Dearest MMurphy,
I hope that I can offer you a perspective. I married a (non-practicing Hindu), a good man, with a deep love and respect for One God. Since he didn’t believe strongly in his ‘religion’, and agreed to let me live my life/raise my children Catholic, we thought it would be easy. e talked and talked about things, and agreed on
everything. (This is very easy to do when you are newly in love and unencumbered with life’s little responsibilities. )We even dated for 4 years because I wanted to make sure that there were no ‘suprises’ concerning his character or behavior.
What I have now is a husband of 14 years who is a loyal and devoted father and husband. He loves his family above all, and has taditional values that I honor. BUT. He does not go to church with us. He spent years ‘silently subverting’ by trying to coax me to stay home with him on Sunday mornings – not overtly, of course. He grumbles about the time I spend taking the children to/teaching RE, and doesn’t see why my oldest has to keep going since he has already made his sacrament of Reconciliation and Communion. He refuses to pray before meals, and tells the kids that it is not necessary because he prays to God always. That God doesn’t care when or how we pray. That following norms and canon laws is ‘cultish’. And of course, he does not believe that Jesus is God.
This causes me to have many many many conversations with my children ‘behind his back’, explaining about Daddy’s circumstances. It is a sword in my heart that we are not united in faith, though my devout parents have said rosaries for his conversion every night for 18 years. (Mom is convinced that he WILL convert, and that he will end up being a fierce warrior for Christ). An even deeper sword in my heart is that, by now knowing yet still rejecting the True Church, his soul is now in danger of eternal Hell. And I feel somewhat responsible for this (ok, MORE than somewhat). I feel guilty for putting him in this position of knowledge/rejection. I feel guilty for somehow not being ‘Cathoic enough’ to show him by example and lead him to the Church and Christ. Though no one knows it, I cannot BEGIN to describe the agony of my soul over this issue that exists in every waking moment. It crushes me moment by moment. I only survive by offering this up to Our Lord and the poor souls on a constant basis.
Thus far, I HAVE been blessed extraordinarily with young children of tremendous faith (ages 5 and 8). They pray for Daddy daily, and never tire in standing tall against his comments and versions of ‘truth’. I even dare to pray for my son to be called to the preisthood, as his spirituality is light years beyond his age (which
must be the work of the Holy Spirit.) All his teachers, both religious and secular, speculate on his religious future – it is a kind of blessing/grace in my constant state of grief over my husband.
Do I despair? Sometimes. I’m human. Do I give up? Never. He is a good man, and I am incredibly blessed to have him. And yet with my blessing comes tremendous suffering (which I hope with all my soul is temporary). All this, with one person who was devout and another that wasn’t. I cannot
imagine trying this with someone who has an opposing view. I say all this to make you think. Would I do it all again? I can’t tell you that now. If, ultimately, my husband converts, then the answer is an unqualified yes. If my children stray from the church - they who God gave me with the responsibility to raise in love and knowledge of Him - then I have obviously failed, and it ‘would be better had I not been born’. Time will tell, and I walk by faith. LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH. No one ever told me this, and I have suffered much to be able to pass this lesson on.
Ultimately, whatever your choice, my prayers are with you. I suggest that you take time and ponder all this in your heart. Take your time to commit as well, as you have your entire life ahead of you. It is so easy to get swept up in new love, but i think EVERY Catholic has an obligation to take their time to discern the true Will of God. God Bless you – and feel free to write if you ever want to talk!