Heard of HolyLove.org ?

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I stumbled across a web site at holylove.org. It reports that Our Blessed Mother and Our Lord have been appearing to a woman in a small town in Ohio. The messages on the web site are very interesting and seem to me to be authentic. They recommend prayer, reverence of the true presense Body, Blood, Soul And Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and following the teachings of the Catholic faith. It also states that it is an ecumenical ministry and shrine.
Like I stated, to me the messages and writings on the site seem that they could only be from God, but I am wondering what others think about it. I am especially interested in them because of they way they honor Pope John Paul II, and repeatedly ask us to follow the teachings of the true church.

Has anyone seen this website and what do people think about it???


I stumbled across a web site at holylove.org. It reports that Our Blessed Mother and Our Lord have been appearing to a woman in a small town in Ohio. The messages on the web site are very interesting and seem to me to be authentic. They recommend prayer, reverence of the true presense Body, Blood, Soul And Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and following the teachings of the Catholic faith. It also states that it is an ecumenical ministry and shrine.
Like I stated, to me the messages and writings on the site seem that they could only be from God, but I am wondering what others think about it. I am especially interested in them because of they way they honor Pope John Paul II, and repeatedly ask us to follow the teachings of the true church.

Has anyone seen this website and what do people think about it???

FIrst, love the screen name! 👍

There are already two threads here that talk about Holy Love. Thread…‘Holy Love’
I mentioned in these other threads, that I have been there and find it just odd that one of the prayer services was last February and there was a priest who was conduction something like a ‘centering prayer’. Before I saw thing, I was about to seriously look into this place…I live one hour away and have a chance to go this Friday.
I am not skeptical and unless there is something ‘really’ eye opening that happens, I may not go back after this weekend. I have visited there since Oct 2003.
The Bishop of Cleveland really does not have a comment about the place but for the priests to stay away from Holy Love.

Do you live in NEOhio too?

Go with God!
Thanks for your reply!! I live the the Chicago area, so no, as much as I wish I was an hour away, I’m actually more like six!

I was hoping to go visit the site this weekend too, but it wasnt to be.

You sound more skeptical than I am about this place and the messages so I’d be interested to hear what you think after this weekend.

And yea, nice screen name man!

I’m wondering if anybody visited Holy Love Ministries in Ohio this weekend???



I’m wondering if anybody visited Holy Love Ministries in Ohio this weekend???



I did not go this weekend. I prayed on the subject and simply felt that I got no response. The last time I did go, I got some photos, but need to get them developed. If something on the photos reveals anything, then I am sure I would get my answer.
(The site claims that Photographs will reveal images divinely placed).

As of now, I still go by the stance of the Catholic Church and be skeptical to private revelations NOT approved by Rome.

Go with God!
Yes, i’ve heard of it and have been attending the apparitions regularly since 1997. These messages are helping souls to grow in holiness and overcome disordered self-love and are based solidly on the two great commandments. There have been over 21,000 messages given over 21 years and none have contradicted Catholic Church teaching / doctrine. It is ecumenical and calls all people in all nations to love God and neighbor as yourself. It is under attack as you would expect Truth to be as evidenced externally in the world today in so many ways. i invite you to read the messages and decide for yourself and i encourage all to attend the midnight apparition at midnight on the crest of the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows, 9/14-15/2007, at midnight. Also, please visit www.angelsofmaranatha.org and youtube.com/watch?v=Vubs_llodzY for more information.

“….My children, My Son will allow Me to return here on the feast of My Sorrows. The more who come, the quicker My Son’s victory in hearts and in the world….” (Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, June 16, 2007)

Friday, September 14th meet in the Field of the United Hearts
at 11:00 PM for Our Lady’s Midnight Visit on the crest of the
Feast of the Triumph of the Cross and the Feast of Our Sorrowful Mother.
It is against forum rules (which you guys agreed to when registering here) to discuss any private apparitions, revelations or messages that haven’t been investigated and approved by the Church.

Please cease and desist.

Note from Moderator:

As Lily mentioned, it is against the forum rules to discuss the messages of unapproved private revelations or to promote the revelations.

It is a valid topic of discussion to ask what the Church’s stance is on an alleged apparition, revelation, or locution. As such, this thread may remain open as long as the conversation stays in that realm. If it veers into promotion again, it will be shut.
Did anyone notice that all the posts before Lily’s were from 2004? They ceased and desisted 3 years ago!

Did anyone notice that all the posts before Lily’s were from 2004? They ceased and desisted 3 years ago!

Hey, forgive me for trusting when I click ‘New Posts’ that the last post on each thread at least will be a recent one :crying:

At least I wasn’t the only one who hasn’t yet learned to check the date on posts 😉
I have visited Maranatha, also known as Holy Love Ministries, on two occasions. We cannot make personal decisions about the authenticity of any apparitions without the approval of the magesterium. It is enough for me that I had the privelege of meeting Maureen and witnessing the devotion of the many visitors. I am fervently devoted to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart and was pleased to see the reverence given to them at the site. Go and see for yourselves.


I stumbled across a web site at holylove.org. It reports that Our Blessed Mother and Our Lord have been appearing to a woman in a small town in Ohio. The messages on the web site are very interesting and seem to me to be authentic. They recommend prayer, reverence of the true presense Body, Blood, Soul And Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and following the teachings of the Catholic faith. It also states that it is an ecumenical ministry and shrine.
Like I stated, to me the messages and writings on the site seem that they could only be from God, but I am wondering what others think about it. I am especially interested in them because of they way they honor Pope John Paul II, and repeatedly ask us to follow the teachings of the true church.

Has anyone seen this website and what do people think about it???

hello friends in christ, Believe me when I tell you that maranatha is absolutely a true apparition site. Holylove ministries is real and very significant. I am in pocession of miraculous pictures from that site. I personally had a spiritual conversion back to the holy roman cathlic church because of this site. I currently am a Eucharistic minister after several years because of directly what occured to me at maranatha spring and shrine. My earthly mother also experienced miacles at this site. If the catholic church can not suppress a apparition site it is of GOD!!! This is how fatima was approved, this is how lourdes was approved-------trust me when I tell you someday maranatha will be proven as authentic.
Reminding our posters of this earlier warning from Catherine Grant:
Note from Moderator:

As Lily mentioned, it is against the forum rules to discuss the messages of unapproved private revelations or to promote the revelations.

It is a valid topic of discussion to ask what the Church’s stance is on an alleged apparition, revelation, or locution. As such, this thread may remain open as long as the conversation stays in that realm. If it veers into promotion again, it will be shut.
Please remember this when posting.
I have learned by experience that before visiting a site or even delving in further to messages of seers etc., it is important to check the Church’s stance on that particular site/seer. If it has not yet been approved it is wise to forget about it. It takes a long time in most cases for the Bishops to investigate but there are several very good reasons for that. All too often they will find that the messages mix truth with non truth. The messages will sound right on with Catholic teaching and then bingo, here is a message that is not the whole truth. (or some of the truth and some non truth) Satan is very good at that. Very cunning. Best to wait for the Bishops to give their stamp of approval first.😉
I have visited Holy Love Ministries about 4 times now. There is a sense of peace and calm when you step on that property.

According to the Catholic Church we are free to follow any private revelation as long as it does not contradict with faith and morals that is fully preserved in the Catholic Church.

Lets all practice some humility and open our hearts to our most loving God who is calling all people of all faiths back to himself through Love of God above all things and neighbor as self.

Our Holy father Pope Benedict XVI and his predecessor, Pope John Paul the Great are much on board with ecumenism and the desire for the salvation of all people.
I have visited Holy Love Ministries about 4 times now. There is a sense of peace and calm when you step on that property.

According to the Catholic Church we are free to follow any private revelation as long as it does not contradict with faith and morals that is fully preserved in the Catholic Church.

Lets all practice some humility and open our hearts to our most loving God who is calling all people of all faiths back to himself through Love of God above all things and neighbor as self.

Our Holy father Pope Benedict XVI and his predecessor, Pope John Paul the Great are much on board with ecumenism and the desire for the salvation of all people.
I can’t imagine why anyone would visit a place that the local ordinary (bishop) has specifically warned against. That is certainly risking disobedience to the Church.

The Holy Love groups claims that they are ‘ecumenical’ and therefore do not have to obey the bishop of the diocese or submit to him. But in fact the bishop is in charge of ALL catholics in his diocese. So the most he can do in this situation is to issue a warning about this group - which he has done…

Here is an interesting article from several years ago which is eye-opening about this group.


Kevin Symonds has a section on his website about Holy Love.

Here is the official statement from the diocese of cleveland.

CAUTION - Holy Love Ministries - (a.k.a. - The Confraternity of the United Hearts)
“Holy Love Ministries” located on Butternut Ridge Road in Eaton Township, Lorain County, the site of reported Marian apparitions and devotions has prompted this clarification from the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland concerning the operation.

CAUTION STATEMENT - Holy Love Ministries (a.k.a. - The Confraternity of the United Hearts)

The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland issued this CAUTION in August of 1999 which still applies today:
                                            HOLY LOVE MINISTRIES
                                      (Missionary Servants of Holy Love)

A group known by the name “Holy Love Ministries” and also the “Missionary Servants of Holy Love,” has been active in the Cleveland area for several years. Earlier names associated with this group have been the “Our Lady Protectress of the Faith Movement,” “Project Mercy,” and “Mary’s House of Prayer.” * They continue to seek funds to develop their center and support their effort. We would caution anyone considering support of such a venture to realize that this organization has no approval or support from the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. In a meeting held with diocesan officials, leaders of “Holy Love Ministries” made it clear that although they encourage Catholic practices, the ministry is ecumenical, and therefore not subject to the authority of the Catholic Church.

Recent publicity regarding reported apparitions and messages makes it necessary to urge extreme caution in giving credence to such claims.
  • Please note that ‘Mary’s House of Prayer’ was a place when this group formerly met. There is no longer any connection of ‘Holy Love Ministries’ in this place. (Added September, 2005)
For further information, please contact
                                                  Sr. Therese Guerin Sullivan, SP, Chancellor
                                                  The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
                                                  1027 Superior Avenue
                                                  Cleveland, Ohio 44114

                             Telephone:  216-696-6525 ext. 2070
Father Hebert in his book “Discerning Marian Apparitions” talks about
  • apparitions that use references to the Pope to authenticate an apparition site and its messages does not make the messages authentic
  • miracles at “apparition sites” may occur because of the belief of the people who go there to pray and not because the apparition site is authentic
The visionary’s spiritual directors are all Marian Theologians. I just want to reiterate, the catholic church does not prevent the faithful from believing in any private revelation as long as it does not contradict with the Sacred Deposit of faith and morals. If our Holy Father, Who Is The Only One Who Is Infallible, with the living magisterium of the church says no to any private revelation than by obedience we are not to follow it.

These messages do not contradict faith and morals, but encourage a deeper relationship with Jesus through Mary by prayer, the Holy Eucharist, and love of God and neighbor.
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