Hi Everyone!
As you can see, I havent been here very long but I think I’m hooked. I have learned alot over the past week alone.
My soon to be x-brother-in-law is on the verge of conversion. (He is in alot of pain from a divorce that seems to be unavoidable)
I’m in a tough place because he makes comments to me that I can’t back up. (Sound familiar)
I believe if God wants to use me to get through to him, he will but I feel somewhat unworthy of the challenge. He was a cradle Catholic but has since left the church (sometime as a teen) His Uncle wrote the book “A Press Conference with God” (I think). It’s an athiest’s view on life in General. Hated it… He loved it.
Now you know what I am dealing with.
Anyway, as stated above he is in alot of pain and he actually came to Church yesterday because he said he’s tried everything else so “why not try this.”
His first child was born out of wed-lock and a priest refused to Baptise her. This was nine years ago and he is still holding a grudge. He’s pissed off at the whole church and says he will never come back because he does not agree with the teachings. When asked what teachings he does not agree with, he always goes back to the Baptism of his little girl (She was baptized in a protetant church)
He says its bull---- that his daughter would go to hell if she wasn’t Baptised and that it would be the Catholic Churches fault if that were true at all because a Catholic Priest denied her Baptism.
What do I say to that?
As you can see, I havent been here very long but I think I’m hooked. I have learned alot over the past week alone.
My soon to be x-brother-in-law is on the verge of conversion. (He is in alot of pain from a divorce that seems to be unavoidable)
I’m in a tough place because he makes comments to me that I can’t back up. (Sound familiar)
I believe if God wants to use me to get through to him, he will but I feel somewhat unworthy of the challenge. He was a cradle Catholic but has since left the church (sometime as a teen) His Uncle wrote the book “A Press Conference with God” (I think). It’s an athiest’s view on life in General. Hated it… He loved it.
Now you know what I am dealing with.
Anyway, as stated above he is in alot of pain and he actually came to Church yesterday because he said he’s tried everything else so “why not try this.”
His first child was born out of wed-lock and a priest refused to Baptise her. This was nine years ago and he is still holding a grudge. He’s pissed off at the whole church and says he will never come back because he does not agree with the teachings. When asked what teachings he does not agree with, he always goes back to the Baptism of his little girl (She was baptized in a protetant church)
He says its bull---- that his daughter would go to hell if she wasn’t Baptised and that it would be the Catholic Churches fault if that were true at all because a Catholic Priest denied her Baptism.
What do I say to that?