I am so stressed out right now about my wedding plans…or rather lack of them. Please someone out there has got to have some advice for me dealing with all the demands everyone has been placing on me. First of all, I can’t set a date because my pastor is in the AF Reserves and is currently deployed and we have to wait for him to get back. I talked to him back in March about getting everything done so that I could be married in July. He said he didn’t think that was going to happen because he was going away and would not be back until the end of May but if my annulment came back quickly, before he left for his deployment we could try. Then he wrote a note on my file to call me as soon as my paperwork got back. Well, it got back in 6 days (a record for sure) but no one called me (oops, my bad). So a couple of weeks later he leaves for the military assignment and I wait…after 6 weeks I called the rectory to see if they received anything back yet. They had gotten it back and forgot to call me. I asked if I could call the neighboring pastor (5 miles away) and at least ask him to give us the foccus test so we could get things started. The secretary said for me to call back if the other priest said no and she would e-mail the pastor and ask if she could administer the test. So I asked and the other priest is too busy to help us out. As instructed, I called back the rectory and told the secretary that he couldn’t help. She said she would send the e-mail for me. That was 2 1/2 weeks ago and I haven’t heard anything. All my relatives are trying to arrange vacations to come to the wedding(they all live on the east coast and we are in Illinois) and I can’t give them a date. They all have kids and so we planned for a summer wedding as I have kids too we thought this would be best. Now I am getting demanding calls from all the relatives on both sides since this is taking too long for them. My sisters kid has boyscout camp in June, My brother is throwing a family get together for 4th of July, My fiances ex called to tell us that they are going on vacation in the middle of July. His sister tells us that they are now booked on a riverboat cruise at the end of July. The hotels in our area are all booked in August for football camps from college teams and possibly a pro team so the closest hotel will be 20 miles away and double their prices in August. I am so ready to just run away from all this and elope. I don’t want to do this (want a church wedding, and besides I already did the elope thing). I am so stressed out that everyone is telling me when I can’t get married and someone is going to be hurt by our decision and take it personally. But I can’t even set a date because I can’t start precana stuff until the pastor comes back at the end of May. If I see him immediately upon his return, I don’t think we will get everything done by the time frame we had in mind. Everything is falling apart! I am starting to have anxiety attacks which I haven’t had in 15 yrs. I just feel like I am losing a grip on reality here…HELP!!!