Heavenly Parents

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Are you claiming no Catholic ever said:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) whatistrue:
I could have sworn that I saw someone else point out that “likeness” is not the same as “mirror image” or “exact copy”. Man is like God in that we have a rational soul, not that we are also a Trinity or that God has a physical part that looks like us.
No. According to hearsay, I do believe some Catholic somewhere may have said that. Who it was, or by what authority I know not. Usually Catholics avoid the word “likeness” altogether when discussing Genesis 1:26.
No. According to hearsay, I do believe some Catholic somewhere may have said that. Who it was, or by what authority I know not. Usually Catholics avoid the word “likeness” altogether when discussing Genesis 1:26.
Authority? Seems like you’re trying to move the goal post

Just from this thread:
There are hundreds of thousands of characteristics which could be used to compare one being to another. Using your reasoning, I could make a case that God is female, 62” tall, blue eyes, red hair, and left handed. You could us Genesis 1:26 to mean anything, so it does not contradict the Christian belief in God. The Christian belief is that God is a rational being and made man in his image; a rational being.
Let us think rationally. The Father is Spirit. We are not gods, we are creatures. Therefore it is self evident that we are in the likeness of God, and not a mirror image of God. Only Mormons interpret likeness as “exactly made”.
Authority? Seems like you’re trying to move the goal post
No. I said, I prefer listening to the scriptures, rather than hearsay. If you know someone with a definition of “likeness” and that person speaks with authority, equal to or greater than Genesis, I would be very impressed.
“When God created man, he made them in the likeness if God ; 2 he created them male and female. When they were created, he blessed them and named them ‘man’. 3 Adam was one hundred and thirty years old when he begot a son in his likeness, after his image; and he named him Seth.”(Genesis 5:1-3)
So the real answer is YES. You have heard the Catholic definition of what it means to be like God. Knowing the Catholic understand of what it means to be like God, it is clear that there is no conflict for Catholics in regard to the Trinity.
You are misquoting what I say “No” to.

Of course I have heard the Catholic definition of what it means to be like God. I have heard this many times. However, as I said before, repeating it does not make it so.
You are misquoting what I say “No” to.

Of course I have heard the Catholic definition of what it means to be like God. I have heard this many times. However, as I said before, repeating it does not make it so.
Ok, so you really did not want to know what Christians believe. I thought that was what I was doing. You haven’t changed my mind because your view is irrational, not Christian, and you have no authority to change Christian teaching.

Take Care
If Christ is the image then why can Christ be seen?
The Incarnation is God taking flesh; becoming man.
And how come Moses could see God face to face?
It wasn’t a physical face with eyes and a nose. God doesn’t need a nose to breathe air. What is meant is that Moses had an intimate vision and communication with God.
Do you believe that Christ is God? Does He currently have a body? (Philippians 3:21) Is He limited by that body?
Christ’s resurrected body is a glorified body; spiritualized, thus He can appear and disappear at will and walk through walls as he did after the resurrection. Jesus is True God and True Man, and He’s in heaven at the right hand of the Father, in the throne of God.
The problem with Mormonism is that people have put their faith Joseph Smith, a man who has been proven to not tell the truth. And there are plenty of clear examples of this. For example, the scroll Joseph Smith purchased from a traveling Egyptian exhibition, which he said was the writings of the Biblical Abraham, and claimed to translate it into what Mormons today known as “the Book of Abraham” was a complete fraud.

Egyptologists have proven that the scroll was merely a common Egyptian funerary text that had absolutely nothing to do with Abraham. Egyptologist Dr. James H. Breasted of the University of Chicago said, “Joseph Smith’s interpretations of them as part of a unique revelation through Abraham, therefore, very clearly demonstrates that he was totally unacquainted with the significance of these documents, and absolutely ignorant of the simplest facts of Egyptian writing and civilization.”

There are plenty other examples…

The good news is that Jesus was not a fraud, and He instituted the Church to teach in His name throughout the ages until the end of time. Joseph Smith was just one among many false prophets the Scriptures warned would come.
Ok, this is the first time that I am aware of that a Mormon GA has declared that “Heavenly Father” is a resurrected being. Eyring is sustained as a prophet seer and revelator, is a member of the 1st presidency and said the following to the world wide Mormon membership during general conference

Henry B Eyring April 2018

“The Father and the Son are resurrected beings. The Holy Ghost is a person of spirit.”
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