Tell your wife. I would want to know so I could make my own decisions. Not have them made for me.
Your wife already knows. Oh, she may not know the details, but one cannot divide oneself between two lovers and not have an impact. I know you said you didn’t go all the way with this woman, but perhaps you should take a gander at Matthew 5:27-28. You have cheated on your wife just as if you had slept with this other woman. Be a man and step up to your obligations of your marriage. Lost your best friend? Puh-lease! Look how easily this other woman hurt you when you tried to break it off. A best friend would have respected your wishes. This is not a woman of character even if she was available to you. Direct 110% of your interests and energy to your wife, and exercise this other woman from your life. No good will come from her. You know that.To make a very long story as short as possible…
This young woman came to work at my office about 2 years ago. We hit it off pretty well. So well, in fact, that I ended up having pretty strong feelings for her, and she for me. There is one VERY BIG problem with that, and that is that we are both married. We have spent lots of time together, usually in plain sight of others, eating lunch, etc. But then at one point, I opened a secret e-mail account, and we communicated in secret for a while. During this time, I went to confession almost weekly, trying to sort this out. I stopped the e-mail, per my pennance and better judgement, and spoke with her about having big problems knowing where this was leading. I explained to her that I am happily married, and that this just isn’t right. That was about a year ago! Well, things really didn’t change. Our conversations became sexual, and we spent time trading pornographic stories, etc. Recently, I had enough, and I told her that it has to stop completely, because I cannot take being separated from God by this sin anymore. She agreed, (by the way, she is Catholic too) and now, has made veiled threats that she is going to do something drastic, but won’t tell me what that would be. She just says that she is going to “fix everything” so that everything will be OK, and that I won’t have any moral problems any more. She is now acting very different, and I think is messing around with another man, and is planning on leaving her husband for him. I feel a loss like my best friend died, and like I’ve been punched in the stomach. I can’t get her out of my mind. I have prayed the Rosary, and pray a Hail Mary whenever she comes to mind, but it doesn’t seem to work. I have been to daily Mass, and go to confession more frequently again. (I had stopped going for about six months, because I have been questioning my purpose of amendment). Again, I think what bothers me the most is the sense of loss, even though I never really “had it” in the first place! Luckily, we never went “all the way”, but it was certainly discussed, pondered, and almost planned. I just couldn’t do that to my wife. We have a normal, healthy relationship too, which is why I can’t understand how I got myself into this mess. Why does God put people like this into our lives? This is certainly the heaviest cross I’ve ever had to carry. Any thoughts, or suggestions? Thanks!