Help needed for Makeover - to help in my spiritual journey

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I don’t have any advice that can begin to compare with what you’ve already been give, but I would like to say “you go girl”! I think it’s wonderful that you are working towards taking care of yourself and trying something new with your looks. It also sounds like you’re heading towards some healthy changes in your life. I suspect you’ll find life better as a result of your efforts. Losing weight is perhaps one of the most difficult things we can do, so don’t lose heart if you find it’s tough. Keep at it and know we’re rooting for you!

God Bless,

Thanks for the encouragement. Many of these changes are long overdue. I have a good feeling about my plans too.🙂
Also, working the shift you work could contribute to your hormonal imbalance. We still have biological clocks, even if we continually try to usurp them by working different hours. Is there anyway to switch shifts? If not, that is fine, but perhaps you can try changing your sleep hours (I hope you are getting plenty of rest and drinking plenty of water) so that you can have at least a few hours of sunlight. Walking only 30 minutes a day in the fresh air would be so good for you.

Also, if you DO have PCOS, or even if you don’t…eating a diet rich in whole grains (no white flour, sugar), unsweetened fruits, fresh vegetables and lean meat (chicken or turkey) and unprocessed dairy (cottage cheese) will make you FEEL better. Watching your salt will also help too.

Okay, I will stop with the suggestions. 🙂
More great suggestions, thanks. I live alone (never been married and I have no children) so I really have no excuse for having junk food around. Still, I sometimes give into temptation 😦 . I should start walking and was thinking starting walking that half hour while saying the rosary. Offering it up in prayer seems very motivating to me.

At this time, I can not change my shift, but still make sure to get plenty of sleep during the day. I am looking to make many changes in my life, but think getting my health (physical, emotional and spiritual) in better shape needs to come first. I have been living an unhealthy lifestyle in many ways and with God’s grace am trying to change that.

Part of the unhealthiness included going against the gender God created me as. Some of the details are in other threads, but to make a long story short, I am working on restoring myself to my true self as Rosadel.
when we moved down here in a camper I had given away almost all my work clothes, had one dress for Church. When I went back to work at low salary (for the Church) I kept the usual retired Texana garb of bike shorts and T-shirt (most in brite colors), got a couple of denim or twill jumpers, and calcutta cloth skirts (it is hot here in summer) in navy, khaki, chambray, black, olive, then added a purple jumper for color because i like it. 2 long sleeve “big shirts” in a tailored style to use as jackets, and I am good to go. Have one black dress for funerals. found some athletic shoes by Propet that accomodate orthotics and are in colors that don’t look so, well, white. Have 3 muu-muus which I wear to parties, over shorts, they look dressier, in fabrics that don’t look like a house-dress, and cover a multitude of “too much pizza at youth group”

curves diet and exercise plan is working great for me, except for a couple of weeks off due to arthritis flare-ups, have lost 13 lbs since Jan 1, and stabilized blood sugar. Good luck.
Thanks for the ideas. There are Curves locations near me, but I do need to watch expenses. My budget is ultra tight right now. Exercise is an important part of this process, and I appreciate your (name removed by moderator)ut.
I don’t have much advice to give that the others haven’t already said, and better than I could have.

So I’ll just say that I’m praying for you in your journey!
Thanks, I appreciate your support.
Dear Sister,
God bless you for wanting to make your outward appearance more pleasing to Him. The first step is to accept yourself just as you are this very moment and then to thank God for all that he has given you.

If you want to loose weight, eat lots of Bible food;, i.e. fresh fruits and vegies and eliminate all of the processed “white foods”, such as sugar and white flour. Don’t eat anything after 7:00 P.M. Try to get outdoors and walk at least once every day and take a multi-purpose vitamin once a day.

As for clothing, have you considered finding some pretty fabrics and patterns and then having some pretty clothes made just for you? There are some great patterns in larger sizes.

Stay close to the sacraments and pray, pray, pray. The goodness of your soul will reflect in your eyes and face. My grandmother used to say, “Pretty is as pretty does”.

Your Sister in Christ,
Thanks for the encouragement. I do work nights, Tuesday - Saturday from 9 pm to 5:30 am. I have no idea how to sew anything beyond very crude stitches in socks with holes. I do not know anyone who makes clothes either. I do take a multi-vitamin daily. Taking my sprititual journey more seriously has helped me greatly. Prayer has helped bring me to this point where I am ready to make necessary changes with God’s grace.
Hi Rosa!

You are precious…I’m sure that God is looking at your beautiful soul…not your exterior. That said, we do, as His children, have a responsiblity to take care of ourselves and be the best we can be in all things… 🙂

Princess Abby,
You are remarkable! Such a wealth of knowledge!
I agree w/ another poster… You should start a thread for woman… You could call it “Sister Abby’s Advice on Appearance, Etc,” or AAA w/E:D
Seriously…I mean it! Just think of all those you could help. There are many women who have low esteme due to appearance, etc. and are afraid to ask for help… :twocents:
God Bless,
Hi Rosa!

You are precious…I’m sure that God is looking at your beautiful soul…not your exterior. That said, we do, as His children, have a responsiblity to take care of ourselves and be the best we can be in all things… 🙂

Princess Abby,
You are remarkable! Such a wealth of knowledge!
I agree w/ another poster… You should start a thread for woman… You could call it “Sister Abby’s Advice on Appearance, Etc,” or AAA w/E:D
Seriously…I mean it! Just think of all those you could help. There are many women who have low esteme due to appearance, etc. and are afraid to ask for help… :twocents:
God Bless,
Thanks for the encouragment. I agree that Abby does have really great advice to give. Time for me to head home from work. My shift ended over an hour ago, but this is one of my main sources of internet access (this and the public library).
You already have gotten wonderful advice, so I don’t think there is much I can add on to it. I will say though that I will be praying for you through your journey. Keep us updated. I hope that you stay in touch with the forum.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers everday, God Bless you,

Hi Rosadel,

Please keep us posted on your progress.

You’re in my prayers.

Thanks for the ideas. I like to wear black too but find all black all the time can be kind of depressing, so even now I mix it up with other colors more. As for the lip gloss/chapstick thing, I will look into but it tends to wear off me fast one way or the other (usually me licking my lips).
I had a friend in a high-profile job who always wore black suits, with vividly colored blouses and scarves, and she had one good pair of earrings or piece of jewelry for each one. she was always held up as an example of how to dress, but I know for a fact she got a lot of her clothes at consignment shops.
You mentioned your hair was straight and fine. Can you try growing it out? I’ve always thought Camryn Manheim was one of the most goregous actresses out there. Her long straight hair, in my opinion, helps to slim her plus sized figure.

And I also second the person who suggested watching What Not To Wear. They have a lot of good advice, and it really helps to see how different clothes can make a big difference. Yes, they do shop at expensive stores, but what they are getting are the foundational pieces for the individual to build a wardrobe around. Classic pieces that will last years. You can find the same pieces at a less expensive price (really, who pays $150 for a pair of jeans? I think $20 is too much!), and still have the great foundational pieces.

And for working out–I may catch some slack for suggesting this, but check out the other faiths in your area. There’s a large Jewish community center near me that has an awesome workout facility, and costs barely anything. Your local YWCA might be of use as well. If you’re not sure of the best exercise for you, also look into the local colleges and universities. They oftentimes have exercise training and classes as part of their continuing education series. They may cost more, but it might be worth it to learn some proper exercise techniques that you can then use for free at home. Just something to keep in mind.
Thanks for your responses. I seem to have been bombarded with doubts and temptations the past few days. Though I think it means I am on the right track, some prayers and ideas on how to get through the rough times would be appreciated. For some reason, for example, my hair really started to bother me and I was tempted to chop most of it off again. I have to go (library is closing) but will be back tomorrow. Thanks again, and my prayers are with all of you too.
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