Here’s one way to see private revelations: They all either a.) contradict church teaching, in which case you need to steer clear of them, or b.) don’t contradict church teaching, in which case…well, it’s already a teaching of the Church. Why do you need yet another unverified interpretation of said teaching…? With all of its human perspective, prejudice and capacity for error?The visionary’s spiritual directors are all Marian Theologians. I just want to reiterate, the catholic church does not prevent the faithful from believing in any private revelation as long as it does not contradict with the Sacred Deposit of faith and morals. If our Holy Father, Who Is The Only One Who Is Infallible, with the living magisterium of the church says no to any private revelation than by obedience we are not to follow it.
These messages do not contradict faith and morals, but encourage a deeper relationship with Jesus through Mary by prayer, the Holy Eucharist, and love of God and neighbor.
Anyway, God bless you in your discernment.