Help I am stressing out!

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I’m glad you’ve realized to accept whatever delays God places in your path with the necessary Grace and Faith. Your marriage will be blessed for it.

God Bless,

Accepting and liking it are 2 different things…I am not happy to be delayed but his will not mine be done.
If you’re set on your pastor being there, punt July right now. Think October or November. No, he’s in the military. Wait until he gets back or a date preset by you passes, then set a date. Ah… see? Now you can breathe.

Otherwise, call your chancery office and explain what’s up. They’ll find someone to help you. Couples who go to college in one town and plan to marry back home go to marriage prep with someone other than their pastor all the time.

Look for a date that is good for your immediate family, if you like, and misses any huge things that involve many of your potential guests, if you care to (I am thinking elk hunting season 😃 ), but after that just tell everybody what the date is and let the chips fall where they may.

And all the earlier posters are exactly right… it’s the marriage that counts, not the wedding. The wedding is just a big party you throw to celebrate a happy event, that is, the start of your married life.

Or as someone said once: The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. You can’t start living that a day too soon.
OMGoodness…I laughed so hard I cried…you must be a hunting widow… Thank you for your advice!!! I have been so stressed out by so many things in the past 2 weeks I actually think my brain went on vacation. Well life didn’t cease as I know it. The graduation reception for 250+ guests that I was in charge of went very well, my oldest passed his last final and will be graduationg this week…(long story, smart kid but stupid counsellor made it so he had to take a test he already passed at another school last year to graduate) My soon to be step daughter announced that her mom went on a job interview several hours away from us (major stress), health issues…etc…I am feeling relief at the moment and able to see things a little clearer at the moment. I do reserve the right to panic at any given moment as long as all of you wonderful people will remind me that this too shall pass. Love you all!!!
OMGoodness…I laughed so hard I cried…you must be a hunting widow… Thank you for your advice!!! I have been so stressed out by so many things in the past 2 weeks I actually think my brain went on vacation. Well life didn’t cease as I know it. The graduation reception for 250+ guests that I was in charge of went very well, my oldest passed his last final and will be graduationg this week…(long story, smart kid but stupid counsellor made it so he had to take a test he already passed at another school last year to graduate) My soon to be step daughter announced that her mom went on a job interview several hours away from us (major stress), health issues…etc…I am feeling relief at the moment and able to see things a little clearer at the moment. I do reserve the right to panic at any given moment as long as all of you wonderful people will remind me that this too shall pass. Love you all!!!
I’m glad that things turned out well! Remember these three things:
  1. Jesus, I trust in You!
  2. A youth minister who once worked at my parents’ parish wrote this down for me. She often repeats it to herself.
    Be still and know that I am God
    Be still and know that I am
    Be still and know
    Be still
  3. The Serenity Prayer
    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    Living one day at a time;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world
    as it is, not as I would have it;
    Trusting that He will make all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.
    –Reinhold Niebuhr
my Mother my Confidence,
Thank you Corrine!!! You are so right! I have just been letting things go for the past few days and I feel much better…got through so many changes this month from graduations to pets (new puppy) and now I am ready to look at the wedding stuff again. I am not quite as panicky as I was. If peeps can’t come, so sorry but I can’t please everyone. Hope this feeling lasts through the summer!!!
All the other advice given is good and I only have one thing to add. Make a list of priorities – not things to do – but priorities of importance. Is it important for everyone to be there? Is it more important that the two of you are there? What timing is more important? Getting married ASAP or having the “perfect” wedding later? What about having a wedding at the soonest with a party planned for Christmas or next year on your anniversary when everyone will be able to come? That might take care of some of the church-related stress. Or you could do a church thing on your anniversary as a renewal of vows and wear the same clothes. Be creative.

Once you’ve decided on what is most important you are better able to accept disappointments of people not coming or having the “perfect” wedding. If it’s not important that some people come then explain that you understand and want them to go ahead with their vacation plans – no hard feelings – and you’ll show them photos later. Everyone is responsible for their own decisions and priorities.

Good Luck and God Bless!
TAKE A BIG BREATH… HOLD AND RELEASE. RELAX! everything, when put into God’s hands, will be fine! Make a priority list, and stick to it!
Pastor is finally back and we have an appointment with him tomorrow night…pray for us please!!!
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