Following a string of articles from, it said that God’s nature cannot divide itself, and as such can’t be complemented, yet, how do you explain the Trinity?
This is the starter of the series-
It is a mystery of the Christian faith. There is one God, one substance, absolute simplicity, and only one divine will. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not three gods and are never apart. There is no real difference between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, referred to the essence. Only by our thinking referred to opposite relation, there is a real difference.
St, Thomas Aquinas elaborated on the mystery in Summa Theologica,
Q 30, A 1.Whether there are several persons in God?
Objection 3:
Further, Boethius says of God (De Trin. i), that “this is truly one which has no number.” But plurality implies number. Therefore there are not several persons in God.
Reply to Objection 3:
The supreme unity and simplicity of God exclude every kind of plurality of absolute things, but not plurality of relations. Because relations are predicated relatively, and thus the relations do not import composition in that of which they are predicated, as Boethius teaches in the same book.
Q 39, A1:
Article 1. Whether in God the essence is the same as the person?
I answer that,
The truth of this question is quite clear if we consider the divine simplicity. For it was shown above (Question 3, Article 3) that the divine simplicity requires that in God essence is the same as “suppositum,” which in intellectual substances is nothing else than person.
But a difficulty seems to arise from the fact that while the divine persons are multiplied, the essence nevertheless retains its unity. And because, as Boethius says (De Trin. i), “relation multiplies the Trinity of persons,” some have thought that in God essence and person differ, forasmuch as they held the relations to be “adjacent”; considering only in the relations the idea of “reference to another,” and not the relations as realities.
But as it was shown above (Question 28, Article 2) in creatures relations are accidental, whereas in God they are the divine essence itself. Thence it follows that in God essence is not really distinct from person; and yet that the persons are really distinguished from each other. For person, as above stated (29, 4), signifies relation as subsisting in the divine nature.
But relation as referred to the essence does not differ therefrom really, but only in our way of thinking; while as referred to an opposite relation, it has a real distinction by virtue of that opposition. Thus there are one essence and three persons.
To understand St. Thomas Aquinas comments on how relation does not import composition, one should understand something of Aristotle Metaphysics of Categories. Also that “there are only two ways of predicating in the divine, namely according to substance and according to relation.”
Aquinas Sent. I Q4 A3:
If, however, we consider the special nature of any class of, then any one of the other categories, in addition to anything, it implies an imperfection; has a proper reason in relation to the quantity of a subject; for quantity is the measure of substance, and quality is the disposition of substance, and thus in the case of all other things. Are removed the same way, from the divine preaching according to the logical intentions of genus, as they were removed, by the reason of the accident. If, however, let us consider the appearance of one of them, then some completive convey something of perfection according to the differences, for example, science, power, and the like. Hence these things are predicated of God according to the proper nature of the species and not according to their genus. Relation, for instance, even according to the logical intentions of genus, does not imply any dependence on the subject; in fact, is referred to something extra: in the divine character of the genus, and therefore they are to be found. For this reason, only two modes of predicating remain in God, that is, according to the goods, and also according to relation; for it is not in the genus of the species is due to a certain kind of content to preach, but to all mankind.
There are ten categories:
- Substance - the fundamental entities are substances
- Quality
- Quantity
- Relation - two fundamental relations: “said of” and “present in”
- Where
- When
- Position
- Having
- Action
- Passion