Here is a Long List of President Donald Trump’s Pro-Life Accomplishments

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Here is a Long List of President Donald Trump’s Pro-Life Accomplishments​


President Trump has kept his promise to the American people to defend innocent human life by repeatedly issuing pro-life statements and proclamations, by building up an Administration that fosters respect for innocent life throughout its agencies and programs, including in how it spends taxpayer dollars, and by taking steps to prevent infringement of religious freedom, conscience, free speech, and the rule of law.

Presidential Statements and Proclamations
“I believe it is the most basic duty of government to guard the innocent. With that in mind, I will veto any legislation that weakens current pro-life Federal policies and laws, or that encourages the destruction of innocent human life at any stage.”
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives — January 18, 2019
“On this day, National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, we mourn the lives cut short, and the tremendous promise lost, as a result of abortion. As a Nation, we must resolve to protect innocent human life at every stage. As President, I am committed to defending the Right to Life.
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Here is a short list of his pro life failures

Abortion for poor little rape babies
Death penalty , this sitting lame-duck President is going to be known for his federal death oenalty record.
Pro-life groups have given Trump an A-plus in what he has done. He has defunded abortion in the United States and overseas.

Trump is the most pro-life president we have had.

Trump did reinstate the Mexico City Policy which will not allow money for overseas abortions. He did way with Title X funding for abortion clinics in the US and he took away the UNFPA Funding for abortions all this abortion funding has been taken away since 2016
President Trump signed a law allowing all states to now defund Planned Parenthood. Trump also did away with Fetal stem cell research at NIH.
Under previous Republican administrations, the restrictions in the Mexico City Policy applied specifically to US family planning funds, **approximately US$575 millions > Trump’s policy extends restrictions to an estimated $8.8 billion in US global health assistance
Under this rule, that group must now choose between losing its US funding—slashing its operating budget in half— or restricting or cutting its reproductive health programs
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Trump is the most pro-life president we have had.

Here are more specific pro-life actions taken by President Trump:
  • almost 300 Judges appointed, most who support life and freedom, and who oppose abortion
  • Trump Administration strengthened enforcement of federal laws protecting conscience rights of health care workers who refuse to participate in abortion.
  • ended President Obama’s fornication-promoting $100 million per year sex-education program
  • established “Right to Try”, where those with terminal illness have right to attempt experimental drugs in hope of cure
  • gave veterans right to avoid long wait times in VA by granting right to choose another health care provider
  • took action against California & others for violating conscience protections
  • created new Office for Conscience Protection at HHS
  • PRO-LIFE women’s health centers now receive funds previously earmarked for Planned Parenthood ($60 million) in Title X.
  • Executive Order to protect babies born during botched abortions
  • urged Congress to pass Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (to stop abortions after 20 weeks, when babies feel pain) but Democrat Senators voted 42-2 against it (Republican Senators voted 51 to 2 in favor of voting to prevent abortions after 20 weeks)
  • eliminated tax dollars given to abortion providers throughout world by not only reinstating, but also expanding the Mexico City Policy
  • stopped Obamacare’s abortifacient coverage forced upon churches & other Christian businesses
  • withdrew U.S. funding from abortion-promoting UN Population Fund
  • appointed cabinet of many pro-life leaders
  • allows states to defund Planned Parenthood of Medicaid funds
  • defunded Pro-Abortion UNFPA which has been complicit in China’s forced birth control and abortion
  • permitted Texas to fund health program that does not send funds to abortion businesses
  • named 33 members to his council of Catholic advisors that include pro-life leaders like Janet Morana and Marjorie Dannenfelser
  • was the first President to appear at the March For Life
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