Part 2.
What that really Christ’s intent–to leave an ecclesiastical layer of imperfect humans between us and Him?<<
The priesthood is not “between” us and Him. The ministerial priesthood is composed of men like us. They are a part of us. But God has always been a God of ritual and ceremony. The Catholic priesthood keeps the rituals and sacraments of the new covenant as the Jewish priesthood kept the old covenant rituals. If there is no ministerial priesthood, the abrogation of which, again, is not stated in scripture, then there is no need for the office of Bishops, presbyters, and deacons. Yet, the NT mentions these offices often.
What is the motivation to retain a hint of the barrier that existed under the Law?<<
The barrier is lifted. Both the priestly people and the ministerial priest can approach the altar and receive grace through the Eucharist whereas before, neither could stand in the presence of God who was secluded in the Holy of Holies. Oddly enough, Petra, the only semblance of such a barrier exists in the Protestant world of
Sola Scriptura where they are mentally locked into the “written” word just as the Sadducees accepted the “Torah alone.”
During one of my confessions… but he entirely dismissed my struggle.<<
The priest isn’t perfect. Many people, even St. Faustina, had to search for a good confessor. But just as you may have been disappointed by one priest’s apparent lack of interest, you might just as easily find one who is a Godsend to you the rest of your life. My advice is to stick with it and do your best not to judge the priest. (Deut 17:8-13)
That is what makes the passage in Hebrews 4 so remarkable. Jesus is the high priest, he can perfectly sympathize with our weaknesses and can correctly determine what is overly scrupulous and what is spiritually harmful to us. We can draw near to him, offer a confession, and receive help, mercy, and forgiveness. We are told to hold fast to that confession. So I am. I can’t let go of it.<<
Don’t let go of it. Just remember that when you confess your sins in the presence of the priest, Jesus is the one who is hearing, absolving, forgiving, through the person of His minister. “Where
two or more are gathered in my name, there too will the spirit be.”
Petra, if you got sick you would avail yourself of the abilities of a doctor. If your car broke down, you would accept the help of a trained mechanic. The priest ministers to both you and the Lord. He does not come between us and the Lord. If you have a spiritual ailment, why are you so reluctant to accept the help of one of God’s trained ministers? But getting back to the question of the ministerial priesthood being abolished, again, it does not say that in scripture – but if it were true, certainly Peter or Paul would have said so. The English word priest comes from the Greek Presbyter. The Jewish priests were called Kohan or Kohen in Hebrew.
I have found that at virtually the same time that Christianity made its way to Rome something interesting happened. The newly converted Roman Christians created a Latinized variation of the word presbyter. That word is
praepositos. It means “Priest.” From this Latin word we get the Old English
preost which later became priest. The question here, Petra, is why would the early Christians in Rome create this Latin version of presbyter for priest when the Latin already had a word for priest;
sacerdos? The reason was to separate a Christian Roman priest (
praepositos) from a pagan Roman priest (
If the ministerial priesthood were abolished, certainly Peter or Paul, who evangelized in Rome, would have pointed this out. Time to sign off for now, Petra.