Help Me...Im bombarded by thoughts of Lust Daily

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I have the same problem.
There are a couple of things to try
Be aware that Christ is always present.
knowing that he is your company is a good deterrent to these thoughts.
Also nightly take 5 minutes and mediate on your sins as though you were going to confession.
(Remove temptationas much as possible
“if your right eye offend thee pluck it out”)

Remember me in your prayers as I will remember you
I am writtining this response as a guy who has had terrrible struggles with the same thing. Furthermore, I am writting this as an orhtodox Catholic who has struggled terribly with scrupulocity. First, many of the people on this forum, if they have not experienced these lustful temptations as much as you have, may not understand what you are talking about. For some people lustful thoughts pop into the mind all of the time. If one does not puposely dwell on them, they are not sinful. However, if one does willfully and purposfuly dwell on them, they are sinful. They can range in gravity from venial to mortal depending on alot of things, including having had proper time to even realize that the sin is mortal. For a person for whom these thoughts have become compulsive, that is, your will in the matter is seriously impared, then they are not mortal sins but venial sins. Your free will must be intact for a sin to be mortal. My suggestion over the matter is this. Don’t worry about it. The more you obsess over them and worry about them, the more you are going to think about them and the more you will be tempted by them. Rather, trust in the Divine Mercy of Christ. Remember, he is on your side, and he is trying to save you. Not trying to catch on any technicality so that he can send you to hell. Pray that you might love Christ more everyday and talk to a confessor and especially to a spiritual advisor (preferably a very orthodox Catholic priest) over the matter. He will help you to discern when these sins are venial or mortal and about how to deal with it. Remember, if you do find a good priest for a spiritual advisor, you must remain obediant to him so that you can work through you problem with lustful fhoughts.
Hey Sonny,
I’ll keep you in prayer and today is the Feast Day of Maria Goretti - patron saint of purity. I will offer you and all those on this forum who need assiatance.

July 6, 2005
St. Maria Goretti
One of the largest crowds ever assembled for a
canonization—250,000—symbolized the reaction of millions touched by the simple story of Maria Goretti.

She was the daughter of a poor Italian tenant farmer, had no chance to go to school, never learned to read or write. When she made her First Communion not long before her death at age 12, she was one of the larger and somewhat backward members of the class.

On a hot afternoon in July, Maria was sitting at the top of the stairs of her house, mending a shirt. She was not quite 12 years old, but physically mature. A cart stopped outside, and a neighbor, Alessandro, 18 years old, ran up the stairs. He seized her and pulled her into a bedroom. She struggled and tried to call for help, gasping that she would be killed rather than submit. “No, God does not wish it. It is a sin. You would go to hell for it.” Alessandro began striking at her blindly with a long dagger.
She was taken to a hospital. Her last hours were marked by the usual simple compassion of the good—concern about where her mother would sleep, forgiveness of her murderer (she had been in fear of him, but did not say anything lest she cause trouble to his family) and her devout welcoming of Viaticum. She died about 24 hours after the attack.

Her murderer was sentenced to 30 years in prison. For a long time he was unrepentant and surly. One night he had a dream or vision of Maria, gathering flowers and offering them to him. His life changed. When he was released after 27 years, his first act was to go to beg the forgiveness of Maria’s mother. Devotion to the young martyr grew, miracles were worked, and in less than half a century she was canonized. At her beatification in 1947, her
mother (then 82), two sisters and a brother appeared with Pope Pius XII on the balcony of St. Peter’s. Three years later, at her canonization, a 66-year-old Alessandro Serenelli knelt among the quarter-million people and cried tears of joy.

Source :
jrabs thank you for posting this. I´ve never heard of Saint Maria Goretti (patron of youth, young women, purity, and victims of rape)
I just did some research on her and found a letter written by Alessandro Serenelli that impressed me.

Thank you Sonny for starting this thread, there are some excellent posts on here. May God´s Grace and Peace be with each of us who struggle with this. :gopray:
No…Thank you my dear friend…this is a struggle for many…I thank the Lord for people like you and Jrabs who support me in this struggle…God Bless you all.
jrabs thank you for posting this. I´ve never heard of Saint Maria Goretti (patron of youth, young women, purity, and victims of rape)
I just did some research on her and found a letter written by Alessandro Serenelli that impressed me.

Thank you Sonny for starting this thread, there are some excellent posts on here. May God´s Grace and Peace be with each of us who struggle with this. :gopray:
That is a very good point and it was pointed out by a Priest friend of mine…I ask for your continued prayers…I think the only thing separating me from the Priesthood now is the desire that I may want to have a family…but then again, if I were to become a Priest…I would have the largest family I could possibly imagine.
Hi Duns,

Have you ever thought that maybe this is the attack from the Evil One due to the ongoing discernement of your state in life?

Prayers and love,
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