t shock us so much–they do not see life like we do.

The guy seems like some kind of sociopath. Conditioned perhaps, but still. Makes you wonder how many conditioned sociopaths are walking among us.
He did make one valid point.

While complaining about the court upholding the ban on the intact D&E (citing the court’s describing the procedure as gruesome), he commented that the other forms of abortion are just as gruesome. I wholeheartedly agree. Let’s ban them all!!!
wow…just. wow. I can’t believe what I just read. I can’t even comment.
Someone find me a bucket and then hold me back before I smash something.

That is cold blooded murder! Those are babies! God forbid, I’d take my own life before I let someone stick a needle in me and end my child’s!


Mary, holy queen of heaven, mother of our savior who said “Yes” to God and carried him within your womb, watch over the souls of the unborn lives sent to you too soon and pray for the souls of those who do so great a wrong. God, our father, in the name of your beloved son Jesus, watch over and protect the unborn and help your servents to end this senceless murder. In your name we pray. Amen.
😦 What immoral people! Intresting that pro-aborts always try to put selective -]killing/-] “reduction” as a matter where a woman is pregnant with nine babies and is dying or something, when if they weren’t willing to deal with 3 or more babies, they shouldn’t have done IVF anyway. Ugh.
This article was not so much the author trying to convince us what he did was right-it was him trying to convince himslef. This sin will hang over his and his wifes head for the rest of their lives. There will never be able to leave it behind as they will be reminded every time they look at their kids. And should their children be unfortunate to learn of what their Parents did they will suffer from fear(how can you trust parents who killed your siblings) and survivors guilt.
Here is my prediction for that family:

Ros and Viv are going to be born with post traumatic stress disorder.

Nobody (including themselves) is going to know why they are crying and fearful every time someone gets near them with a pointy object.

Their clinginess and night terrors will be concerning at first, and then just really annoying. They’ll get yelled at, a lot. At some point, it will occur to someone that something is seriously the matter with them at a deep psychological level. Normal kids just don’t act like this.

They’ll be in therapy for years and years.

Somehow, it will slip out that their parents aborted their siblings while they were in the womb. At some point, it is going to dawn on someone that they witnessed the murder of their brothers.

At that point or shortly afterwards, Ros and Viv will leave home, because they won’t be able to stand being in the same house as the people who killed their brothers.

The family rift will be permanent. Ros and Viv will most likely go on to live their lives without ever speaking to their parents again.
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