When Peter denied Jesus, did Jesus say OH shoot NOW WHAT! My lead guy, the one I’m giving the keys to my kingdom to, the one I’m building my Church on just denied me. What NOW !
You already know the answer to this.
When Peter denied Jesus, did Jesus say “John, what are you doing here? Why are you and Mary just standing here? I gave Peter the keys, follow him! He is always right and you can never contest his supremacy. Go!”
You already know the answer to this.
Peter was not always right, and when he was at his worst, it would have been foolish to follow him. Why would his successors not suffer from these same problems?
There are times when standing with Peter and his successors could put you on the wrong side of the shadow of the Cross. The schism is not a wrong committed by only one side, and its resolution will only come from a choice on
both parts to step toward union.
When Peter was wrong, he was still part of the Church, but so were those that recognized when he was wrong and called him out on it.
The criticism of the Orthodox faith not being “One” is a bit hypocritical, as it neglects to acknowledge the fact the the Church after the schism no longer had the same character of “Oneness” that it had before the schism.
For the West to act like it was only the East who left or fell away from the “Oneness” while the West did nothing wrong is naive and lacks self reflection.
The Church was “One” before the schism, but since the schism the “Oneness” of BOTH the West and the East has been injured and impaired. Until both lungs of the Church can come together to breath as ONE, then we will continue to be a body that is weaker than it should be.
The “One” Church is not the East. The “One” Church is not the West. The “One” Church is the wounded body whose lungs are both suffering from various respiratory ailments and are not functioning in sync.
Again, I am a Western Catholic. I look towards the Chair of Peter with hope that the men who sit in that Chair will heal this body; that they will unify and heal our Church.
I also recognize the failings of the West as well, and that we cannot expect the East to just come crawling back in subservience without first stepping down from our position of arrogance and superiority to ask for mercy and forgiveness as well.
Division is a choice… on both parts. So is Union