HELP - tradition during honeymoon

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I may be an old fuddy-duddy, but I agree with Coast Guard Wife. There are so many kind things one could do that everyone could remember with fondness. I suspect that the perpetrators will talk for years about all the mean fun, but if I were one of the couple I would remember that friends really can be plain mean. Not all the tricks were that mean, like crickets, bells, saran on the toilet, but when it takes major work to undo a trick it ain’t funny any more.
That’s how I feel, too. I think one or two little things is cute. (I especially like the idea of bells on the bed or painting the inside of a closet with some silly theme.)
I think that you should stick to a general rule of thumb when doing this:

Whatever you do should take 15 minutes or less to take down/ fix etc.

I know several couples who had really unfortunate honeymoons b/c of travel problems/sickness, etc.

While I love your idea just keep it simple. Like cocoa power in the showerhead. Everyone loves a chocolate shower. 😃
Bells on the underside of the bed is a great idea.

Try pouring a few bottles of cheap shampoo in the toilet tank? I hear it works wonders…
In our family, they come home to a couple different choices of meals in the freezer, a tray of cheese, crackers & fruit in the fridge & a favorite wine chilling, with fresh flowers & candles in their room. Likewise for new babies in the family (only more meals in the freezer!!)

While I appreciate the spirit of humor and good fun in other posts, I’d vote for something like above as well–esp. if they are returning from a long trip.
Doesn’t a newly-married couple have enough to do upon return from the honeymoon without having to lug all the kitchenwares from their bedroom & such?

In our family, they come home to a couple different choices of meals in the freezer, a tray of cheese, crackers & fruit in the fridge & a favorite wine chilling, with fresh flowers & candles in their room. Likewise for new babies in the family (only more meals in the freezer!!)

Yup :yup: . I would much prefer this too.

I hope this guys new wife shares your sense of humor. Definately not something I would appreciate after a long trip.
My DH and I would find these kind of things amusing too if we had gotten back from our honeymoon:) I guess our sense of humor is different…

That being said we would hope people would come by the next day to clean up the mess:)
Ok, so just in case the non-related spouse is a grump like some of the previous posters 😛 why not do some nice things (yeah, stock the freezer with some meals, but go ahead and hard boil the eggs while you’re at it) in addition to the jokes?

Remember, this is a family tradition. The bride and groom are *expecting *something, and they may have been in on decorating another sibling’s house previously! You don’t want to disappoint them, having them come home to a fridge with hard boiled eggs and that’s it. They *want *to wade through balloons in the bathroom and such. I don’t think there are more than 2-3 suggestiongs in this whole thread that would take more than 10 minutes to undo (well, except the hardboiled eggs). And no one is planning on dry-walling their doors here.

Besides, what do newlyweds have to do anyway–they presumably don’t have kids yet, and they only have to look out for themselves. I think having a balloon-popping contest in the bathroom would be a fun break from writing thank-you cards all day 😃
On my husband and I’s wedding night a horde of people came over while we were … consecrating? 😉 They were banging on the windows and the walls on our house and eventually found the spare key and let themselves in. So here we were naked and freaked out and still half drunk with all these people swarming into our house just talking to us. They wouldn’t leave our bedroom to let us get dressed.

My husband got up to make them leave so we could put some clothes on and half of them took pictures of him. :rolleyes:

They then kidnapped us to one of their houses to go swimming and sit in a hottub all night. That part was fun. Before they’d left our house though, they took all the lables off all our canned food (NOT FUNNY - by they way when you are on a budget) and they opened every can of wet cat food and hid it around the house under furniture. TeePee’d our house inside and out. And even smoked in our smoke free home. :mad:

I’m all for having fun and pulling pranks but please don’t tamper with people’s food like that. If you must, then please leave some money to replace it with.

We really don’t associate with alot of those people anymore.
On my husband and I’s wedding night a horde of people came over while we were … consecrating? 😉 They were banging on the windows and the walls on our house and eventually found the spare key and let themselves in. So here we were naked and freaked out and still half drunk with all these people swarming into our house just talking to us. They wouldn’t leave our bedroom to let us get dressed.

My husband got up to make them leave so we could put some clothes on and half of them took pictures of him. :rolleyes:

They then kidnapped us to one of their houses to go swimming and sit in a hottub all night. That part was fun. Before they’d left our house though, they took all the lables off all our canned food (NOT FUNNY - by they way when you are on a budget) and they opened every can of wet cat food and hid it around the house under furniture. TeePee’d our house inside and out. And even smoked in our smoke free home. :mad:

I’m all for having fun and pulling pranks but please don’t tamper with people’s food like that. If you must, then please leave some money to replace it with.

We really don’t associate with alot of those people anymore.
I think you mean consumating?😉 And I would have been furious.:mad:
On my husband and I’s wedding night a horde of people came over while we were … consecrating? 😉 They were banging on the windows and the walls on our house and eventually found the spare key and let themselves in. So here we were naked and freaked out and still half drunk with all these people swarming into our house just talking to us. They wouldn’t leave our bedroom to let us get dressed.

My husband got up to make them leave so we could put some clothes on and half of them took pictures of him. :rolleyes:
I would have called the police :mad:
***On my husband and I’s wedding night a horde of people came over while we were … consecrating? 😉 They were banging on the windows and the walls on our house and eventually found the spare key and let themselves in. So here we were naked and freaked out and still half drunk with all these people swarming into our house just talking to us. They wouldn’t leave our bedroom to let us get dressed.

My husband got up to make them leave so we could put some clothes on and half of them took pictures of him. :rolleyes***:

They then kidnapped us to one of their houses to go swimming and sit in a hottub all night. That part was fun. Before they’d left our house though, they took all the lables off all our canned food (NOT FUNNY - by they way when you are on a budget) and they opened every can of wet cat food and hid it around the house under furniture. TeePee’d our house inside and out. And even smoked in our smoke free home. :mad:

I’m all for having fun and pulling pranks but please don’t tamper with people’s food like that. If you must, then please leave some money to replace it with.

We really don’t associate with alot of those people anymore.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

I cannot believe what I just read! If that would have happened to me, there would have been a few people walking around town with my foot up their you know what! That’s just wrong!:dts:

Maybe you should enter one of those contests where you get an all expense paid honeymoon for people who had theirs’ ruined. You would definitely get my vote.😛
On my husband and I’s wedding night a horde of people came over while we were … consecrating? 😉 They were banging on the windows and the walls on our house and eventually found the spare key and let themselves in. So here we were naked and freaked out and still half drunk with all these people swarming into our house just talking to us. They wouldn’t leave our bedroom to let us get dressed.

My husband got up to make them leave so we could put some clothes on and half of them took pictures of him. :rolleyes:

They then kidnapped us to one of their houses to go swimming and sit in a hottub all night. That part was fun. Before they’d left our house though, they took all the lables off all our canned food (NOT FUNNY - by they way when you are on a budget) and they opened every can of wet cat food and hid it around the house under furniture. TeePee’d our house inside and out. And even smoked in our smoke free home. :mad:

I’m all for having fun and pulling pranks but please don’t tamper with people’s food like that. If you must, then please leave some money to replace it with.

We really don’t associate with alot of those people anymore.
fun is fun but I can say some of what they did was not funny at all,I am normally not a vilolent person but people in my bedroom when my wife and I are in there , well I dont worry about people seeing me and they would have found out real fast just how good i am in the martial arts and that is pretty serious cause many would have needed trips to a hospital,

I also totally agree on dont mess with food, its to expensive nowadays.instead of opening cat food they could have used Moth balls to get somewhere near the same effect ( stink up the place)
however thats beyond funny again, I think too many people miss the whole idea of new wed pranks and thats to cost them time.
the woman I love her family very into messing with the “getaway” car while everyone is in the reception, fill with balloons that are tied to the under seat, soap the windows so you have to wash them before leaving, tie the fron doors together ( on a four door)
silly things nothing destructive.I guess one time they even put one car up on jackstands so it was all four tires in the air, and hid the Jack, after 10 mins they went out and undid it for them…but yet time consuming when you trying to make your getaway
Some of these are amusing (L on the bed, bells attached to the box spring, changing the shower curtain, hard boiling eggs, balloons in the bathroom)

…and some make incredibly me grateful that this ‘tradition’ is not celebrated by my or my fiance’s families!

And redtech, I would have been furious in your situation as well. No one has the right to intrude like that into any married couple’s bedroom–and especially not on their wedding night. What a nightmare! This is why no one is going to know where we’re spending our first night together…👍
some of these are pretty hilarious and some are very mean spirited… aside from the ugly, horrid toilet papering of my truck after our reception, I’m glad there wasn’t anything “serious” done to our stuff. (it rained during our reception so there is nothing worse than pulling wet, nasty toilet paper out of your engine and off the other parts of your truck)

redtech… you described a senario where someone would have been looking down the barrel of a double barrel shotgun. That’s just not cool. Heck, I thought it was bad enough that my dang sister in law and maid of honor were in MY apartment when we got home from the reception. Talk about killing any mood ya know?

I’d probably write “Hope you had a good time!” in lipstick on their bathroom mirror while leaving a gift basket of pampering items.

tie dye their bath towels (and now that someone mentioned it… I’d leave them money to buy new ones should they hate the new tie dyed ones).

And knowing me, I’d probably fill up their fridge/freezer and pantry with so much food that they wouldn’t have to go grocery shopping for two months.
This is why no one is going to know where we’re spending our first night together…👍
This is a tradition in our family. No one but the bride’s or groom’s parents know where the couple is spending the night.

Some family members want to do things like redtech mentioned and booking a room that only a couple people know about is a way to stop it.

I would let someone know where you are. If something happens, you want the most responsible set of parents to be able to get in touch with you. That was my parents, since they paid for the room.

A funny with this is that we went to another state to attend a wedding for my cousin. When we were at the reception, we told the bride where we were staying. She couldn’t believe it. It was the same hotel they were staying. 🤷 We weren’t planning on doing anything but getting some sleep after a long drive and a late night, so it really didn’t matter. But it was funny.

On the other hand, when our neighbor got married, we had a key to their house. We wouldn’t let in the sister of the bride, because of what she wanted to do. I am all for balloons in the bathroom, streamers from the ceiling fans, or even hard boiled eggs. But she wanted to mess up the house. It CAN go too far.
This is a tradition in our family. No one but the bride’s or groom’s parents know where the couple is spending the night.

Some family members want to do things like redtech mentioned and booking a room that only a couple people know about is a way to stop it.

I would let someone know where you are. If something happens, you want the most responsible set of parents to be able to get in touch with you. That was my parents, since they paid for the room.

A funny with this is that we went to another state to attend a wedding for my cousin. When we were at the reception, we told the bride where we were staying. She couldn’t believe it. It was the same hotel they were staying. 🤷 We weren’t planning on doing anything but getting some sleep after a long drive and a late night, so it really didn’t matter. But it was funny.

On the other hand, when our neighbor got married, we had a key to their house. We wouldn’t let in the sister of the bride, because of what she wanted to do. I am all for balloons in the bathroom, streamers from the ceiling fans, or even hard boiled eggs. But she wanted to mess up the house. It CAN go too far.
when i got married to my first wife the only people who knew where we were and that was just in case something happened to a family member and they needed to get a hold of us was my older Brother ( best man) and her maid of honor whom was her best friend neither would ever have been a part of frolics but her parents had sworn to “get us” we even though we were being followed and i took some two tracks i knew very well with the lights off lol found out we were being followed rofl and i lost them on the two tracks…sometimes it pays to be a hunter and a hunting guide ( dont guide anymore)
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