But the effects are different, according to whether drip or inhalor is used. What about the other routes mentioned? My mum always used to tell me that pain is a signal that something is wrong. In the case of terminal illness, I suspect it is because an incorrect pain protocol is being used. The worry raised is that morphine drip is being used to shorten stays in hospital.
My friend died at home while being cared for by a palliative home care team. There are options. I have no problem saying that doctors and nurses should be allowed to do what they are trained to do. But that doesn’t mean the rest of us should shut up. My hospital is Women’s College Hospital. In our culture, decisions are made mutually among the health care team and the patient. The patient is not treated like a thing. The patient is treated like a human being.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Democracy does not mean handing over power carte blanche to some one else. It means allowing people to do their jobs with a system of checks and balances in place. Freedom is not absolute in democracies. There are limits on every freedom.