I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I have been there and it does break the trust, but more so that you will not trust him. Worse then the viewing for porn for me was all the lies. My dh would lie and be so believable. I believed him at first, but then found in the cookies and history that he was still viewing. I would find magazines hidden under the bed and under the sofa. I would even find it in his trumpet case. I also have found it in his car under one of the mats. It is a sickness and he saw how it broke the trust in our marriage and went to weekly confession. I did check up on him for some time. I would inspect his car and his stuff. He knew about it and didn’t say much for he knew he had to regain my trust. I do trust him now, but it took a long time. He has apologized for the porn and also for the lies. He found the website by Steve Woods at www.dads.org. Steve also has an article on that site to the wives. If helped us both to read it. DH read the 12 steps to pornography freedom. He also installed from that site some Bible verses on purity that pops up every time we turn on the computer and he reads them.Hi again, sorry to say that my husband is looking at porn via internet. I caught him once however I believe he has just been deleting it! Does anyone know how to look at the history after it has been deleted? I mean does anyone know how to look at deleted stuff?
It is hard to go through this and I do think that you have the right to check up on him, for he broke the trust in your marriage. I will pray for you for I know it hurts. The feelings you are going through is all painful. I pray also for your husband to see his sin as wrong and be healed from this addiction.
God bless and hang in there. Pray for healing of your broken heart.