Heaven Help the Disabled

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UN to draft sweeping convention on all “disabilities”

New York, Jan. 13 (C-fam.org/CWNews.com) - Next week the United Nation convenes a working group to continue drafting an international convention on people with disabilities,…

The draft convention contains provisions that some view as granting the disabled the “right to die.” One portion of the draft language stipulates that states will “Prevent unwanted medical and related interventions and corrective surgeries from being imposed on persons with disabilities,” while another calls for “…individual autonomy, including the freedom to make one’s own choices, and independence of persons.” On the face of it, these may seem like reasonable aspirations, but seen the light of the euthanasia movement, they could become ominous.

Other parts of the treaty ensure that the disabled have access to “reproductive and family planning education, and the means necessary to enable them to exercise these rights,” while another requires the disabled to have the “same range and standard” of “sexual and reproductive health services” as “other citizens.” In UN parlance, “sexual and reproductive health services” have long meant access to abortion and contraception.

Additionally, in what some view as a potential back door for homosexual unions, treaty language calls for the disabled to have “equal opportunity to experience their sexuality, have sexual and other intimate relationships, and experience parenthood,” as well as the right “to marry…and to found a family.”

Pro-family advocates say the treaty could be used to promote homosexual rights because the draft convention does not define “disability.” The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specifically excludes “transvestism, transsexualism, pedophilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, gender identity disorders not resulting from physical impairments, or other sexual behavior disorders.” Homosexuality and bisexuality are also excluded in the America law, as are age and economic status, while the UN treaty leaves disability as a blank slate.

Experts worry that signing the convention would be signing a blank check because the convention could later be applied to unintended situations. The results will be far-reaching, especially in light of the fact that the UN will create a compliance committee that would scrutinize compliance with the convention by signatory states…"

You have to give the UN credit, they sure are prolific with their resolutions and conventions. Wacky, but prolific. They will probably pass a resolution say conservatism is a disability and that they are going to guarantee that we all exercise our right to die. 😃
if we put the UN in charge the problem of people with disabilities will go away, because they will euthanize those who have disabilities (as defined by UNFPA of course), or abort them before birth, and sterilize them so they can’t reproduce. very efficient. National Socialism in the name of compassion, Herren Hitler & Mengele would be proud.
It amazes me how many of the Nazi ideas the world wants to implement in the name of compassion. :confused:
In previous years I had hope to travel to Holland, of course that was before I became a parapligic, I qiuckly changed my mind when they came to the conclusion that people could be euthanized (?) without their prior consent! If this goes thru at the UN I will be very careful to check which countries have signed off on it before I make travel plans outside the USA. Disabled rights my foot, it sounds just like the **** the population control fanatics have been trying to push through for years.

Linda H.
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