I am trying to talk a young man, about 25 years old, into coming back to the Catholic Church. But he is being so hard headed. I don’t push to hard for fear of him tuning out. He is going to a non-denominational church and keeps trying to get me to go.
It is almost as if he is too immature in his idea of faith for me to teach. To him, it is about the music and how he feels when he leaves church. He left the Catholic Church because he didn’t get anything out of it and a priest made his mother angry. I don’t know what to do. I’ve talked about the Eucharist to him, but he says his church does communion to and it is the same thing (I don’t think he knows what he is talking about here, which is anohter problem—I don’t know if He is being totally honest with himself or me). I’ve tried to tell him that worship is not about how one feels. I’ve given him a “One Church” lecture via email. I have refuted his “I don’t know about purgatory” with a scott hahn tape. Then he tells me that he doesn’t see a difference btw his church and mine, except for the idea of saints. I did my best to explain this position, then gave him a John Martignoni tape. Still no progress. It is almost as if something has to be “cool” for him to accept it. I understand this, because it used to be me. But, I brought myself home (not revert, just wasn’t going to church). He doesn’t like to read. Any advice.
It is almost as if he is too immature in his idea of faith for me to teach. To him, it is about the music and how he feels when he leaves church. He left the Catholic Church because he didn’t get anything out of it and a priest made his mother angry. I don’t know what to do. I’ve talked about the Eucharist to him, but he says his church does communion to and it is the same thing (I don’t think he knows what he is talking about here, which is anohter problem—I don’t know if He is being totally honest with himself or me). I’ve tried to tell him that worship is not about how one feels. I’ve given him a “One Church” lecture via email. I have refuted his “I don’t know about purgatory” with a scott hahn tape. Then he tells me that he doesn’t see a difference btw his church and mine, except for the idea of saints. I did my best to explain this position, then gave him a John Martignoni tape. Still no progress. It is almost as if something has to be “cool” for him to accept it. I understand this, because it used to be me. But, I brought myself home (not revert, just wasn’t going to church). He doesn’t like to read. Any advice.