Help! I am so afraid

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Your symptoms do sound very like mine before my gallbladder surgery.
I had the surgery on a Wednesday. I was up and running around by Saturday. Monday I went back to work.
I have not been sorry I had the surgery for one day since.
I’ve been thinking about you. What did the doctor say? 🙂
Hi! Thank you! Yes, I am back just right now. I got some lab work done and will have a sonogram tomorrow morning. After that, I have to go back to the doc sometime next week.

She is a very nice lady and she told me that it might be one of many things. Gallbladder, colitis, etc…

We won’t know until next week…

I will keep you all posted as to what it is.

Thanks again!

God bless you!
Done! I finally went to the doctor who had my lab work results and guess what!?

Well, everything is perfect except for my tryglicerides and my cholesterol! Yeepee! I know that it is still serious, however, I am working on it getting better. I actually thought that it would be worst! I do need to lose the 80 lbs. I have gained since the birth of my first son. I am at 210 and I am 5’4" tall. I should be 120s. So that gives it away. The pain is just part of all this. I just started exercising a couple of days ago and I feel great. I made a promise to myself to walk for 30 minutes every single day wether it rains or shines (aside from my trips to the gym). I will be seeing the doctor again in about 3 months.

I began eating lots of raw veggies, fruits, and fat free foods.

Yes, I have commited a sin. I had been breaking the 5th commandment for quite a while now because I was killing myself slowly by eating and not exercising, but I am now working to be better.

I just begun and I now feel much better than last week.

Please, all, I ask for you to pray for me so that I may keep up.

God Bless!
Good. I’m glad to hear you are on the path to recovery.

I myself have gained alot of weight due to pregnancy cravings while I was pregnant both time. I need to lose 50 or 60 pounds to get back to my target weight.

I started eating healthier too and bought a treadmill off of a friend. I was just getting really good with the treadmill. I was able to actually RUN for 10 minutes at a stretch and walk the rest of the time… then my cat had a litter of kittens right next to the treadmill. So :rolleyes: I can’t disturb the kittens. Thank goodness its so nice outside now. I can get my bike cleaned off and hook up the bike trailer to take the kids to the park. Its going to be much heavier hauling 2 kids around instead of just 1. I might need to hook on to my husbands bike like a dog sled! 😃 I’ll let him be the alpha dog.
Wow, good for you! I just saw your initial post, so I’m glad to hear things went ok. I did not think of the 5th commandment at all- I just thought it was great that you’re making so many changes so quickly! I have taken procrastination to an art form. Good for you, too, redtech. Just said a prayer for “stick-to-it-iveness”!
I think I noticed this thread because I have a pain in my right side. My problem is I’ve had it a long time. My doctor sent me to a few different doctors, all kinds of tests, always come back normal. I’m always so happy that they’re normal, but then you start to feel crazy. Now I’m avoiding going back because I’m afraid of seeming like a nut. I’m a big worrier, but I used to worry more about this before I had all the tests. Sometimes now I kind of put it out of my head & give it to God because I feel like I’ve done what I can & had all those tests. I’m sorry I’m babbling on about this, I didn’t expect I would. I’m having an emotional kind of day, but I admire you for making all those changes. I’m terrible about fruits & veggies!

So happy to know it was nothing too serious. High cholesterol can be serious so it’s important you take care of that!
Congrats, Argon! And I have to commend you on the zeal to exercise and do other things. 🙂 May your efforts be blessed. 🙂
Good. I’m glad to hear you are on the path to recovery.

I myself have gained alot of weight due to pregnancy cravings while I was pregnant both time. I need to lose 50 or 60 pounds to get back to my target weight.
Yes! It can be done! I recommend the book called “YOU on a diet” by Author: Roizen, Michael F. , Author: Oz, Mehmet C.
both doctors. You might have heard of them through the Oprah show. I got from them to do 30 minutes of walking every day wether it rained or shined!

I got a treadmill and an elliptical, too, which I have begun to put into use. I am an “inactive” member at one of our local gyms, but I am going to start going tomorrow.

I really recommend this book! I started reading it and its amazing at how our body processes all the different kinds of foods.
Wow, good for you! I just saw your initial post, so I’m glad to hear things went ok. I did not think of the 5th commandment at all- I just thought it was great that you’re making so many changes so quickly! I have taken procrastination to an art form. Good for you, too, redtech. Just said a prayer for “stick-to-it-iveness”!
I think I noticed this thread because I have a pain in my right side. My problem is I’ve had it a long time. My doctor sent me to a few different doctors, all kinds of tests, always come back normal. I’m always so happy that they’re normal, but then you start to feel crazy. Now I’m avoiding going back because I’m afraid of seeming like a nut. I’m a big worrier, but I used to worry more about this before I had all the tests. Sometimes now I kind of put it out of my head & give it to God because I feel like I’ve done what I can & had all those tests. I’m sorry I’m babbling on about this, I didn’t expect I would. I’m having an emotional kind of day, but I admire you for making all those changes. I’m terrible about fruits & veggies!
Maybe its just gas. I had that and began to take Gas X (over the counter). My doc prescribed that. Sometimes gas gives you weird belly pains. Try that and try eating lots of fiber and drink lots of water …oh, and also, do the 30 minutes a day every day of walking…just that, just walking and believe me you will forget about the pain.

And about the 5th commandment, yes I was breaking it. Thou shall not kill …I was doing that to myself…😦 . It is a new beginning for me. I will keep you all posted of my progress! By the way, I need to get myself a scale! 😊
I bet you’re right, one of my doctors mentioned the same thing! Thanks for the advice… I love to walk but don’t take the time to do it. Will try to let some of your enthusiasm rub off onto my lazy self!
Very quickly, don’t worry too much about the Cholesterol. As one doctor said in a magazine “Whatever you do don’t get your cholesterol checked - it’ll be too high and you’ll worry yourself to death!”

Cholesterol plus high weight is more of an issue. See if you can get your hormone levels checked as well. The hormone balance in you has probably shifted since childbirth. If it’s shifted really dramatically there may be a need for a hormone balance. (My fiance has PMDD so she must take progesterone every month for five days. She puts on weight due to water retention at this time.)

Grapefruit reduces cholesterol. Take vitamin B complex - 300% RDA daily. It’s a very, very safe dosage indeed and will improve your immune system, energy and sense of well being - which can reduce a desire to eat under stress. It’s worked wonders for me and everyone who has tried it!
Yes! It can be done! I recommend the book called “YOU on a diet” by Author: Roizen, Michael F. , Author: Oz, Mehmet C.
both doctors. You might have heard of them through the Oprah show. I got from them to do 30 minutes of walking every day wether it rained or shined!

I got a treadmill and an elliptical, too, which I have begun to put into use. I am an “inactive” member at one of our local gyms, but I am going to start going tomorrow.

I really recommend this book! I started reading it and its amazing at how our body processes all the different kinds of foods.
I have this book and it is awesome! I need to start reading it again to refresh my memory. 👍
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