Help: what if a non-Christian says doctrine doesn't matter?

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*2 John 1:9 Any one who goes ahead and does not abide in ***** does not have God; he who abides in the doctrine has both the Father and the Son.

Titus 2:1 But as for you, teach what befits sound doctrine.

Romans 16:17 I appeal to you, brethren, to take note of those who create dissensions and difficulties, in opposition to the doctrine which you have been taught

If the Apostles think it matters why wouldn’t these non-Catholic Christians? 🤷
The Gospel was also called” The Way.” In sum, doctrine is “the Way. or about “the Way.” We are supposed to follow Jesus.but since we cannot now see him, how are we to do this except that others tell us, just someone told the Ethiopian.
Hey everyone. Recently I have been trying to evangelize people and tell them about Catholic faith, as well as their Protestant doctrinal errors … But many people tell me that they don’t care because they think the Gospel is to believe in Christ, to acknowledge the sins (and maybe be obedient to Christ’s Commandments) and nothing more. Other doctrines are not so important in terms of influencing the salvation. Therefore, which church one chooses, whether or not one believes in “once saved always saved”, “total depravity”, “unconditional damnation” or other things do not affect salvation. All that matters is to do what Gospel says: to repent, to believe (and maybe to do good works).

What do you guys think? Do you think this can be a good reason for not considering the Catholic Church? Do you think faith in doctrine matters for salvation, or not? All answers are welcome! Thank you!
If teaching is not important, then why do students get a grade? If it isn’t important then why study?

Suppose scientists thought that? If they thought that getting it right was unimportant.

The bible is nothing but teaching. If that were true, then the bible is worth nothing.
And if that is all a person has is the bible, then they have absolutely nothing if teaching is unimportant.

If it is important to be taught principles that are true about life, then it is more important to be taught principles that are true about the next life.

Do we take our car to a mechanic who doesn’t care about how he fixes your car? Just any old way because when he studied mechanics, he didn’t think that teaching mattered.

The lawyer who wins cases paid attention to his teacher on what he said was important.

Did the dentist not care about teachings he was presented with or say that it didn’t matter?

Success depends on following the right teaching, not on any ole thing taught.

Then why take your soul to a spiritual mechanic who doesn’t know what the true teaching is?

What can you expect will happen?

Just a thought.
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